Kaydet (Commit) 891f2631 authored tarafından Mark Hammond's avatar Mark Hammond

Fix issue5076: bdist_wininst fails on py3k

üst 6d0e9757
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......@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
FILE *logfile;
char modulename[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t wmodulename[MAX_PATH];
HWND hwndMain;
HWND hDialog;
......@@ -299,6 +300,27 @@ static int do_compile_files(int (__cdecl * PyRun_SimpleString)(char *),
typedef void PyObject;
// Convert a "char *" string to "whcar_t *", or NULL on error.
// Result string must be free'd
wchar_t *widen_string(char *src)
wchar_t *result;
DWORD dest_cch;
int src_len = strlen(src) + 1; // include NULL term in all ops
/* use MultiByteToWideChar() to see how much we need. */
/* NOTE: this will include the null-term in the length */
dest_cch = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, src, src_len, NULL, 0);
// alloc the buffer
result = (wchar_t *)malloc(dest_cch * sizeof(wchar_t));
if (result==NULL)
return NULL;
/* do the conversion */
if (0==MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, src, src_len, result, dest_cch)) {
return NULL;
return result;
* Returns number of files which failed to compile,
......@@ -307,7 +329,7 @@ typedef void PyObject;
static int compile_filelist(HINSTANCE hPython, BOOL optimize_flag)
DECLPROC(hPython, void, Py_Initialize, (void));
DECLPROC(hPython, void, Py_SetProgramName, (char *));
DECLPROC(hPython, void, Py_SetProgramName, (wchar_t *));
DECLPROC(hPython, void, Py_Finalize, (void));
DECLPROC(hPython, int, PyRun_SimpleString, (char *));
DECLPROC(hPython, PyObject *, PySys_GetObject, (char *));
......@@ -326,7 +348,7 @@ static int compile_filelist(HINSTANCE hPython, BOOL optimize_flag)
return -1;
*Py_OptimizeFlag = optimize_flag ? 1 : 0;
errors += do_compile_files(PyRun_SimpleString, optimize_flag);
......@@ -696,9 +718,10 @@ static int prepare_script_environment(HINSTANCE hPython)
static int
do_run_installscript(HINSTANCE hPython, char *pathname, int argc, char **argv)
int fh, result;
int fh, result, i;
static wchar_t *wargv[256];
DECLPROC(hPython, void, Py_Initialize, (void));
DECLPROC(hPython, int, PySys_SetArgv, (int, char **));
DECLPROC(hPython, int, PySys_SetArgv, (int, wchar_t **));
DECLPROC(hPython, int, PyRun_SimpleString, (char *));
DECLPROC(hPython, void, Py_Finalize, (void));
DECLPROC(hPython, PyObject *, Py_BuildValue, (char *, ...));
......@@ -732,7 +755,16 @@ do_run_installscript(HINSTANCE hPython, char *pathname, int argc, char **argv)
PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv);
// widen the argv array for py3k.
memset(wargv, 0, sizeof(wargv));
for (i=0;i<argc;i++)
wargv[i] = argv[i] ? widen_string(argv[i]) : NULL;
PySys_SetArgv(argc, wargv);
// free the strings we just widened.
for (i=0;i<argc;i++)
if (wargv[i])
result = 3;
struct _stat statbuf;
......@@ -807,7 +839,7 @@ static int do_run_simple_script(HINSTANCE hPython, char *script)
int rc;
DECLPROC(hPython, void, Py_Initialize, (void));
DECLPROC(hPython, void, Py_SetProgramName, (char *));
DECLPROC(hPython, void, Py_SetProgramName, (wchar_t *));
DECLPROC(hPython, void, Py_Finalize, (void));
DECLPROC(hPython, int, PyRun_SimpleString, (char *));
DECLPROC(hPython, void, PyErr_Print, (void));
......@@ -816,7 +848,7 @@ static int do_run_simple_script(HINSTANCE hPython, char *script)
!PyRun_SimpleString || !PyErr_Print)
return -1;
rc = PyRun_SimpleString(script);
......@@ -2618,6 +2650,7 @@ int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst,
char *basename;
GetModuleFileName(NULL, modulename, sizeof(modulename));
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, wmodulename, sizeof(wmodulename)/sizeof(wmodulename[0]));
/* Map the executable file to memory */
arc_data = MapExistingFile(modulename, &arc_size);
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