Kaydet (Commit) 797485e1 authored tarafından Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner

Issue #25318: Avoid sprintf() in backslashreplace()

Rewrite backslashreplace() to be closer to PyCodec_BackslashReplaceErrors().

Add also unit tests for non-BMP characters.
üst b13b97d3
......@@ -3155,7 +3155,8 @@ class ASCIITest(unittest.TestCase):
('[\x80\xff\u20ac]', 'ignore', b'[]'),
('[\x80\xff\u20ac]', 'replace', b'[???]'),
('[\x80\xff\u20ac]', 'xmlcharrefreplace', b'[€ÿ€]'),
('[\x80\xff\u20ac]', 'backslashreplace', b'[\\x80\\xff\\u20ac]'),
('[\x80\xff\u20ac\U000abcde]', 'backslashreplace',
('[\udc80\udcff]', 'surrogateescape', b'[\x80\xff]'),
with self.subTest(data=data, error_handler=error_handler,
......@@ -3197,7 +3198,8 @@ class Latin1Test(unittest.TestCase):
for data, error_handler, expected in (
('[\u20ac\udc80]', 'ignore', b'[]'),
('[\u20ac\udc80]', 'replace', b'[??]'),
('[\u20ac\udc80]', 'backslashreplace', b'[\\u20ac\\udc80]'),
('[\u20ac\U000abcde]', 'backslashreplace',
('[\u20ac\udc80]', 'xmlcharrefreplace', b'[€�]'),
('[\udc80\udcff]', 'surrogateescape', b'[\x80\xff]'),
......@@ -610,14 +610,25 @@ backslashreplace(_PyBytesWriter *writer, Py_ssize_t prealloc_per_char,
/* generate replacement */
for (i = collstart; i < collend; ++i) {
ch = PyUnicode_READ(kind, data, i);
if (ch < 0x100)
str += sprintf(str, "\\x%02x", ch);
else if (ch < 0x10000)
str += sprintf(str, "\\u%04x", ch);
else {
assert(ch <= MAX_UNICODE);
str += sprintf(str, "\\U%08x", ch);
*str++ = '\\';
if (ch >= 0x00010000) {
*str++ = 'U';
*str++ = Py_hexdigits[(ch>>28)&0xf];
*str++ = Py_hexdigits[(ch>>24)&0xf];
*str++ = Py_hexdigits[(ch>>20)&0xf];
*str++ = Py_hexdigits[(ch>>16)&0xf];
*str++ = Py_hexdigits[(ch>>12)&0xf];
*str++ = Py_hexdigits[(ch>>8)&0xf];
else if (ch >= 0x100) {
*str++ = 'u';
*str++ = Py_hexdigits[(ch>>12)&0xf];
*str++ = Py_hexdigits[(ch>>8)&0xf];
*str++ = 'x';
*str++ = Py_hexdigits[(ch>>4)&0xf];
*str++ = Py_hexdigits[ch&0xf];
return str;
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