Kaydet (Commit) 715476d8 authored tarafından Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy

Issue #16630: Make Idle calltips work even when __getattr__ raises.

Initial patch by Roger Serwy.
üst 65fd0592
......@@ -118,47 +118,49 @@ def get_entity(expression):
# The following are used in both get_argspec and tests
_first_param = re.compile('(?<=\()\w*\,?\s*')
_default_callable_argspec = "No docstring, see docs."
_default_callable_argspec = "See source or doc"
def get_argspec(ob):
'''Return a string describing the arguments and return of a callable object.
'''Return a string describing the signature of a callable object, or ''.
For Python-coded functions and methods, the first line is introspected.
Delete 'self' parameter for classes (.__init__) and bound methods.
The last line is the first line of the doc string. For builtins, this typically
includes the arguments in addition to the return value.
argspec = ""
if hasattr(ob, '__call__'):
if isinstance(ob, type):
fob = getattr(ob, '__init__', None)
elif isinstance(ob.__call__, types.MethodType):
fob = ob.__call__
fob = ob
if isinstance(fob, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)):
argspec = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getfullargspec(fob))
if (isinstance(ob, (type, types.MethodType)) or
isinstance(ob.__call__, types.MethodType)):
argspec = _first_param.sub("", argspec)
if isinstance(ob.__call__, types.MethodType):
doc = ob.__call__.__doc__
doc = getattr(ob, "__doc__", "")
if doc:
doc = doc.lstrip()
pos = doc.find("\n")
if pos < 0 or pos > 70:
pos = 70
if argspec:
argspec += "\n"
argspec += doc[:pos]
if not argspec:
argspec = _default_callable_argspec
ob_call = ob.__call__
except BaseException:
return argspec
if isinstance(ob, type):
fob = ob.__init__
elif isinstance(ob_call, types.MethodType):
fob = ob_call
fob = ob
if isinstance(fob, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)):
argspec = inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getfullargspec(fob))
if (isinstance(ob, (type, types.MethodType)) or
isinstance(ob_call, types.MethodType)):
argspec = _first_param.sub("", argspec)
if isinstance(ob_call, types.MethodType):
doc = ob_call.__doc__
doc = getattr(ob, "__doc__", "")
if doc:
doc = doc.lstrip()
pos = doc.find("\n")
if pos < 0 or pos > 70:
pos = 70
if argspec:
argspec += "\n"
argspec += doc[:pos]
if not argspec:
argspec = _default_callable_argspec
return argspec
if __name__ == '__main__':
from unittest import main
main('idlelib.idle_test.test_calltips', verbosity=2, exit=False)
main('idlelib.idle_test.test_calltips', verbosity=2)
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import unittest
import idlelib.CallTips as ct
import types
default_tip = ct._default_callable_argspec
# Test Class TC is used in multiple get_argspec test methods
class TC():
......@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ class Get_signatureTest(unittest.TestCase):
gtest(List.append, append_doc)
gtest(types.MethodType, "method(function, instance)")
gtest(SB(), ct._default_callable_argspec)
gtest(SB(), default_tip)
def test_functions(self):
def t1(): 'doc'
......@@ -88,13 +89,13 @@ class Get_signatureTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_bound_methods(self):
# test that first parameter is correctly removed from argspec
# using _first_param re to calculate expected masks re errors
for meth, mtip in ((tc.t1, "()"), (tc.t4, "(*args)"), (tc.t6, "(self)"),
(TC.cm, "(a)"),):
(tc.__call__, '(ci)'), (tc, '(ci)'), (TC.cm, "(a)"),):
self.assertEqual(signature(meth), mtip + "\ndoc")
self.assertEqual(signature(tc), "(ci)\ndoc")
# directly test that re works to delete first parameter even when it
# non-ascii chars, such as various forms of A.
def test_non_ascii_name(self):
# test that re works to delete a first parameter name that
# includes non-ascii chars, such as various forms of A.
uni = "(A\u0391\u0410\u05d0\u0627\u0905\u1e00\u3042, a)"
assert ct._first_param.sub('', uni) == '(a)'
......@@ -105,6 +106,17 @@ class Get_signatureTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(signature(TC.nd), "(s)")
self.assertEqual(signature(tc.nd), "()")
def test_attribute_exception(self):
class NoCall:
def __getattr__(self, name):
raise BaseException
class Call(NoCall):
def __call__(self, ci):
for meth, mtip in ((NoCall, default_tip), (Call, default_tip),
(NoCall(), ''), (Call(), '(ci)')):
self.assertEqual(signature(meth), mtip)
def test_non_callables(self):
for obj in (0, 0.0, '0', b'0', [], {}):
self.assertEqual(signature(obj), '')
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