Kaydet (Commit) 68457be6 authored tarafından Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #19329: Optimized compiling charsets in regular expressions.

üst 1985f7b1
......@@ -201,152 +201,116 @@ def _compile_charset(charset, flags, code, fixup=None):
def _optimize_charset(charset, fixup):
# internal: optimize character set
out = []
outappend = out.append
charmap = [0]*256
for op, av in charset:
if op is NEGATE:
outappend((op, av))
elif op is LITERAL:
charmap[fixup(av)] = 1
elif op is RANGE:
for i in range(fixup(av[0]), fixup(av[1])+1):
charmap[i] = 1
elif op is CATEGORY:
# XXX: could append to charmap tail
return charset # cannot compress
except IndexError:
# character set contains unicode characters
return _optimize_unicode(charset, fixup)
tail = []
charmap = bytearray(256)
for op, av in charset:
while True:
if op is LITERAL:
charmap[fixup(av)] = 1
elif op is RANGE:
for i in range(fixup(av[0]), fixup(av[1])+1):
charmap[i] = 1
elif op is NEGATE:
out.append((op, av))
tail.append((op, av))
except IndexError:
if len(charmap) == 256:
# character set contains non-UCS1 character codes
charmap += b'\0' * 0xff00
# character set contains non-BMP character codes
tail.append((op, av))
# compress character map
i = p = n = 0
runs = []
runsappend = runs.append
for c in charmap:
if c:
if n == 0:
p = i
n = n + 1
elif n:
runsappend((p, n))
n = 0
i = i + 1
if n:
runsappend((p, n))
if len(runs) <= 2:
q = 0
while True:
p = charmap.find(1, q)
if p < 0:
if len(runs) >= 2:
runs = None
q = charmap.find(0, p)
if q < 0:
runs.append((p, len(charmap)))
runs.append((p, q))
if runs is not None:
# use literal/range
for p, n in runs:
if n == 1:
outappend((LITERAL, p))
for p, q in runs:
if q - p == 1:
out.append((LITERAL, p))
outappend((RANGE, (p, p+n-1)))
out.append((RANGE, (p, q - 1)))
out += tail
if len(out) < len(charset):
return out
# use bitmap
return charset
# use bitmap
if len(charmap) == 256:
data = _mk_bitmap(charmap)
outappend((CHARSET, data))
out.append((CHARSET, data))
out += tail
return out
return charset
def _mk_bitmap(bits):
data = []
dataappend = data.append
if _sre.CODESIZE == 2:
start = (1, 0)
start = (1, 0)
m, v = start
for c in bits:
if c:
v = v + m
m = m + m
if m > MAXCODE:
m, v = start
return data
# To represent a big charset, first a bitmap of all characters in the
# set is constructed. Then, this bitmap is sliced into chunks of 256
# characters, duplicate chunks are eliminated, and each chunk is
# given a number. In the compiled expression, the charset is
# represented by a 32-bit word sequence, consisting of one word for
# the number of different chunks, a sequence of 256 bytes (64 words)
# of chunk numbers indexed by their original chunk position, and a
# sequence of 256-bit chunks (8 words each).
# Compression is normally good: in a typical charset, large ranges of
# Unicode will be either completely excluded (e.g. if only cyrillic
# letters are to be matched), or completely included (e.g. if large
# subranges of Kanji match). These ranges will be represented by
# chunks of all one-bits or all zero-bits.
# Matching can be also done efficiently: the more significant byte of
# the Unicode character is an index into the chunk number, and the
# less significant byte is a bit index in the chunk (just like the
# CHARSET matching).
# The BIGCHARSET opcode still supports only subsets
# of the basic multilingual plane; an efficient representation
# for all of Unicode has not yet been developed. This means,
# in particular, that negated charsets cannot be represented as
# bigcharsets.
def _optimize_unicode(charset, fixup):
import array
except ImportError:
return charset
charmap = [0]*65536
negate = 0
for op, av in charset:
if op is NEGATE:
negate = 1
elif op is LITERAL:
charmap[fixup(av)] = 1
elif op is RANGE:
for i in range(fixup(av[0]), fixup(av[1])+1):
charmap[i] = 1
elif op is CATEGORY:
# XXX: could expand category
return charset # cannot compress
except IndexError:
# non-BMP characters; XXX now they should work
return charset
if negate:
if sys.maxunicode != 65535:
# XXX: negation does not work with big charsets
# XXX2: now they should work, but removing this will make the
# charmap 17 times bigger
return charset
for i in range(65536):
charmap[i] = not charmap[i]
# To represent a big charset, first a bitmap of all characters in the
# set is constructed. Then, this bitmap is sliced into chunks of 256
# characters, duplicate chunks are eliminated, and each chunk is
# given a number. In the compiled expression, the charset is
# represented by a 32-bit word sequence, consisting of one word for
# the number of different chunks, a sequence of 256 bytes (64 words)
# of chunk numbers indexed by their original chunk position, and a
# sequence of 256-bit chunks (8 words each).
# Compression is normally good: in a typical charset, large ranges of
# Unicode will be either completely excluded (e.g. if only cyrillic
# letters are to be matched), or completely included (e.g. if large
# subranges of Kanji match). These ranges will be represented by
# chunks of all one-bits or all zero-bits.
# Matching can be also done efficiently: the more significant byte of
# the Unicode character is an index into the chunk number, and the
# less significant byte is a bit index in the chunk (just like the
# CHARSET matching).
charmap = bytes(charmap) # should be hashable
comps = {}
mapping = [0]*256
mapping = bytearray(256)
block = 0
data = []
for i in range(256):
chunk = tuple(charmap[i*256:(i+1)*256])
new = comps.setdefault(chunk, block)
mapping[i] = new
if new == block:
block = block + 1
data = data + _mk_bitmap(chunk)
header = [block]
if _sre.CODESIZE == 2:
code = 'H'
code = 'I'
# Convert block indices to byte array of 256 bytes
mapping = array.array('B', mapping).tobytes()
# Convert byte array to word array
mapping = array.array(code, mapping)
assert mapping.itemsize == _sre.CODESIZE
assert len(mapping) * mapping.itemsize == 256
header = header + mapping.tolist()
data[0:0] = header
return [(BIGCHARSET, data)]
data = bytearray()
for i in range(0, 65536, 256):
chunk = charmap[i: i + 256]
if chunk in comps:
mapping[i // 256] = comps[chunk]
mapping[i // 256] = comps[chunk] = block
block += 1
data += chunk
data = _mk_bitmap(data)
data[0:0] = [block] + _bytes_to_codes(mapping)
out.append((BIGCHARSET, data))
out += tail
return out
_BITS_TRANS = b'0' + b'1' * 255
def _mk_bitmap(bits, _CODEBITS=_CODEBITS, _int=int):
s = bits.translate(_BITS_TRANS)[::-1]
return [_int(s[i - _CODEBITS: i], 2)
for i in range(len(s), 0, -_CODEBITS)]
def _bytes_to_codes(b):
# Convert block indices to word array
import array
a = array.array('I', b)
assert a.itemsize == _sre.CODESIZE
assert len(a) * a.itemsize == len(b)
return a.tolist()
def _simple(av):
# check if av is a "simple" operator
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #19329: Optimized compiling charsets in regular expressions.
- Issue #19330: the unnecessary wrapper functions have been removed from the
implementations of the new contextlib.redirect_stdout and
contextlib.suppress context managers, which also ensures they provide
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