Kaydet (Commit) a16a509d authored tarafından Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

tabnanny stuff

üst ce73acf5
......@@ -18,54 +18,54 @@ def dialog(master, title, text, bitmap, default, *args):
top = Frame(w, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'top', 'fill': 'both'}})
Pack: {'side': 'top', 'fill': 'both'}})
bot = Frame(w, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'bottom', 'fill': 'both'}})
Pack: {'side': 'bottom', 'fill': 'both'}})
# 2. Fill the top part with the bitmap and message.
msg = Message(top,
{'width': '3i',
'text': text,
'font': '-Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-*',
Pack: {'side': 'right', 'expand': 1,
'fill': 'both',
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}})
{'width': '3i',
'text': text,
'font': '-Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-*',
Pack: {'side': 'right', 'expand': 1,
'fill': 'both',
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}})
if bitmap:
bm = Label(top, {'bitmap': bitmap,
Pack: {'side': 'left',
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}})
bm = Label(top, {'bitmap': bitmap,
Pack: {'side': 'left',
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}})
# 3. Create a row of buttons at the bottom of the dialog.
buttons = []
i = 0
for but in args:
b = Button(bot, {'text': but,
'command': ('set', 'button', i)})
if i == default:
bd = Frame(bot, {'relief': 'sunken', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'left', 'expand': 1,
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '2m'}})
b.pack ({'in': bd, 'side': 'left',
'padx': '2m', 'pady': '2m',
'ipadx': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'})
b.pack ({'side': 'left', 'expand': 1,
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m',
'ipady': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'})
i = i+1
b = Button(bot, {'text': but,
'command': ('set', 'button', i)})
if i == default:
bd = Frame(bot, {'relief': 'sunken', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'left', 'expand': 1,
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '2m'}})
b.pack ({'in': bd, 'side': 'left',
'padx': '2m', 'pady': '2m',
'ipadx': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'})
b.pack ({'side': 'left', 'expand': 1,
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m',
'ipady': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'})
i = i+1
# 4. Set up a binding for <Return>, if there's a default,
# set a grab, and claim the focus too.
if default >= 0:
lambda e, b=buttons[default], i=default:
b.setvar('button', i)))
lambda e, b=buttons[default], i=default:
b.setvar('button', i)))
oldFocus = w.tk.call('focus') # XXX
......@@ -89,69 +89,69 @@ def strdialog(master, title, text, bitmap, default, *args):
top = Frame(w, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'top', 'fill': 'both'}})
Pack: {'side': 'top', 'fill': 'both'}})
if args:
bot = Frame(w, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'bottom', 'fill': 'both'}})
bot = Frame(w, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'bottom', 'fill': 'both'}})
# 2. Fill the top part with the bitmap, message and input field.
if bitmap:
bm = Label(top, {'bitmap': bitmap,
Pack: {'side': 'left',
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}})
bm = Label(top, {'bitmap': bitmap,
Pack: {'side': 'left',
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}})
msg = Message(top,
{'width': '3i',
'text': text,
'font': '-Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-*',
Pack: {'side': 'left',
'fill': 'both',
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}})
{'width': '3i',
'text': text,
'font': '-Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-*',
Pack: {'side': 'left',
'fill': 'both',
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}})
field = Entry(top,
'padx':'3m', 'pady':'3m'}})
'padx':'3m', 'pady':'3m'}})
# 3. Create a row of buttons at the bottom of the dialog.
buttons = []
i = 0
for but in args:
b = Button(bot, {'text': but,
'command': ('set', 'button', i)})
if i == default:
bd = Frame(bot, {'relief': 'sunken', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'left', 'expand': 1,
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '2m'}})
b.pack ({'in': bd, 'side': 'left',
'padx': '2m', 'pady': '2m',
'ipadx': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'})
b.pack ({'side': 'left', 'expand': 1,
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m',
'ipady': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'})
i = i+1
b = Button(bot, {'text': but,
'command': ('set', 'button', i)})
if i == default:
bd = Frame(bot, {'relief': 'sunken', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'left', 'expand': 1,
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '2m'}})
b.pack ({'in': bd, 'side': 'left',
'padx': '2m', 'pady': '2m',
'ipadx': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'})
b.pack ({'side': 'left', 'expand': 1,
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m',
'ipady': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'})
i = i+1
# 4. Set up a binding for <Return>, if there's a default,
# set a grab, and claim the focus too.
if not args:
w.bind('<Return>', lambda arg, top=top: top.setvar('button', 0))
field.bind('<Return>', lambda arg, top=top: top.setvar('button', 0))
w.bind('<Return>', lambda arg, top=top: top.setvar('button', 0))
field.bind('<Return>', lambda arg, top=top: top.setvar('button', 0))
elif default >= 0:
lambda e, b=buttons[default], i=default:
b.setvar('button', i)))
lambda e, b=buttons[default], i=default:
b.setvar('button', i)))
lambda e, b=buttons[default], i=default:
b.setvar('button', i)))
lambda e, b=buttons[default], i=default:
b.setvar('button', i)))
oldFocus = w.tk.call('focus') # XXX
......@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ def strdialog(master, title, text, bitmap, default, *args):
w.tk.call('focus', oldFocus) # XXX
if args:
return v, w.getint(w.getvar('button'))
return v, w.getint(w.getvar('button'))
return v
return v
def message(str):
i = dialog(mainWidget, 'Message', str, '', 0, 'OK')
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ def askstr(str):
i = strdialog(mainWidget, 'Question', str, '', 0)
return i
def askfile(str): # XXXX For now...
