Kaydet (Commit) 933a8c82 authored tarafından Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner

asyncio doc: reorder methods; typo

üst 1ca5ba61
......@@ -192,12 +192,6 @@ BaseSubprocessTransport
Return the subprocess process id as an integer.
.. method:: get_returncode()
Return the subprocess returncode as an integer or :const:`None`
if it hasn't returned, similarly to the
:attr:`subprocess.Popen.returncode` attribute.
.. method:: get_pipe_transport(fd)
Return the transport for the communication pipe correspondong to the
......@@ -206,6 +200,19 @@ BaseSubprocessTransport
correspond to a pipe belonging to this transport, :const:`None` is
.. method:: get_returncode()
Return the subprocess returncode as an integer or :const:`None`
if it hasn't returned, similarly to the
:attr:`subprocess.Popen.returncode` attribute.
.. method:: kill(self)
Kill the subprocess, as in :meth:`subprocess.Popen.kill`
On POSIX systems, the function sends SIGKILL to the subprocess.
On Windows, this method is an alias for :meth:`terminate`.
.. method:: send_signal(signal)
Send the *signal* number to the subprocess, as in
......@@ -220,13 +227,6 @@ BaseSubprocessTransport
On Windows, the Windows API function TerminateProcess() is called to
stop the subprocess.
.. method:: kill(self)
Kill the subprocess, as in :meth:`subprocess.Popen.kill`
On POSIX systems, the function sends SIGKILL to the subprocess.
On Windows, this method is an alias for :meth:`terminate`.
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Task functions
or ``None``, there is no limit to the wait time.
*return_when* indicates when this function should return. It must be one of
the following constants of the :mod`concurrent.futures` module:
the following constants of the :mod:`concurrent.futures` module:
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|L|
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