Kaydet (Commit) 3deeeb0c authored tarafından Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #21883: os.path.join() and os.path.relpath() now raise a TypeError with

more helpful error message for unsupported or mismatched types of arguments.
üst 385328bf
......@@ -130,3 +130,16 @@ def _splitext(p, sep, altsep, extsep):
filenameIndex += 1
return p, p[:0]
def _check_arg_types(funcname, *args):
hasstr = hasbytes = False
for s in args:
if isinstance(s, str):
hasstr = True
elif isinstance(s, bytes):
hasbytes = True
raise TypeError('%s() argument must be str or bytes, not %r' %
(funcname, s.__class__.__name__)) from None
if hasstr and hasbytes:
raise TypeError("Can't mix strings and bytes in path components") from None
......@@ -50,20 +50,24 @@ def isabs(s):
def join(s, *p):
colon = _get_colon(s)
path = s
for t in p:
if (not path) or isabs(t):
path = t
if t[:1] == colon:
t = t[1:]
if colon not in path:
path = colon + path
if path[-1:] != colon:
path = path + colon
path = path + t
return path
colon = _get_colon(s)
path = s
for t in p:
if (not path) or isabs(t):
path = t
if t[:1] == colon:
t = t[1:]
if colon not in path:
path = colon + path
if path[-1:] != colon:
path = path + colon
path = path + t
return path
except (TypeError, AttributeError, BytesWarning):
genericpath._check_arg_types('join', s, *p)
def split(s):
......@@ -80,32 +80,36 @@ def join(path, *paths):
sep = '\\'
seps = '\\/'
colon = ':'
result_drive, result_path = splitdrive(path)
for p in paths:
p_drive, p_path = splitdrive(p)
if p_path and p_path[0] in seps:
# Second path is absolute
if p_drive or not result_drive:
result_drive = p_drive
result_path = p_path
elif p_drive and p_drive != result_drive:
if p_drive.lower() != result_drive.lower():
# Different drives => ignore the first path entirely
result_drive = p_drive
result_drive, result_path = splitdrive(path)
for p in paths:
p_drive, p_path = splitdrive(p)
if p_path and p_path[0] in seps:
# Second path is absolute
if p_drive or not result_drive:
result_drive = p_drive
result_path = p_path
# Same drive in different case
result_drive = p_drive
# Second path is relative to the first
if result_path and result_path[-1] not in seps:
result_path = result_path + sep
result_path = result_path + p_path
## add separator between UNC and non-absolute path
if (result_path and result_path[0] not in seps and
result_drive and result_drive[-1:] != colon):
return result_drive + sep + result_path
return result_drive + result_path
elif p_drive and p_drive != result_drive:
if p_drive.lower() != result_drive.lower():
# Different drives => ignore the first path entirely
result_drive = p_drive
result_path = p_path
# Same drive in different case
result_drive = p_drive
# Second path is relative to the first
if result_path and result_path[-1] not in seps:
result_path = result_path + sep
result_path = result_path + p_path
## add separator between UNC and non-absolute path
if (result_path and result_path[0] not in seps and
result_drive and result_drive[-1:] != colon):
return result_drive + sep + result_path
return result_drive + result_path
except (TypeError, AttributeError, BytesWarning):
genericpath._check_arg_types('join', path, *paths)
# Split a path in a drive specification (a drive letter followed by a
......@@ -558,27 +562,31 @@ def relpath(path, start=None):
if not path:
raise ValueError("no path specified")
start_abs = abspath(normpath(start))
path_abs = abspath(normpath(path))
start_drive, start_rest = splitdrive(start_abs)
path_drive, path_rest = splitdrive(path_abs)
if normcase(start_drive) != normcase(path_drive):
raise ValueError("path is on mount %r, start on mount %r" % (
path_drive, start_drive))
start_list = [x for x in start_rest.split(sep) if x]
path_list = [x for x in path_rest.split(sep) if x]
# Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
i = 0
for e1, e2 in zip(start_list, path_list):
if normcase(e1) != normcase(e2):
i += 1
start_abs = abspath(normpath(start))
path_abs = abspath(normpath(path))
start_drive, start_rest = splitdrive(start_abs)
path_drive, path_rest = splitdrive(path_abs)
if normcase(start_drive) != normcase(path_drive):
raise ValueError("path is on mount %r, start on mount %r" % (
path_drive, start_drive))
start_list = [x for x in start_rest.split(sep) if x]
path_list = [x for x in path_rest.split(sep) if x]
# Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
i = 0
for e1, e2 in zip(start_list, path_list):
if normcase(e1) != normcase(e2):
i += 1
rel_list = [pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
if not rel_list:
return curdir
return join(*rel_list)
rel_list = [pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
if not rel_list:
return curdir
return join(*rel_list)
except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError, BytesWarning):
