Kaydet (Commit) 39a6ee20 authored tarafından Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Issue #16626: Fix infinite recursion in glob.glob() on Windows when the pattern…

Issue #16626: Fix infinite recursion in glob.glob() on Windows when the pattern contains a wildcard in the drive or UNC path.
Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
......@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ def iglob(pathname):
if not dirname:
yield from glob1(None, basename)
if has_magic(dirname):
# `os.path.split()` returns the argument itself as a dirname if it is a
# drive or UNC path. Prevent an infinite recursion if a drive or UNC path
# contains magic characters (i.e. r'\\?\C:').
if dirname != pathname and has_magic(dirname):
dirs = iglob(dirname)
dirs = [dirname]
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from test.support import (run_unittest, TESTFN, skip_unless_symlink,
import glob
import os
import shutil
import sys
class GlobTests(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -110,6 +111,18 @@ class GlobTests(unittest.TestCase):
eq(self.glob('sym1'), [self.norm('sym1')])
eq(self.glob('sym2'), [self.norm('sym2')])
@unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == "win32", "Win32 specific test")
def test_glob_magic_in_drive(self):
eq = self.assertSequencesEqual_noorder
eq(glob.glob('*:'), [])
eq(glob.glob(b'*:'), [])
eq(glob.glob('?:'), [])
eq(glob.glob(b'?:'), [])
eq(glob.glob('\\\\?\\c:\\'), ['\\\\?\\c:\\'])
eq(glob.glob(b'\\\\?\\c:\\'), [b'\\\\?\\c:\\'])
eq(glob.glob('\\\\*\\*\\'), [])
eq(glob.glob(b'\\\\*\\*\\'), [])
def test_main():
......@@ -167,6 +167,10 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #16626: Fix infinite recursion in glob.glob() on Windows when the
pattern contains a wildcard in the drive or UNC path. Patch by Serhiy
- Issue #15783: Except for the number methods, the C version of decimal now
supports all None default values present in decimal.py. These values were
largely undocumented.
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