#! /usr/bin/env python
""" Simple test script for cmathmodule.c
Roger E. Masse
import cmath
from test.test_support import verbose
testdict = {'acos' : 1.0,
'acosh' : 1.0,
'asin' : 1.0,
'asinh' : 1.0,
'atan' : 0.2,
'atanh' : 0.2,
'cos' : 1.0,
'cosh' : 1.0,
'exp' : 1.0,
'log' : 1.0,
'log10' : 1.0,
'sin' : 1.0,
'sinh' : 1.0,
'sqrt' : 1.0,
'tan' : 1.0,
'tanh' : 1.0}
for func in testdict.keys():
f = getattr(cmath, func)
r = f(testdict[func])
if verbose:
print 'Calling %s(%f) = %f' % (func, testdict[func], abs(r))
p = cmath.pi
e = cmath.e
if verbose:
print 'PI = ', abs(p)
print 'E = ', abs(e)
Barry Warsaw yazdı
imports e.g. test_support must do so using an absolute package name such as "import test.test_support" or "from test import test_support". This also updates the README in Lib/test, and gets rid of the duplicate data dirctory in Lib/test/data (replaced by Lib/email/test/data). Now Tim and Jack can have at it. :)