Kaydet (Commit) 14b1b486 authored tarafından Vinay Sajip's avatar Vinay Sajip

Fixes #25097: Merged fix from 3.5.

......@@ -58,14 +58,10 @@ try:
except ImportError:
threading = None
import win32evtlog
import win32evtlog, win32evtlogutil, pywintypes
except ImportError:
win32evtlog = None
import win32evtlogutil
except ImportError:
win32evtlogutil = None
win32evtlog = None
win32evtlog = win32evtlogutil = pywintypes = None
import zlib
except ImportError:
......@@ -4128,13 +4124,19 @@ for when, exp in (('S', 1),
setattr(TimedRotatingFileHandlerTest, "test_compute_rollover_%s" % when, test_compute_rollover)
@unittest.skipUnless(win32evtlog, 'win32evtlog/win32evtlogutil required for this test.')
@unittest.skipUnless(win32evtlog, 'win32evtlog/win32evtlogutil/pywintypes required for this test.')
class NTEventLogHandlerTest(BaseTest):
def test_basic(self):
logtype = 'Application'
elh = win32evtlog.OpenEventLog(None, logtype)
num_recs = win32evtlog.GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(elh)
h = logging.handlers.NTEventLogHandler('test_logging')
h = logging.handlers.NTEventLogHandler('test_logging')
except pywintypes.error as e:
if e[0] == 5: # access denied
raise unittest.SkipTest('Insufficient privileges to run test')
r = logging.makeLogRecord({'msg': 'Test Log Message'})
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