Kaydet (Commit) 117dbdf4 authored tarafından Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Added an optional file with MacErrors.h extensions: IC errors aren't in there.

Bugfix candidate.
üst 44c4c6db
/* Errors from InternetConfig.h */
icPrefNotFoundErr = -666, /* Internet preference not found */
icPermErr = -667, /* cannot set preference */
icPrefDataErr = -668, /* problem with preference data */
icInternalErr = -669, /* Internet Config internal error */
icTruncatedErr = -670, /* more data was present than was returned */
icNoMoreWritersErr = -671, /* you cannot begin a write session because someone else is already doing it */
icNothingToOverrideErr = -672, /* no component for the override component to capture */
icNoURLErr = -673, /* no URL found */
icConfigNotFoundErr = -674, /* no internet configuration was found */
icConfigInappropriateErr = -675, /* incorrect manufacturer code */
icProfileNotFoundErr = -676, /* profile not found */
icTooManyProfilesErr = -677 /* too many profiles in database */
......@@ -123,6 +123,12 @@ def main():
parse_errors_h(fp, dict)
fss, ok = macfs.PromptGetFile("Where is mkestrres-MacErrors.h?")
if not ok: return
fp = open(fss.as_pathname())
parse_errors_h(fp, dict)
if not dict:
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