Kaydet (Commit) 692428e7 authored tarafından Benjamin Peterson's avatar Benjamin Peterson

implement test skipping and expected failures

patch by myself #1034053
üst 797eaf30
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
.. versionadded:: 2.1
.. versionchanged:: 2.7
Added :ref:`skipping and expected failures <unittest-skipping>`.
The Python unit testing framework, sometimes referred to as "PyUnit," is a
Python language version of JUnit, by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma. JUnit is, in
......@@ -60,7 +63,8 @@ fixture is created for each test.
Test suites are implemented by the :class:`TestSuite` class. This class allows
individual tests and test suites to be aggregated; when the suite is executed,
all tests added directly to the suite and in "child" test suites are run.
all tests added directly to the suite and in "child" test suites are run. A
:class:`ClassTestSuite` contains the test cases of a class.
A test runner is an object that provides a single method, :meth:`run`, which
accepts a :class:`TestCase` or :class:`TestSuite` object as a parameter, and
......@@ -408,6 +412,78 @@ may treat :exc:`AssertionError` differently.
make future test refactorings infinitely easier.
.. _unittest-skipping:
Skipping tests and expected failures
Unittest supports skipping individual test methods and even whole classes of
tests. In addition, it supports marking a test as a "expected failure," a test
that is broken and will fail, but shouldn't be counted as a failure on a
Skipping a test is simply a matter of using the :func:`skip` :term:`decorator`
or one of its conditional variants.
Basic skipping looks like this: ::
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skip("demonstrating skipping")
def test_nothing(self):
self.fail("shouldn't happen")
This is the output of running the example above in verbose mode: ::
test_nothing (__main__.MyTestCase) ... skipped 'demonstrating skipping'
Ran 1 test in 0.072s
Classes can be skipped just like methods: ::
@skip("showing class skipping")
class MySkippedTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_not_run(self):
Expected failures use the :func:`expectedFailure` decorator. ::
class ExpectedFailureTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_fail(self):
self.assertEqual(1, 0, "broken")
It's easy to roll your own skipping decorators by making a decorator that calls
:func:`skip` on the test when it wants it to be skipped. This decorator skips
the test unless the passed object has a certain attribute: ::
def skipUnlessHasattr(obj, attr):
if hasattr(obj, attr):
return lambda func: func
return unittest.skip("{0!r} doesn't have {1!r}".format(obj, attr))
The following decorators implement test skipping and expected failures:
.. function:: skip(reason)
Unconditionally skip the decorated test. *reason* should describe why the
test is being skipped.
.. function:: skipIf(condition, reason)
Skip the decorated test if *condition* is true.
.. function:: skipUnless(condition, reason)
Skip the decoratored test unless *condition* is true.
.. function:: expectedFailure
Mark the test as an expected failure. If the test fails when run, the test
is not counted as a failure.
.. _unittest-contents:
Classes and functions
......@@ -459,6 +535,13 @@ Classes and functions
test suites that will be used to build the suite initially. Additional methods
are provided to add test cases and suites to the collection later on.
.. class:: ClassTestSuite(tests, collected_from)
This subclass of :class:`TestSuite` repesents an aggregation of individuals
tests from one :class:`TestCase` class. *tests* is an iterable of
:class:`TestCase` instances created from the class. *collected_from* is the
class they came from.
.. class:: TestLoader()
......@@ -553,6 +636,11 @@ Methods in the first group (running the test) are:
The same effect may be had by simply calling the :class:`TestCase` instance.
.. method:: TestCase.skip(reason)
Skips the current test. See :ref:`unittest-skipping`.
.. method:: TestCase.debug()
Run the test without collecting the result. This allows exceptions raised by
......@@ -690,10 +778,11 @@ test:
TestSuite Objects
:class:`TestSuite` objects behave much like :class:`TestCase` objects, except
they do not actually implement a test. Instead, they are used to aggregate
tests into groups of tests that should be run together. Some additional methods
are available to add tests to :class:`TestSuite` instances:
:class:`TestSuite` (including :class:`ClassTestSuite`) objects behave much like
:class:`TestCase` objects, except they do not actually implement a test.
Instead, they are used to aggregate tests into groups of tests that should be
run together. Some additional methods are available to add tests to
:class:`TestSuite` instances:
.. method:: TestSuite.addTest(test)
......@@ -846,6 +935,34 @@ tools which support interactive reporting while tests are being run.
The default implementation does nothing.
.. method:: TestResult.addSkip(test, reason)
Called when the test case *test* is skipped. *reason* is the reason the test
gave for skipping.
The default implementation appends a tuple ``(test, reason)`` to the
instance's ``skipped`` attribute.
.. method:: TestResult.addExpectedFailure(test, err)
Called when the test case *test* fails, but was marked with the
:func:`expectedFailure` decorator.
The default implementation appends a tuple ``(test, formatted_err)`` to the
instance's ``expected_failures`` attribute, where *formatted_err* is a
formatted traceback derived from *err*.
.. method:: TestResult.addUnexpectedSuccess(test)
Called when the test case *test* was marked with the :func:`expectedFailure`
decorator, but succeeded.
The default implementation appends the test to the instance's
``unexpected_successes`` attribute.
.. _testloader-objects:
TestLoader Objects
......@@ -946,3 +1063,9 @@ subclassing or assignment on an instance:
This affects all the :meth:`loadTestsFrom\*` methods.
.. attribute:: TestLoader.classSuiteClass
Callable object that constructs a test suite for the tests cases from one
class. The default value is :class:`ClassTestSuite`.
