Kaydet (Commit) 0d7cba86 authored tarafından Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

New standard modules for the mac.

üst 599f0d1c
# MACTCP - event codes for the mactcp module
# UDP asr event codes
UDPDataArrival=1 # A datagram has arrived
UDPICMPReceived=2 # An ICMP error was received
# TCP asr event codes
TCPClosing=1 # All incoming data has been received and read.
TCPULPTimeout=2 # No response from remote process.
TCPTerminate=3 # Connection terminated. Has a detail parameter.
TCPDataArrival=4 # Data has arrived (and no Rcv call is outstanding)
TCPUrgent=5 # Urgent data is outstanding
TCPICMPReceived=6 # An ICMP error was received
PassiveOpenDone=32766 # (python only) a PassiveOpen has completed.
# TCP termination reasons
# MacTCP/DNR errors
ipBadLapErr = -23000 # bad network configuration
ipBadCnfgErr = -23001 # bad IP configuration error
ipNoCnfgErr = -23002 # missing IP or LAP configuration error
ipLoadErr = -23003 # error in MacTCP load
ipBadAddr = -23004 # error in getting address
connectionClosing = -23005 # connection is closing
invalidLength = -23006
connectionExists = -23007 # request conflicts with existing connection
connectionDoesntExist = -23008 # connection does not exist
insufficientResources = -23009 # insufficient resources to perform request
invalidStreamPtr = -23010
streamAlreadyOpen = -23011
connectionTerminated = -23012
invalidBufPtr = -23013
invalidRDS = -23014
invalidWDS = -23014
openFailed = -23015
commandTimeout = -23016
duplicateSocket = -23017
# Error codes from internal IP functions
ipDontFragErr = -23032 # Packet too large to send w/o fragmenting
ipDestDeadErr = -23033 # destination not responding
icmpEchoTimeoutErr = -23035 # ICMP echo timed-out
ipNoFragMemErr = -23036 # no memory to send fragmented pkt
ipRouteErr = -23037 # can't route packet off-net
nameSyntaxErr = -23041
cacheFault = -23042
noResultProc = -23043
noNameServer = -23044
authNameErr = -23045
noAnsErr = -23046
dnrErr = -23047
outOfMemory = -23048
ipBadLapErr = -23000 # bad network configuration
ipBadCnfgErr = -23001 # bad IP configuration error
ipNoCnfgErr = -23002 # missing IP or LAP configuration error
ipLoadErr = -23003 # error in MacTCP load
ipBadAddr = -23004 # error in getting address
connectionClosing = -23005 # connection is closing
invalidLength = -23006
connectionExists = -23007 # request conflicts with existing connection
connectionDoesntExist = -23008 # connection does not exist
insufficientResources = -23009 # insufficient resources to perform request
invalidStreamPtr = -23010
streamAlreadyOpen = -23011
connectionTerminated = -23012
invalidBufPtr = -23013
invalidRDS = -23014
invalidWDS = -23014
openFailed = -23015
commandTimeout = -23016
duplicateSocket = -23017
# Error codes from internal IP functions
ipDontFragErr = -23032 # Packet too large to send w/o fragmenting
ipDestDeadErr = -23033 # destination not responding
icmpEchoTimeoutErr = -23035 # ICMP echo timed-out
ipNoFragMemErr = -23036 # no memory to send fragmented pkt
ipRouteErr = -23037 # can't route packet off-net
nameSyntaxErr = -23041
cacheFault = -23042
noResultProc = -23043
noNameServer = -23044
authNameErr = -23045
noAnsErr = -23046
dnrErr = -23047
outOfMemory = -23048
# socket.py for mac - Emulate socket module with mactcp and macdnr
# Jack Jansen, CWI, November 1994
import mactcp
import MACTCP
import macdnr
import sys
# Constants
_myerror = 'socket_wrapper.error'
error = (mactcp.error, macdnr.error, _myerror)
# Internal constants
_BUFSIZE=4096 # Size of tcp/udp input buffer
_connectionClosing=-42 # XXXX
def _myipaddress():
global _myaddress
if _myaddress == None:
_myaddress = mactcp.IPAddr()
return _myaddress
def _ipaddress(str):
if type(str) == type(1):
return str # Already numeric
