Kaydet (Commit) 39013cd4 authored tarafından Thomas Heller's avatar Thomas Heller

A 'PyObject *' parameter in PyErr_Format must use %S parameter, not %s.

Added unittest for calling a function with paramflags.
üst bd1c68c9
......@@ -48,6 +48,24 @@ class CharPointersTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
func.restype = c_long
func.argtypes = None
def test_paramflags(self):
# function returns c_void_p result,
# and has a required parameter named 'input'
prototype = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_void_p)
func = prototype(("_testfunc_p_p", testdll),
((1, "input"),))
except TypeError as details:
self.failUnlessEqual(str(details), "required argument 'input' missing")
self.fail("TypeError not raised")
self.failUnlessEqual(func(None), None)
self.failUnlessEqual(func(input=None), None)
def test_int_pointer_arg(self):
func = testdll._testfunc_p_p
func.restype = c_long
......@@ -2992,7 +2992,7 @@ _get_arg(int *pindex, PyObject *name, PyObject *defval, PyObject *inargs, PyObje
/* we can't currently emit a better error message */
if (name)
"required argument '%s' missing", name);
"required argument '%S' missing", name);
"not enough arguments");
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