Kaydet (Commit) 1dcc2440 authored tarafından Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Reorg TO DO list.

Run rlog commands as pipe so we can cgi.escape(output).
Added self.escape(), like cgi.escape() but also escapes " -- for use
as double-quoted attribute values inside HTML tags.
Fix complains from Mark Lutz: HTTP_HOST is not always set.
üst a0e9a6d3
......@@ -6,19 +6,29 @@ this file as a string constant.
XXX User Features TO DO
- next/prev/index links in do_show?
- customize rcs command pathnames
- explanation of editing somewhere
- various embellishments, GIFs, crosslinks, hints, etc.
- embellishments, GIFs, crosslinks, hints, etc.
- make references to other Q's and whole sections into links
- support adding annotations, too
XXX Management Features TO DO
- create new sections
- rearrange entries
- delete entries
- send email on changes
- send email on changes?
- send email on ERRORS!
- optional staging of entries until reviewed?
- freeze entries
- username/password for editors
- Change references to other Q's and whole sections
- support adding annotations, too
- username/password for authors
- read section titles from a file (could be a Python file: import faqcustom)
XXX Code organization TO DO
- customize rcs command pathnames (and everything else)
- make it more generic (so you can create your own FAQ)
- more OO structure, e.g. add a class representing one FAQ entry
......@@ -27,7 +37,6 @@ XXX TO DO
NAMEPAT = "faq??.???.htp"
NAMEREG = "^faq\([0-9][0-9]\)\.\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)\.htp$"
# Like so many other things, this should come from a file.
"1": "General information and availability",
"2": "Python in the real world",
......@@ -377,8 +386,11 @@ class FAQServer:
self.prologue("Info for %s" % name)
print '<PRE>'
os.system("/depot/gnu/plat/bin/rlog -r %s </dev/null 2>&1" % self.name)
p = os.popen("/depot/gnu/plat/bin/rlog -r %s </dev/null 2>&1" %
output = p.read()
print cgi.escape(output)
print '</PRE>'
print '<A HREF="faq.py?req=rlog&name=%s">View full rcs log</A>' % name
......@@ -390,8 +402,10 @@ class FAQServer:
self.prologue("RCS log for %s" % name)
print '<PRE>'
os.system("/depot/gnu/plat/bin/rlog %s </dev/null 2>&1" % self.name)
p = os.popen("/depot/gnu/plat/bin/rlog %s </dev/null 2>&1" % self.name)
output = p.read()
print cgi.escape(output)
print '</PRE>'
def checkin(self):
......@@ -508,8 +522,12 @@ class FAQServer:
value = "%s;%s" % (author, email)
import urllib
value = urllib.quote(value)
hostname = os.environ['HTTP_HOST']
except KeyError:
hostname = os.environ['SERVER_NAME']
print "Set-Cookie: %s=%s; path=/cgi-bin/;" % (name, value),
print "domain=%s;" % os.environ['HTTP_HOST'],
print "domain=%s;" % hostname,
print "expires=Sat, 01-Jan-2000 00:00:00 GMT"
def get_cookie(self):
......@@ -541,7 +559,7 @@ class FAQServer:
email = email or e
print """
Title: <INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=70 NAME=title VALUE="%s"><BR>
<TEXTAREA COLS=80 ROWS=20 NAME=text>""" % title
<TEXTAREA COLS=80 ROWS=20 NAME=text>""" % self.escape(title)
print cgi.escape(string.strip(text))
print """</TEXTAREA>
......@@ -553,7 +571,19 @@ class FAQServer:
Log message (reason for the change):<BR>
""" % (author, email, self.log)
""" % (self.escape(author), self.escape(email), self.escape(self.log))
def escape(self, s):
import regsub
if '&' in s:
s = regsub.gsub("&", "&amp;", s) # Must be done first!
if '<' in s:
s = regsub.gsub("<", "&lt;", s)
if '>' in s:
s = regsub.gsub(">", "&gt;", s)
if '"' in s:
s = regsub.gsub('"', "&quot;", s)
return s
def showheaders(self, headers):
print "<UL>"
......@@ -709,9 +739,9 @@ class FAQServer:
i = j
url = prog.group(0)
while url[-1] in ");:,.?":
while url[-1] in ");:,.?'\"":
url = url[:-1]
url = cgi.escape(url)
url = self.escape(url)
if ':' in url:
repl = '<A HREF="%s">%s</A>' % (url, url)
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