ptr = macdnr.StrToAddr(str)
return ptr.ip0
def gethostbyname(str):
id = _ipaddress(str)
return macdnr.AddrToStr(id)
def gethostname():
global _myname
if _myname == None:
id = _myipaddress()
ptr = macdnr.AddrToName(id)
_myname = ptr.cname
return _myname
def _gethostaddress():
global _myaddrstr
if _myaddrstr == None:
id = _myipaddress()
_myaddrstr = macdnr.AddrToStr(id)
return _myaddrstr
def socket(family, type, *which):
if family <> AF_INET:
raise my_error, 'Protocol family not supported'
if type == SOCK_DGRAM:
return _udpsocket()
elif type == SOCK_STREAM:
return _tcpsocket()
raise my_error, 'Protocol type not supported'
def fromfd(*args):
raise my_error, 'Operation not supported on a mac'
class _socket:
def accept(self, *args):
raise my_error, 'Operation not supported on this socket'
bind = accept
close = accept
connect = accept
fileno = accept
getpeername = accept
getsockname = accept
getsockopt = accept
listen = accept
recv = accept
recvfrom = accept
send = accept
sendto = accept
setblocking = accept
setsockopt = accept
shutdown = accept
class _tcpsocket(_socket):
def __init__(self):
self.stream = mactcp.TCPCreate(_BUFSIZE)
##self.stream.asr = self.asr
self.databuf = ''
self.udatabuf = ''
self.port = 0
self.accepted = 0
self.listening = 0
def accept(self):
if not self.listening:
raise my_error, 'Not listening'
self.listening = 0
self.accepted = 1
return self, self.getsockname()
def bind(self, host, port):
self.port = port
def close(self):
if self.accepted:
self.accepted = 0
def connect(self, host, port):
self.stream.ActiveOpen(self.port, _ipaddress(host), port)
def getsockname(self):
st = self.stream.Status()
host = macdnr.AddrToStr(st.localHost)
return host, st.localPort
def getpeername(self):
st = self.stream.Status()
host = macdnr.AddrToStr(st.remoteHost)
return host, st.remotePort
def listen(self, backlog):
self.listening = 1
def makefile(self, rw):
return _socketfile(self)
def recv(self, bufsize, flags=0):
if flags:
raise my_error, 'recv flags not yet supported on mac'
if not self.databuf:
self.databuf, urg, mark = self.stream.Rcv(0)
if not self.databuf:
print '** socket: no data!'
print '** recv: got ', len(self.databuf)
except mactcp.error, arg:
if arg[0] != MACTCP.connectionClosing:
raise mactcp.error, arg
rv = self.databuf[:bufsize]
self.databuf = self.databuf[bufsize:]
return rv
def send(self, buf):
return len(buf)
def shutdown(self, how):
if how == 0:
def bytes_readable(self):
st = self.stream.Status()
return st.amtUnreadData
def bytes_writeable(self):
st = self.stream.Status()
return st.sendWindow - st.sendUnacked;
class _udpsocket(_socket):
def __init__(self):
class _socketfile:
def __init__(self, sock):
self.sock = sock
self.buf = ''
def read(self, *arg):
if arg:
length = arg
length = 0x7fffffff
while len(self.buf) < length:
new = self.sock.recv(0x7fffffff)
if not new:
self.buf = self.buf + new
rv = self.buf[:length]
self.buf = self.buf[length:]
return rv
def readline(self):
import string
while not '\n' in self.buf:
new = self.sock.recv(0x7fffffff)
if not new:
self.buf = self.buf + new
if not '\n' in self.buf:
rv = self.buf
self.buf = ''
i = string.index(self.buf, '\n')
rv = self.buf[:i+1]
self.buf = self.buf[i+1:]
print '** Readline:',self, `rv`
return rv
def write(self, buf):
def close(self):
del self.sock
def __test_tcp():
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect('poseidon.cwi.nl', 13)
rv = s.recv(1000)
print 'Time/date:', rv
rv = s.recv(1000)
if rv:
print 'Unexpected extra data:', rv
def __test_udp():
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
print 'Sending data... (hello world)'
s.sendto(('poseidon.cwi.nl', 7), 'hello world')
rv, host = s.recvfrom(1000)
print 'Got from ', host, ':', rv
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