• Michael W. Hudson's avatar
    Backport: · d1bb7550
    Michael W. Hudson yazdı
    2002/08/11 12:23:04 lemburg Python/bltinmodule.c 2.262
    2002/08/11 12:23:04 lemburg Objects/unicodeobject.c 2.162
    2002/08/11 12:23:03 lemburg Misc/NEWS 1.461
    2002/08/11 12:23:03 lemburg Lib/test/test_unicode.py 1.65
    2002/08/11 12:23:03 lemburg Include/unicodeobject.h 2.39
    Add C API PyUnicode_FromOrdinal() which exposes unichr() at C level.
    u'%c' will now raise a ValueError in case the argument is an
    integer outside the valid range of Unicode code point ordinals.
    Closes SF bug #593581.
unicodeobject.h 39.4 KB