Kaydet (Commit) 173ff4a5 authored tarafından Cooper Lees's avatar Cooper Lees Kaydeden (comit) Łukasz Langa

bpo-30897: Add is_mount() to pathlib.Path (#2669)

* Add in is_mount() call to pathlib.Path similiar to os.path.ismount(path)
* Add tests for is_mount()
üst 9eef9e80
......@@ -1329,6 +1329,27 @@ class Path(PurePath):
# (see https://bitbucket.org/pitrou/pathlib/issue/12/)
return False
def is_mount(self):
Check if this path is a POSIX mount point
# Need to exist and be a dir
if not self.exists() or not self.is_dir():
return False
parent = Path(self.parent)
parent_dev = parent.stat().st_dev
except OSError:
return False
dev = self.stat().st_dev
if dev != parent_dev:
return True
ino = self.stat().st_ino
parent_ino = parent.stat().st_ino
return ino == parent_ino
def is_symlink(self):
Whether this path is a symbolic link.
......@@ -1416,3 +1437,6 @@ class WindowsPath(Path, PureWindowsPath):
def group(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Path.group() is unsupported on this system")
def is_mount(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Path.is_mount() is unsupported on this system")
......@@ -1880,6 +1880,18 @@ class _BasePathTest(object):
self.assertFalse((P / 'linkB').is_file())
self.assertFalse((P/ 'brokenLink').is_file())
def test_is_mount(self):
P = self.cls(BASE)
R = self.cls('/') # TODO: Work out windows
self.assertFalse((P / 'fileA').is_mount())
self.assertFalse((P / 'dirA').is_mount())
self.assertFalse((P / 'non-existing').is_mount())
self.assertFalse((P / 'fileA' / 'bah').is_mount())
if support.can_symlink():
self.assertFalse((P / 'linkA').is_mount())
def test_is_symlink(self):
P = self.cls(BASE)
self.assertFalse((P / 'fileA').is_symlink())
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