bpo-28604: Fix localeconv() for different LC_MONETARY (GH-10606)
locale.localeconv() now sets temporarily the LC_CTYPE locale to the LC_MONETARY locale if the two locales are different and monetary strings are non-ASCII. This temporary change affects other threads. Changes: * locale.localeconv() can now set LC_CTYPE to LC_MONETARY to decode monetary fields. * Add LocaleInfo.grouping_buffer: copy localeconv() grouping string since it can be replaced anytime if a different thread calls localeconv(). * _Py_GetLocaleconvNumeric() now requires a "struct lconv *" structure, so locale.localeconv() now longer calls localeconv() twice. Moreover, the function now requires all arguments to be non-NULL. * Rename STATIC_LOCALE_INFO_INIT to LocaleInfo_STATIC_INIT. * Move _Py_GetLocaleconvNumeric() definition from fileutils.h to pycore_fileutils.h. pycore_fileutils.h now includes locale.h. * The _locale module is now built with Py_BUILD_CORE defined.
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