Kaydet (Commit) 56868f94 authored tarafından jdemeyer's avatar jdemeyer Kaydeden (comit) Serhiy Storchaka

bpo-34126: Fix crashes while profiling invalid calls. (GH-8300)

üst a692efe4
......@@ -334,6 +334,22 @@ class ProfileSimulatorTestCase(TestCaseBase):
(1, 'return', j_ident),
# Test an invalid call (bpo-34126)
def test_unbound_method_no_args(self):
def f(p):
f_ident = ident(f)
self.check_events(f, [(1, 'call', f_ident),
(1, 'return', f_ident)])
# Test an invalid call (bpo-34126)
def test_unbound_method_invalid_args(self):
def f(p):
dict.get(print, 42)
f_ident = ident(f)
self.check_events(f, [(1, 'call', f_ident),
(1, 'return', f_ident)])
def ident(function):
if hasattr(function, "f_code"):
Fix crashes when profiling certain invalid calls of unbound methods.
Patch by Jeroen Demeyer.
......@@ -4566,10 +4566,16 @@ call_function(PyObject ***pp_stack, Py_ssize_t oparg, PyObject *kwnames)
else if (Py_TYPE(func) == &PyMethodDescr_Type) {
PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_GET();
if (tstate->use_tracing && tstate->c_profilefunc) {
// We need to create PyCFunctionObject for tracing.
PyMethodDescrObject *descr = (PyMethodDescrObject*)func;
func = PyCFunction_NewEx(descr->d_method, stack[0], NULL);
if (nargs > 0 && tstate->use_tracing) {
/* We need to create a temporary bound method as argument
for profiling.
If nargs == 0, then this cannot work because we have no
"self". In any case, the call itself would raise
TypeError (foo needs an argument), so we just skip
profiling. */
PyObject *self = stack[0];
func = Py_TYPE(func)->tp_descr_get(func, self, (PyObject*)Py_TYPE(self));
if (func == NULL) {
return NULL;
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