Kaydet (Commit) 19fab761 authored tarafından Brett Cannon's avatar Brett Cannon

Have configure raise an error when building on AtheOS. Code specific to AtheOS

will be removed in Python 2.7.
üst 25497a1f
......@@ -868,6 +868,8 @@ Tools/Demos
- Stop supporting AtheOS and cause a build error in configure for the platform.
- Bug #1655392: don't add -L/usr/lib/pythonX.Y/config to the LDFLAGS
returned by python-config if Python was built with --enable-shared
because that prevented the shared library from being used.
......@@ -669,7 +669,11 @@ Cygwin: With recent (relative to the time of writing, 2001-12-19)
News regarding these platforms with more recent Cygwin
versions would be appreciated!
AtheOS: From Octavian Cerna <tavy at ylabs.com>:
AtheOS: Official support has been stopped as of Python 2.6. All code will be
removed in Python 2.7 unless a maintainer steps forward for this
From Octavian Cerna <tavy at ylabs.com>:
Before building:
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ AC_AIX
# Check for unsupported systems
case $ac_sys_system/$ac_sys_release in
echo This system \($ac_sys_system/$ac_sys_release\) is no longer supported.
echo See README for details.
exit 1;;
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