genericpath._check_arg_types('relpath', path, start)
# determine if two files are in fact the same file
......@@ -82,13 +82,9 @@ def join(a, *p):
path += b
path += sep + b
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
for s in (a,) + p:
if not isinstance(s, (str, bytes)):
raise TypeError('join() argument must be str or bytes, not %r' %
s.__class__.__name__) from None
# Must have a mixture of text and binary data
raise TypeError("Can't mix strings and bytes in path components") from None
except (TypeError, AttributeError, BytesWarning):
genericpath._check_arg_types('join', a, *p)
return path
......@@ -446,13 +442,16 @@ def relpath(path, start=None):
if start is None:
start = curdir
start_list = [x for x in abspath(start).split(sep) if x]
path_list = [x for x in abspath(path).split(sep) if x]
# Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
i = len(commonprefix([start_list, path_list]))
rel_list = [pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
if not rel_list:
return curdir
return join(*rel_list)
start_list = [x for x in abspath(start).split(sep) if x]
path_list = [x for x in abspath(path).split(sep) if x]
# Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
i = len(commonprefix([start_list, path_list]))
rel_list = [pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
if not rel_list:
return curdir
return join(*rel_list)
except (TypeError, AttributeError, BytesWarning):
genericpath._check_arg_types('relpath', path, start)
......@@ -434,6 +434,39 @@ class CommonTest(GenericTest):
with support.temp_cwd(name):
def test_join_errors(self):
# Check join() raises friendly TypeErrors.
with support.check_warnings(('', BytesWarning), quiet=True):
errmsg = "Can't mix strings and bytes in path components"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg):
self.pathmodule.join(b'bytes', 'str')
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg):
self.pathmodule.join('str', b'bytes')
# regression, see #15377
errmsg = r'join\(\) argument must be str or bytes, not %r'
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg % 'int'):
self.pathmodule.join(42, 'str')
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg % 'int'):
self.pathmodule.join('str', 42)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg % 'bytearray'):
self.pathmodule.join(bytearray(b'foo'), bytearray(b'bar'))
def test_relpath_errors(self):
# Check relpath() raises friendly TypeErrors.
with support.check_warnings(('', BytesWarning), quiet=True):
errmsg = "Can't mix strings and bytes in path components"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg):
self.pathmodule.relpath(b'bytes', 'str')
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg):
self.pathmodule.relpath('str', b'bytes')
errmsg = r'relpath\(\) argument must be str or bytes, not %r'
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg % 'int'):
self.pathmodule.relpath(42, 'str')
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg % 'int'):
self.pathmodule.relpath('str', 42)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg % 'bytearray'):
self.pathmodule.relpath(bytearray(b'foo'), bytearray(b'bar'))
if __name__=="__main__":
......@@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ class MacPathTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
class MacCommonTest(test_genericpath.CommonTest, unittest.TestCase):
pathmodule = macpath
test_relpath_errors = None
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -57,22 +57,6 @@ class PosixPathTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(posixpath.join(b"/foo/", b"bar/", b"baz/"),
def test_join_errors(self):
# Check posixpath.join raises friendly TypeErrors.
errmsg = "Can't mix strings and bytes in path components"
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg):
posixpath.join(b'bytes', 'str')
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg):
posixpath.join('str', b'bytes')
# regression, see #15377
errmsg = r'join\(\) argument must be str or bytes, not %r'
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg % 'NoneType'):
posixpath.join(None, 'str')
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg % 'NoneType'):
posixpath.join('str', None)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, errmsg % 'bytearray'):
posixpath.join(bytearray(b'foo'), bytearray(b'bar'))
def test_split(self):
self.assertEqual(posixpath.split("/foo/bar"), ("/foo", "bar"))
self.assertEqual(posixpath.split("/"), ("/", ""))
......@@ -162,6 +162,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #21883: os.path.join() and os.path.relpath() now raise a TypeError with
more helpful error message for unsupported or mismatched types of arguments.
- Issue #22219: The zipfile module CLI now adds entries for directories
(including empty directories) in ZIP file.
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