Kaydet (Commit) 7bc279c4 authored tarafından Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy

Merge with 3.4

......@@ -44,9 +44,11 @@ class FormatParagraph:
The length limit parameter is for testing with a known value.
if limit == None:
if limit is None:
# The default length limit is that defined by pep8
limit = idleConf.GetOption(
'main', 'FormatParagraph', 'paragraph', type='int')
'extensions', 'FormatParagraph', 'max-width',
type='int', default=72)
text = self.editwin.text
first, last = self.editwin.get_selection_indices()
if first and last:
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ toggle-code-context=
......@@ -58,9 +58,6 @@ font-size= 10
font-bold= 0
encoding= none
use-spaces= 1
num-spaces= 4
......@@ -373,7 +373,6 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
parent = self.parent
self.winWidth = StringVar(parent)
self.winHeight = StringVar(parent)
self.paraWidth = StringVar(parent)
self.startupEdit = IntVar(parent)
self.autoSave = IntVar(parent)
self.encoding = StringVar(parent)
......@@ -389,7 +388,6 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
frameSave = LabelFrame(frame, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE,
text=' Autosave Preferences ')
frameWinSize = Frame(frame, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE)
frameParaSize = Frame(frame, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE)
frameHelp = LabelFrame(frame, borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE,
text=' Additional Help Sources ')
......@@ -417,11 +415,6 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
labelWinHeightTitle = Label(frameWinSize, text='Height')
entryWinHeight = Entry(
frameWinSize, textvariable=self.winHeight, width=3)
labelParaWidthTitle = Label(
frameParaSize, text='Paragraph reformat width (in characters)')
entryParaWidth = Entry(
frameParaSize, textvariable=self.paraWidth, width=3)
frameHelpList = Frame(frameHelp)
frameHelpListButtons = Frame(frameHelpList)
......@@ -447,7 +440,6 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
frameRun.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=X)
frameSave.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=X)
frameWinSize.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=X)
frameParaSize.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=X)
frameHelp.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
labelRunChoiceTitle.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5)
......@@ -463,9 +455,6 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
labelWinHeightTitle.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, pady=5)
entryWinWidth.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, padx=10, pady=5)
labelWinWidthTitle.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, pady=5)
labelParaWidthTitle.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W, padx=5, pady=5)
entryParaWidth.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, padx=10, pady=5)
frameHelpListButtons.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5, fill=Y)
frameHelpList.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, expand=TRUE, fill=BOTH)
......@@ -492,7 +481,6 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
self.keysAreBuiltin.trace_variable('w', self.VarChanged_keysAreBuiltin)
self.winWidth.trace_variable('w', self.VarChanged_winWidth)
self.winHeight.trace_variable('w', self.VarChanged_winHeight)
self.paraWidth.trace_variable('w', self.VarChanged_paraWidth)
self.startupEdit.trace_variable('w', self.VarChanged_startupEdit)
self.autoSave.trace_variable('w', self.VarChanged_autoSave)
self.encoding.trace_variable('w', self.VarChanged_encoding)
......@@ -577,10 +565,6 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
value = self.winHeight.get()
self.AddChangedItem('main', 'EditorWindow', 'height', value)
def VarChanged_paraWidth(self, *params):
value = self.paraWidth.get()
self.AddChangedItem('main', 'FormatParagraph', 'paragraph', value)
def VarChanged_startupEdit(self, *params):
value = self.startupEdit.get()
self.AddChangedItem('main', 'General', 'editor-on-startup', value)
......@@ -1077,9 +1061,6 @@ class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
'main', 'EditorWindow', 'width', type='int'))
'main', 'EditorWindow', 'height', type='int'))
#initial paragraph reformat size
'main', 'FormatParagraph', 'paragraph', type='int'))
# default source encoding
'main', 'EditorWindow', 'encoding', default='none'))
......@@ -1226,6 +1226,11 @@ Library
- Issue #20577: Configuration of the max line length for the FormatParagraph
extension has been moved from the General tab of the Idle preferences dialog
to the FormatParagraph tab of the Config Extensions dialog.
Patch by Tal Einat.
- Issue #16893: Update Idle doc chapter to match current Idle and add new
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