Kaydet (Commit) 6faacd3b authored tarafından Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

Update README, remove obsolete script.

üst d3f467ac
......@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@ This directory contains a collection of executable Python scripts.
See also the Tools/scripts directory!
beer.py Print the classic 'bottles of beer' list
eqfix.py Fix .py files to use the correct equality test operator
fact.py Factorize numbers
find-uname.py Search for Unicode characters using regexps
from.py Summarize mailbox
lpwatch.py Watch BSD line printer queues
makedir.py Like mkdir -p
markov.py Markov chain simulation of words or characters
mboxconvert.py Convert MH or MMDF mailboxes to unix mailbox format
morse.py Produce morse code (as an AIFF file)
newslist.py List all newsgroups on a NNTP server as HTML pages
pi.py Print all digits of pi -- given enough time and memory
pp.py Emulate some Perl command line options
primes.py Print prime numbers
queens.py Dijkstra's solution to Wirth's "N Queens problem"
script.py Equivalent to BSD script(1) -- by Steen Lumholt
unbirthday.py Print unbirthday count
update.py Update a bunch of files according to a script.
beer.py Print the classic 'bottles of beer' list
eqfix.py Fix .py files to use the correct equality test operator
fact.py Factorize numbers
find-uname.py Search for Unicode characters using regexps
from.py Summarize mailbox
lpwatch.py Watch BSD line printer queues
makedir.py Like mkdir -p
markov.py Markov chain simulation of words or characters
mboxconvert.py Convert MH or MMDF mailboxes to unix mailbox format
morse.py Produce morse code (as an AIFF file)
newslist.py List all newsgroups on a NNTP server as HTML pages
pi.py Print all digits of pi -- given enough time and memory
pp.py Emulate some Perl command line options
primes.py Print prime numbers
queens.py Dijkstra's solution to Wirth's "N Queens problem"
script.py Equivalent to BSD script(1) -- by Steen Lumholt
unbirthday.py Print unbirthday count
update.py Update a bunch of files according to a script
"""Convert "arbitrary" sound files to AIFF (Apple and SGI's audio format).
Input may be compressed.
Uncompressed file type may be AIFF, WAV, VOC, 8SVX, NeXT/Sun, and others.
An exception is raised if the file is not of a recognized type.
Returned filename is either the input filename or a temporary filename;
in the latter case the caller must ensure that it is removed.
Other temporary files used are removed by the function.
import os
import tempfile
import pipes
import sndhdr
__all__ = ["error", "toaiff"]
table = {}
t = pipes.Template()
t.append('sox -t au - -t aiff -r 8000 -', '--')
table['au'] = t
# XXX The following is actually sub-optimal.
# XXX The HCOM sampling rate can be 22k, 22k/2, 22k/3 or 22k/4.
# XXX We must force the output sampling rate else the SGI won't play
# XXX files sampled at 5.5k or 7.333k; however this means that files
# XXX sampled at 11k are unnecessarily expanded.
# XXX Similar comments apply to some other file types.
t = pipes.Template()
t.append('sox -t hcom - -t aiff -r 22050 -', '--')
table['hcom'] = t
t = pipes.Template()
t.append('sox -t voc - -t aiff -r 11025 -', '--')
table['voc'] = t
t = pipes.Template()
t.append('sox -t wav - -t aiff -', '--')
table['wav'] = t
t = pipes.Template()
t.append('sox -t 8svx - -t aiff -r 16000 -', '--')
table['8svx'] = t
t = pipes.Template()
t.append('sox -t sndt - -t aiff -r 16000 -', '--')
table['sndt'] = t
t = pipes.Template()
t.append('sox -t sndr - -t aiff -r 16000 -', '--')
table['sndr'] = t
uncompress = pipes.Template()
uncompress.append('uncompress', '--')
class error(Exception):
def toaiff(filename):
temps = []
ret = None
ret = _toaiff(filename, temps)
for temp in temps[:]:
if temp != ret:
except os.error:
return ret
def _toaiff(filename, temps):
if filename[-2:] == '.Z':
(fd, fname) = tempfile.mkstemp()
sts = uncompress.copy(filename, fname)
if sts:
raise error(filename + ': uncompress failed')
fname = filename
ftype = sndhdr.whathdr(fname)
if ftype:
ftype = ftype[0] # All we're interested in
except IOError as msg:
if type(msg) == type(()) and len(msg) == 2 and \
type(msg.args[0]) == type(0) and type(msg.args[1]) == type(''):
msg = msg.args[1]
if type(msg) != type(''):
msg = repr(msg)
raise error(filename + ': ' + msg)
if ftype == 'aiff':
return fname
if ftype is None or not ftype in table:
raise error('%s: unsupported audio file type %r' % (filename, ftype))
(fd, temp) = tempfile.mkstemp()
sts = table[ftype].copy(fname, temp)
if sts:
raise error(filename + ': conversion to aiff failed')
return temp
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