• Benjamin Peterson's avatar
    Merged revisions 68197 via svnmerge from · 8bcddcab
    Benjamin Peterson yazdı
      r68197 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-03 10:34:02 -0600 (Sat, 03 Jan 2009) | 55 lines
      Merged revisions 67900-67901,67919,67928,67984,67991-67993,68106-68108,68110 via svnmerge from
        r67900 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-22 14:02:45 -0600 (Mon, 22 Dec 2008) | 4 lines
        fix_execfile: wrap the open(fn).read() call in compile(), so the filename is preserved
        also add unittests for the fixer
        r67901 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-22 14:09:55 -0600 (Mon, 22 Dec 2008) | 1 line
        remove unused import
        r67919 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-23 13:12:22 -0600 (Tue, 23 Dec 2008) | 1 line
        copy permission bits from the backup to the original
        r67928 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-26 20:49:30 -0600 (Fri, 26 Dec 2008) | 1 line
        don't be so idiot about multiple local imports in fix_import; still won't handle absolute and local imports on the same line
        r67984 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-28 09:55:16 -0600 (Sun, 28 Dec 2008) | 1 line
        don't need loop
        r67991 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-28 14:30:26 -0600 (Sun, 28 Dec 2008) | 1 line
        actually call finish_tree()
        r67992 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-28 14:34:47 -0600 (Sun, 28 Dec 2008) | 1 line
        remove useless test
        r67993 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-28 15:04:32 -0600 (Sun, 28 Dec 2008) | 1 line
        update pyk3's test grammar
        r68106 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-31 11:53:58 -0600 (Wed, 31 Dec 2008) | 1 line
        #2734 don't convert every instance of long (eg if it's an attribute)
        r68107 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-31 11:55:10 -0600 (Wed, 31 Dec 2008) | 1 line
        add another test
        r68108 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-31 12:00:12 -0600 (Wed, 31 Dec 2008) | 1 line
        don't change long even if it's the only argument name
        r68110 | benjamin.peterson | 2008-12-31 14:13:26 -0600 (Wed, 31 Dec 2008) | 1 line
        remove unused import
fix_execfile.py 1.93 KB
# Copyright 2006 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.

"""Fixer for execfile.

This converts usages of the execfile function into calls to the built-in
exec() function.

from .. import fixer_base
from ..fixer_util import (Comma, Name, Call, LParen, RParen, Dot, Node,
                          ArgList, String, syms)

class FixExecfile(fixer_base.BaseFix):

    PATTERN = """
    power< 'execfile' trailer< '(' arglist< filename=any [',' globals=any [',' locals=any ] ] > ')' > >
    power< 'execfile' trailer< '(' filename=any ')' > >

    def transform(self, node, results):
        assert results
        filename = results["filename"]
        globals = results.get("globals")
        locals = results.get("locals")

        # Copy over the prefix from the right parentheses end of the execfile
        # call.
        execfile_paren = node.children[-1].children[-1].clone()
        # Construct open().read().
        open_args = ArgList([filename.clone()], rparen=execfile_paren)
        open_call = Node(syms.power, [Name("open"), open_args])
        read = [Node(syms.trailer, [Dot(), Name('read')]),
                Node(syms.trailer, [LParen(), RParen()])]
        open_expr = [open_call] + read
        # Wrap the open call in a compile call. This is so the filename will be
        # preserved in the execed code.
        filename_arg = filename.clone()
        filename_arg.set_prefix(" ")
        exec_str = String("'exec'", " ")
        compile_args = open_expr + [Comma(), filename_arg, Comma(), exec_str]
        compile_call = Call(Name("compile"), compile_args, "")
        # Finally, replace the execfile call with an exec call.
        args = [compile_call]
        if globals is not None:
            args.extend([Comma(), globals.clone()])
        if locals is not None:
            args.extend([Comma(), locals.clone()])
        return Call(Name("exec"), args, prefix=node.get_prefix())