Kaydet (Commit) 2be85823 authored tarafından Barry Warsaw's avatar Barry Warsaw

__init__(): Removed initialcolor keyword.

show(): added color keyword here so that the selected color can be
chosen on each invocation of askcolor().

Also fixed this class, and askcolor() so that the same Chooser
instance can be re-used instead of creating a new one on each
invocation of askcolor().

Added a module function save() which can be used to explicitly save
the option database in ~/.pynche.  This does not happen automatically
when used as a modal.
üst f72d580d
......@@ -10,33 +10,41 @@ class Chooser:
"""Ask for a color"""
def __init__(self,
master = None,
initialcolor = None,
databasefile = None,
initfile = None,
ignore = None,
wantspec = None):
self.__master = master
self.__initialcolor = initialcolor
self.__databasefile = databasefile
self.__initfile = initfile or os.path.expanduser('~/.pynche')
self.__ignore = ignore
self.__pw = None
self.__wantspec = wantspec
def show(self):
def show(self, color=None):
if not self.__master:
from Tkinter import Tk
self.__master = Tk()
if not self.__pw:
self.__pw, self.__sb = \
Main.build(master = self.__master,
initialcolor = self.__initialcolor,
initfile = self.__initfile,
ignore = self.__ignore)
# convert color
colordb = self.__sb.colordb()
if color:
r, g, b = Main.initial_color(color, colordb)
self.__sb.update_views(r, g, b)
# reset the canceled flag and run it
Main.run(self.__pw, self.__sb)
rgbtuple = self.__sb.current_rgb()
# check to see if the cancel button was pushed
if self.__sb.canceled_p():
return None, None
colordb = self.__sb.colordb()
# try to return the color name from the database if there is an exact
# match, otherwise use the "#rrggbb" spec. TBD: Forget about color
# aliases for now, maybe later we should return these too.
......@@ -50,13 +58,25 @@ class Chooser:
name = ColorDB.triplet_to_rrggbb(rgbtuple)
return rgbtuple, name
def save(self):
if self.__sb:
# convenience stuff
_chooser = None
def askcolor(color = None, **options):
"""Ask for a color"""
return apply(Chooser, (), options).show()
global _chooser
if not _chooser:
_chooser = apply(Chooser, (), options)
return _chooser.show(color)
def save():
global _chooser
if _chooser:
# test stuff
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