......@@ -31,10 +31,27 @@ class LoggingResult(unittest.TestResult):
super(LoggingResult, self).addFailure(*args)
def addSuccess(self, *args):
super(LoggingResult, self).addSuccess(*args)
def addError(self, *args):
super(LoggingResult, self).addError(*args)
def addSkip(self, *args):
super(LoggingResult, self).addSkip(*args)
def addExpectedFailure(self, *args):
super(LoggingResult, self).addExpectedFailure(*args)
def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, *args):
super(LoggingResult, self).addUnexpectedSuccess(*args)
class TestEquality(object):
# Check for a valid __eq__ implementation
def test_eq(self):
......@@ -72,6 +89,13 @@ class TestHashing(object):
self.fail("Problem hashing %s and %s: %s" % (obj_1, obj_2, e))
# List subclass we can add attributes to.
class MyClassSuite(list):
def __init__(self, tests, klass):
super(MyClassSuite, self).__init__(tests)
### /Support code
......@@ -1223,7 +1247,7 @@ class Test_TestLoader(TestCase):
tests = [Foo('test_1'), Foo('test_2')]
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loader.suiteClass = list
loader.classSuiteClass = MyClassSuite
self.assertEqual(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Foo), tests)
# It is implicit in the documentation for TestLoader.suiteClass that
......@@ -1236,7 +1260,7 @@ class Test_TestLoader(TestCase):
def foo_bar(self): pass
m.Foo = Foo
tests = [[Foo('test_1'), Foo('test_2')]]
tests = [unittest.ClassTestSuite([Foo('test_1'), Foo('test_2')], Foo)]
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loader.suiteClass = list
......@@ -1255,7 +1279,7 @@ class Test_TestLoader(TestCase):
tests = [Foo('test_1'), Foo('test_2')]
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loader.suiteClass = list
loader.classSuiteClass = MyClassSuite
self.assertEqual(loader.loadTestsFromName('Foo', m), tests)
# It is implicit in the documentation for TestLoader.suiteClass that
......@@ -1268,7 +1292,7 @@ class Test_TestLoader(TestCase):
def foo_bar(self): pass
m.Foo = Foo
tests = [[Foo('test_1'), Foo('test_2')]]
tests = [unittest.ClassTestSuite([Foo('test_1'), Foo('test_2')], Foo)]
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loader.suiteClass = list
......@@ -2261,9 +2285,103 @@ class Test_TestCase(TestCase, TestEquality, TestHashing):
# Make run() find a result object on its own
expected = ['startTest', 'test', 'stopTest']
expected = ['startTest', 'test', 'addSuccess', 'stopTest']
self.assertEqual(events, expected)
class Test_TestSkipping(TestCase):
def test_skipping(self):
class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
def test_skip_me(self):
events = []
result = LoggingResult(events)
test = Foo("test_skip_me")
self.assertEqual(events, ['startTest', 'addSkip', 'stopTest'])
self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test, "skip")])
# Try letting setUp skip the test now.
class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_nothing(self): pass
events = []
result = LoggingResult(events)
test = Foo("test_nothing")
self.assertEqual(events, ['startTest', 'addSkip', 'stopTest'])
self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test, "testing")])
self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 1)
def test_skipping_decorators(self):
op_table = ((unittest.skipUnless, False, True),
(unittest.skipIf, True, False))
for deco, do_skip, dont_skip in op_table:
class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
@deco(do_skip, "testing")
def test_skip(self): pass
@deco(dont_skip, "testing")
def test_dont_skip(self): pass
test_do_skip = Foo("test_skip")
test_dont_skip = Foo("test_dont_skip")
suite = unittest.ClassTestSuite([test_do_skip, test_dont_skip], Foo)
events = []
result = LoggingResult(events)
self.assertEqual(len(result.skipped), 1)
expected = ['startTest', 'addSkip', 'stopTest',
'startTest', 'addSuccess', 'stopTest']
self.assertEqual(events, expected)
self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 2)
self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test_do_skip, "testing")])
def test_skip_class(self):
class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
def test_1(self):
record = []
result = unittest.TestResult()
suite = unittest.ClassTestSuite([Foo("test_1")], Foo)
self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(suite, "testing")])
self.assertEqual(record, [])
def test_expected_failure(self):
class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
def test_die(self):
self.fail("help me!")
events = []
result = LoggingResult(events)
test = Foo("test_die")
['startTest', 'addExpectedFailure', 'stopTest'])
self.assertEqual(result.expected_failures[0][0], test)
def test_unexpected_success(self):
class Foo(unittest.TestCase):
def test_die(self):
events = []
result = LoggingResult(events)
test = Foo("test_die")
['startTest', 'addUnexpectedSuccess', 'stopTest'])
self.assertEqual(result.unexpected_successes, [test])
class Test_Assertions(TestCase):
def test_AlmostEqual(self):
self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(1.00000001, 1.0)
......@@ -2328,7 +2446,7 @@ class Test_Assertions(TestCase):
def test_main():
test_support.run_unittest(Test_TestCase, Test_TestLoader,
Test_TestSuite, Test_TestResult, Test_FunctionTestCase,
Test_TestSkipping, Test_Assertions)
if __name__ == "__main__":
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #1034053: unittest now supports skipping tests and expected failures.
- Issue #5068: Fixed the tarfile._BZ2Proxy.read() method that would loop
forever on incomplete input. That caused tarfile.open() to hang when used
with mode 'r' or 'r:bz2' and a fileobj argument that contained no data or
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