• Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
    M Bindings.py · 8e92bf76
    Kurt B. Kaiser yazdı
    M EditorWindow.py
    M NEWS.txt
    M config-main.def
    M configDialog.py
    M configHandler.py
    M configHelpSourceEdit.py
    M configSectionNameDialog.py
    - Change default: IDLE now starts with Python Shell.
    - Removed the File Path from the Additional Help Sources scrolled list.
    - Add capability to access Additional Help Sources on the web if the
      Help File Path begins with //http or www.  (Otherwise local path is
      validated, as before.)
    - Additional Help Sources were not being posted on the Help menu in the
      order entered.  Implement sorting the list by [HelpFiles] 'option'
    - Add Browse button to New Help Source dialog.  Arrange to start in
      Python/Doc if platform is Windows, otherwise start in current directory.
    - Put the Additional Help Sources directly on the Help menu instead of in
      an Extra Help cascade menu.  Rearrange the Help menu so the Additional
      Help Sources come last.  Update help.txt appropriately.
    - Fix Tk root pop-ups in configSectionNameDialog.py  and configDialog.py
config-main.def 2.22 KB