Kaydet (Commit) 7be0cde3 authored tarafından Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Add an explanation about what the example does and doesn't do.

Fix an appearantly new behavior with latex2html with quoting.  (Good
incentive to work on the SGML conversion! ;)
üst 2eff3c52
......@@ -134,7 +134,12 @@ consult the module code.
\subsection{SMTP Example \label{SMTP-example}}
% really need a little description here...
This example prompts the user for addresses needed in the message
envelop (`To' and `From' addresses), and the message to be
delivered. Note that the headers to be included with the message must
be included in the message as entered; this example doesn't do any
processing of the \rfc{822} headers. In particular, the `To' and
`From' addresses must be included in the message headers explicitly.
import rfc822, string, sys
......@@ -147,7 +152,7 @@ def prompt(prompt):
fromaddr = prompt("From")
toaddrs = string.splitfields(prompt("To"), ',')
print "Enter message, end with ^D:"
msg = ''
msg = ""
while 1:
line = sys.stdin.readline()
if not line:
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