def askfile(str): # XXXX For now...
i = strdialog(mainWidget, 'Question', str, '', 0)
return i
......@@ -192,30 +192,30 @@ def askfile(str): # XXXX For now...
def _go():
i = dialog(mainWidget,
'Not Responding',
"The file server isn't responding right now; "
"I'll keep trying.",
'Not Responding',
"The file server isn't responding right now; "
"I'll keep trying.",
print 'pressed button', i
i = dialog(mainWidget,
'File Modified',
'File "tcl.h" has been modified since '
'the last time it was saved. '
'Do you want to save it before exiting the application?',
'Save File',
'Discard Changes',
'Return To Editor')
'File Modified',
'File "tcl.h" has been modified since '
'the last time it was saved. '
'Do you want to save it before exiting the application?',
'Save File',
'Discard Changes',
'Return To Editor')
print 'pressed button', i
print message('Test of message')
print askyn('Test of yes/no')
print askync('Test of yes/no/cancel')
print askstr('Type a string:')
print strdialog(mainWidget, 'Question', 'Another string:', '',
0, 'Save', 'Save as text')
0, 'Save', 'Save as text')
def _test():
import sys
......@@ -223,12 +223,12 @@ def _test():
mainWidget = Frame()
start = Button(mainWidget,
{'text': 'Press Here To Start', 'command': _go})
{'text': 'Press Here To Start', 'command': _go})
endit = Button(mainWidget,
{'text': 'Exit',
'command': 'exit',
Pack: {'fill' : 'both'}})
{'text': 'Exit',
'command': 'exit',
Pack: {'fill' : 'both'}})
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ error = 'genmodule.error'
# Names of functions in the object-description struct.
FUNCLIST = ['new', 'tp_dealloc', 'tp_print', 'tp_getattr', 'tp_setattr',
'tp_compare', 'tp_repr', 'tp_hash', 'tp_call', 'tp_str']
'tp_compare', 'tp_repr', 'tp_hash', 'tp_call', 'tp_str']
TYPELIST = ['tp_as_number', 'tp_as_sequence', 'tp_as_mapping', 'structure']
......@@ -37,112 +37,112 @@ TYPELIST = ['tp_as_number', 'tp_as_sequence', 'tp_as_mapping', 'structure']
class writer:
def __init__(self):
self._subst = None
self._subst = None
def makesubst(self):
if not self._subst:
if not self.__dict__.has_key('abbrev'):
self.abbrev = self.name
self.Abbrev = string.upper(self.abbrev[0])+self.abbrev[1:]
subst = varsubst.Varsubst(self.__dict__)
self._subst = subst.subst
if not self._subst:
if not self.__dict__.has_key('abbrev'):
self.abbrev = self.name
self.Abbrev = string.upper(self.abbrev[0])+self.abbrev[1:]
subst = varsubst.Varsubst(self.__dict__)
self._subst = subst.subst
def addcode(self, name, fp):
ifp = self.opentemplate(name)
d = ifp.read()
d = self._subst(d)
ifp = self.opentemplate(name)
d = ifp.read()
d = self._subst(d)
def opentemplate(self, name):
for p in sys.path:
fn = os.path.join(p, name)
if os.path.exists(fn):
return open(fn, 'r')
fn = os.path.join(p, 'Templates')
fn = os.path.join(fn, name)
if os.path.exists(fn):
return open(fn, 'r')
raise error, 'Template '+name+' not found for '+self._type+' '+ \
for p in sys.path:
fn = os.path.join(p, name)
if os.path.exists(fn):
return open(fn, 'r')
fn = os.path.join(p, 'Templates')
fn = os.path.join(fn, name)
if os.path.exists(fn):
return open(fn, 'r')
raise error, 'Template '+name+' not found for '+self._type+' '+ \
class module(writer):
_type = 'module'
def writecode(self, fp):
self.addcode('copyright', fp)
self.addcode('module_head', fp)
for o in self.objects:
for o in self.objects:
new_ml = ''
for fn in self.methodlist:
self.method = fn
self.addcode('module_method', fp)
new_ml = new_ml + (
%(fn, self.abbrev, fn, self.abbrev, fn))
self.methodlist = new_ml
self.addcode('module_tail', fp)
self.addcode('copyright', fp)
self.addcode('module_head', fp)
for o in self.objects:
for o in self.objects:
new_ml = ''
for fn in self.methodlist:
self.method = fn
self.addcode('module_method', fp)
new_ml = new_ml + (
%(fn, self.abbrev, fn, self.abbrev, fn))
self.methodlist = new_ml
self.addcode('module_tail', fp)
class object(writer):
_type = 'object'
def __init__(self):
self.typelist = []
self.methodlist = []
self.funclist = ['new']
self.typelist = []
self.methodlist = []
self.funclist = ['new']
