• Thomas Wouters's avatar
    Spelling fixes supplied by Rob W. W. Hooft. All these are fixes in either · 7e474022
    Thomas Wouters yazdı
    comments, docstrings or error messages. I fixed two minor things in
    test_winreg.py ("didn't" -> "Didn't" and "Didnt" -> "Didn't").
    There is a minor style issue involved: Guido seems to have preferred English
    grammar (behaviour, honour) in a couple places. This patch changes that to
    American, which is the more prominent style in the source. I prefer English
    myself, so if English is preferred, I'd be happy to supply a patch myself ;)
tkColorChooser.py 1.63 KB
# Instant Python
# $Id$
# tk common colour chooser dialogue
# this module provides an interface to the native color dialogue
# available in Tk 4.2 and newer.
# written by Fredrik Lundh, May 1997
# fixed initialcolor handling in August 1998

# options (all have default values):
# - initialcolor: colour to mark as selected when dialog is displayed
#   (given as an RGB triplet or a Tk color string)
# - parent: which window to place the dialog on top of
# - title: dialog title

from tkCommonDialog import Dialog

# color chooser class

class Chooser(Dialog):
    "Ask for a color"

    command = "tk_chooseColor"

    def _fixoptions(self):
            # make sure initialcolor is a tk color string
            color = self.options["initialcolor"]
            if type(color) == type(()):
                # assume an RGB triplet
                self.options["initialcolor"] = "#%02x%02x%02x" % color
        except KeyError:

    def _fixresult(self, widget, result):
        # to simplify application code, the color chooser returns
        # an RGB tuple together with the Tk color string
        if not result:
            return None, None # canceled
        r, g, b = widget.winfo_rgb(result)
        return (r/256, g/256, b/256), result

# convenience stuff

def askcolor(color = None, **options):
    "Ask for a color"

    if color:
        options = options.copy()
        options["initialcolor"] = color

    return apply(Chooser, (), options).show()

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# test stuff

if __name__ == "__main__":

    print "color", askcolor()