• Jack Jansen's avatar
    Mac version of freeze. Uses standard freeze modules where it can, · 144fa678
    Jack Jansen yazdı
    augmenting them here and there. For now, it works more-or-less similar
    to unix/windows freeze, generating a config.c file, but storing
    modules in PYC resources. A template project is also copied.
    The hooks are in place to freeze by merging shared libraries so you
    can freeze without a C compiler/linker, but this does not work yet.
macgen_info.py 231 Bytes
"""macgen_info - Generate informational output"""

def generate(output, module_dict):
	for name in module_dict.keys():
		print 'Include %-20s\t'%name,
		module = module_dict[name]
		print module.gettype(), '\t', `module`
	return 0