Kaydet (Commit) 4c1aebd8 authored tarafından Ezio Melotti's avatar Ezio Melotti

#5421: merge with 3.1.

......@@ -295,6 +295,50 @@ class GeneralModuleTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(socket.error, raise_gaierror,
"Error raising socket exception.")
def testSendtoErrors(self):
# Testing that sendto doens't masks failures. See #10169.
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.bind(('', 0))
sockname = s.getsockname()
# 2 args
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
s.sendto('\u2620', sockname)
"'str' does not support the buffer interface")
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
s.sendto(5j, sockname)
"'complex' does not support the buffer interface")
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
s.sendto(b'foo', None)
self.assertIn('not NoneType',str(cm.exception))
# 3 args
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
s.sendto('\u2620', 0, sockname)
"'str' does not support the buffer interface")
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
s.sendto(5j, 0, sockname)
"'complex' does not support the buffer interface")
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
s.sendto(b'foo', 0, None)
self.assertIn('not NoneType', str(cm.exception))
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
s.sendto(b'foo', 'bar', sockname)
self.assertIn('an integer is required', str(cm.exception))
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
s.sendto(b'foo', None, None)
self.assertIn('an integer is required', str(cm.exception))
# wrong number of args
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
self.assertIn('(1 given)', str(cm.exception))
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
s.sendto(b'foo', 0, sockname, 4)
self.assertIn('(4 given)', str(cm.exception))
def testCrucialConstants(self):
# Testing for mission critical constants
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