Kaydet (Commit) 4a01fd2d authored tarafından Zachary Ware's avatar Zachary Ware

Clean up Tcl/Tk building in the Windows buildbot scripts.

- Nix the 'noxp' option, it was for Win2k compatibility (which was dropped
  with Python 3.3) and made default ttk ugly on post-Win2k systems (#21665)
- Use 'OPTS=symbols' instead of 'DEBUG=1'; symbols is the official method
- Use core, shell, dlls, install-binaries, and install-libraries targets
  instead of all and install to avoid trying to 1) build packages that don't
  work with MSVC 10+ and 2) install unnecessary bits and pieces.
üst f9e49dd3
......@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64
if not exist tcltk64\bin\tcl86tg.dll (
cd tcl-\win
nmake -f makefile.vc DEBUG=1 MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 clean all
nmake -f makefile.vc DEBUG=1 MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 install
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 clean core shell dlls
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 install-binaries install-libraries
cd ..\..
if not exist tcltk64\bin\tk86tg.dll (
cd tk-\win
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=noxp DEBUG=1 MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- clean
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=noxp DEBUG=1 MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- all
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=noxp DEBUG=1 MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- install
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- clean
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- all
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols MACHINE=AMD64 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk64 TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- install-binaries install-libraries
cd ..\..
......@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat"
if not exist tcltk\bin\tcl86tg.dll (
@rem all and install need to be separate invocations, otherwise nmakehlp is not found on install
cd tcl-\win
nmake -f makefile.vc DEBUG=1 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk clean all
nmake -f makefile.vc DEBUG=1 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk install
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk clean core shell dlls
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk install-binaries install-libraries
cd ..\..
if not exist tcltk\bin\tk86tg.dll (
cd tk-\win
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=noxp DEBUG=1 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- clean
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=noxp DEBUG=1 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- all
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=noxp DEBUG=1 INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- install
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- clean
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- all
nmake -f makefile.vc OPTS=symbols INSTALLDIR=..\..\tcltk TCLDIR=..\..\tcl- install-binaries install-libraries
cd ..\..
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