def writecode(self, fp):
self.addcode('copyright', fp)
self.addcode('copyright', fp)
def writehead(self, fp):
self.addcode('object_head', fp)
self.addcode('object_head', fp)
def writebody(self, fp):
new_ml = ''
for fn in self.methodlist:
self.method = fn
self.addcode('object_method', fp)
new_ml = new_ml + (
%(fn, self.abbrev, fn, self.abbrev, fn))
self.methodlist = new_ml
self.addcode('object_mlist', fp)
new_ml = ''
for fn in self.methodlist:
self.method = fn
self.addcode('object_method', fp)
new_ml = new_ml + (
%(fn, self.abbrev, fn, self.abbrev, fn))
self.methodlist = new_ml
self.addcode('object_mlist', fp)
# Add getattr if we have methods
if self.methodlist and not 'tp_getattr' in self.funclist:
self.funclist.insert(0, 'tp_getattr')
for fn in FUNCLIST:
setattr(self, fn, '0')
# Add getattr if we have methods
if self.methodlist and not 'tp_getattr' in self.funclist:
self.funclist.insert(0, 'tp_getattr')
for fn in FUNCLIST:
setattr(self, fn, '0')
# Special case for structure-access objects: put getattr in the
# list of functions but don't generate code for it directly,
# the code is obtained from the object_structure template.
# The same goes for setattr.
if 'structure' in self.typelist:
if 'tp_getattr' in self.funclist:
if 'tp_setattr' in self.funclist:
self.tp_getattr = self.abbrev + '_getattr'
self.tp_setattr = self.abbrev + '_setattr'
for fn in self.funclist:
self.addcode('object_'+fn, fp)
setattr(self, fn, '%s_%s'%(self.abbrev, fn[3:]))
for tn in TYPELIST:
setattr(self, tn, '0')
for tn in self.typelist:
self.addcode('object_'+tn, fp)
setattr(self, tn, '&%s_%s'%(self.abbrev, tn[3:]))
self.addcode('object_tail', fp)
# Special case for structure-access objects: put getattr in the
# list of functions but don't generate code for it directly,
# the code is obtained from the object_structure template.
# The same goes for setattr.
if 'structure' in self.typelist:
if 'tp_getattr' in self.funclist:
if 'tp_setattr' in self.funclist:
self.tp_getattr = self.abbrev + '_getattr'
self.tp_setattr = self.abbrev + '_setattr'
for fn in self.funclist:
self.addcode('object_'+fn, fp)
setattr(self, fn, '%s_%s'%(self.abbrev, fn[3:]))
for tn in TYPELIST:
setattr(self, tn, '0')
for tn in self.typelist:
self.addcode('object_'+tn, fp)
setattr(self, tn, '&%s_%s'%(self.abbrev, tn[3:]))
self.addcode('object_tail', fp)
def write(fp, obj):
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -9,42 +9,42 @@ error = 'varsubst.error'
class Varsubst:
def __init__(self, dict):
self.dict = dict
self.prog = regex.compile('\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\$')
self.do_useindent = 0
self.dict = dict
self.prog = regex.compile('\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\$')
self.do_useindent = 0
def useindent(self, onoff):
self.do_useindent = onoff
self.do_useindent = onoff
def subst(self, str):
rv = ''
while 1:
pos = self.prog.search(str)
if pos < 0:
return rv + str
if pos:
rv = rv + str[:pos]
str = str[pos:]
len = self.prog.match(str)
if len == 2:
# Escaped dollar
rv = rv + '$'
str = str[2:]
name = str[1:len-1]
str = str[len:]
if not self.dict.has_key(name):
raise error, 'No such variable: '+name
value = self.dict[name]
if self.do_useindent and '\n' in value:
value = self._modindent(value, rv)
rv = rv + value
rv = ''
while 1:
pos = self.prog.search(str)
if pos < 0:
return rv + str
if pos:
rv = rv + str[:pos]
str = str[pos:]
len = self.prog.match(str)
if len == 2:
# Escaped dollar
rv = rv + '$'
str = str[2:]
name = str[1:len-1]
str = str[len:]
if not self.dict.has_key(name):
raise error, 'No such variable: '+name
value = self.dict[name]
if self.do_useindent and '\n' in value:
value = self._modindent(value, rv)
rv = rv + value
def _modindent(self, value, old):
lastnl = string.rfind(old, '\n', 0) + 1
lastnl = len(old) - lastnl
sub = '\n' + (' '*lastnl)
return regsub.gsub('\n', sub, value)
lastnl = string.rfind(old, '\n', 0) + 1
lastnl = len(old) - lastnl
sub = '\n' + (' '*lastnl)
return regsub.gsub('\n', sub, value)
def _test():
import sys
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