Kaydet (Commit) 035a07e2 authored tarafından Jeremy Hylton's avatar Jeremy Hylton

add some more contains tests on the builtin types

üst 638ae9d0
......@@ -119,3 +119,50 @@ try:
check(0, "u'ab' in 'abc' did not raise error")
except TypeError:
# A collection of tests on builtin sequence types
a = range(10)
for i in a:
check(i in a, "%s not in %s" % (`i`, `a`))
check(16 not in a, "16 not in %s" % `a`)
check(a not in a, "%s not in %s" % (`a`, `a`))
a = tuple(a)
for i in a:
check(i in a, "%s not in %s" % (`i`, `a`))
check(16 not in a, "16 not in %s" % `a`)
check(a not in a, "%s not in %s" % (`a`, `a`))
class Deviant1:
"""Behaves strangely when compared
This class is designed to make sure that the contains code
works when the list is modified during the check.
aLongList = range(15)
aShortList = range(5)
aList = aLongList
def __cmp__(self, other):
if other == 12:
self.aList = self.aShortList
return 1
check(Deviant1() not in Deviant1.aList, "Deviant1 failed")
class Deviant2:
"""Behaves strangely when compared
This class raises an exception during comparison. That in
turn causes the comparison to fail with a TypeError.
def __cmp__(self, other):
if other == 4:
raise RuntimeError, "gotcha"
check(Deviant2() not in a, "oops")
except TypeError:
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