Kaydet (Commit) 916f2a86 authored tarafından Ned Deily's avatar Ned Deily

#10843: Install the Tools directory on OS X in the applications

        Extras (/Applications/Python 3.n/Extras/) where the Demo
        directory had previous been installed.
üst 22726704
......@@ -180,6 +180,8 @@ $(INSTALLED_PYTHONAPP): install_Python
installextras: $(srcdir)/Extras.ReadMe.txt $(srcdir)/Extras.install.py
$(INSTALL) $(srcdir)/Extras.ReadMe.txt "$(DESTDIR)$(PYTHONAPPSDIR)/Extras/ReadMe.txt"
$(RUNSHARED) $(BUILDPYTHON) $(srcdir)/Extras.install.py $(srcdir)/../Tools \
checkapplepython: $(srcdir)/Tools/fixapplepython23.py
......@@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ Build
- Issue #10843: Install the Tools directory on OS X in the applications
Extras (/Applications/Python 3.n/Extras/) where the Demo directory
had previous been installed.
- Issue #7962: The Demo directory is gone. Most of the old and unmaintained
demos have been removed, others integrated in documentation or a new
Tools/demo subdirectory.
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