Kaydet (Commit) 2c9aa5ea authored tarafından Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Generalize file.writelines() to allow iterable objects.

üst d31db7e9
......@@ -1312,8 +1312,10 @@ Files have the following methods:
the \method{flush()} or \method{close()} method is called.
Write a list of strings to the file. There is no return value.
Write a sequence of strings to the file. The sequence can be any
iterable object producing strings, typically a list of strings.
There is no return value.
(The name is intended to match \method{readlines()};
\method{writelines()} does not add line separators.)
......@@ -641,6 +641,59 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(indexOf(iclass, i), i)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, indexOf, iclass, -1)
# Test iterators with file.writelines().
def test_writelines(self):
f = file(TESTFN, "w")
self.assertRaises(TypeError, f.writelines, None)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, f.writelines, 42)
f.writelines(["1\n", "2\n"])
f.writelines(("3\n", "4\n"))
f.writelines({'5\n': None})
# Try a big chunk too.
class Iterator:
def __init__(self, start, finish):
self.start = start
self.finish = finish
self.i = self.start
def next(self):
if self.i >= self.finish:
raise StopIteration
result = str(self.i) + '\n'
self.i += 1
return result
def __iter__(self):
return self
class Whatever:
def __init__(self, start, finish):
self.start = start
self.finish = finish
def __iter__(self):
return Iterator(self.start, self.finish)
f.writelines(Whatever(6, 6+2000))
f = file(TESTFN)
expected = [str(i) + "\n" for i in range(1, 2006)]
self.assertEqual(list(f), expected)
except OSError:
# Test iterators on RHS of unpacking assignments.
def test_unpack_iter(self):
a, b = 1, 2
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ What's New in Python 2.2a4?
- file.writelines() now accepts any iterable object producing strings.
- PyUnicode_FromEncodedObject() now works very much like
PyObject_Str(obj) in that it tries to use __str__/tp_str
on the object if the object is not a string or buffer. This
......@@ -1164,55 +1164,54 @@ file_write(PyFileObject *f, PyObject *args)
static PyObject *
file_writelines(PyFileObject *f, PyObject *args)
file_writelines(PyFileObject *f, PyObject *seq)
#define CHUNKSIZE 1000
PyObject *list, *line;
PyObject *it; /* iter(seq) */
PyObject *result;
int i, j, index, len, nwritten, islist;
assert(seq != NULL);
if (f->f_fp == NULL)
return err_closed();
if (args == NULL || !PySequence_Check(args)) {
"writelines() argument must be a sequence of strings");
return NULL;
islist = PyList_Check(args);
/* Strategy: slurp CHUNKSIZE lines into a private list,
checking that they are all strings, then write that list
without holding the interpreter lock, then come back for more. */
index = 0;
if (islist)
list = NULL;
result = NULL;
list = NULL;
islist = PyList_Check(seq);
if (islist)
it = NULL;
else {
it = PyObject_GetIter(seq);
if (it == NULL) {
"writelines() requires an iterable argument");
return NULL;
/* From here on, fail by going to error, to reclaim "it". */
list = PyList_New(CHUNKSIZE);
if (list == NULL)
return NULL;
goto error;
result = NULL;
for (;;) {
/* Strategy: slurp CHUNKSIZE lines into a private list,
checking that they are all strings, then write that list
without holding the interpreter lock, then come back for more. */
for (index = 0; ; index += CHUNKSIZE) {
if (islist) {
list = PyList_GetSlice(args, index, index+CHUNKSIZE);
list = PyList_GetSlice(seq, index, index+CHUNKSIZE);
if (list == NULL)
return NULL;
goto error;
j = PyList_GET_SIZE(list);
else {
for (j = 0; j < CHUNKSIZE; j++) {
line = PySequence_GetItem(args, index+j);
line = PyIter_Next(it);
if (line == NULL) {
if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(
PyExc_IndexError)) {
/* Some other error occurred.
XXX We may lose some output. */
goto error;
if (PyErr_Occurred())
goto error;
PyList_SetItem(list, j, line);
......@@ -1271,14 +1270,15 @@ file_writelines(PyFileObject *f, PyObject *args)
if (j < CHUNKSIZE)
index += CHUNKSIZE;
result = Py_None;
return result;
static char readline_doc[] =
......@@ -1342,10 +1342,10 @@ static char xreadlines_doc[] =
"often quicker, due to reading ahead internally.";
static char writelines_doc[] =
"writelines(list of strings) -> None. Write the strings to the file.\n"
"writelines(sequence_of_strings) -> None. Write the strings to the file.\n"
"Note that newlines are not added. This is equivalent to calling write()\n"
"for each string in the list.";
"Note that newlines are not added. The sequence can be any iterable object\n"
"producing strings. This is equivalent to calling write() for each string.";
static char flush_doc[] =
"flush() -> None. Flush the internal I/O buffer.";
......@@ -118,8 +118,7 @@ def main(args):
def restore(which):
restored = difflib.restore(sys.stdin.readlines(), which)
for line in restored:
print line,
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = sys.argv[1:]
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