Kaydet (Commit) 0001a119 authored tarafından Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Fix bug in trace_vdelete(); should use master's delete command.

üst 2fc4d581
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class Variable:
trace = trace_variable
def trace_vdelete(self, mode, cbname):
self._tk.call("trace", "vdelete", self._name, mode, cbname)
def trace_vinfo(self):
return map(self._tk.split, self._tk.splitlist(
self._tk.call("trace", "vinfo", self._name)))
......@@ -1134,6 +1134,7 @@ class Canvas(Widget):
return self.tk.getdouble(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'canvasy', screeny, gridspacing))
def coords(self, *args):
# XXX Should use _flatten on args
return map(self.tk.getdouble,
self.tk.splitlist(self._do('coords', args)))
def _create(self, itemType, args, kw): # Args: (val, val, ..., cnf={})
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