Kaydet (Commit) a26b3f18 authored tarafından Serhiy Storchaka's avatar Serhiy Storchaka

Issue #20363. Fixed BytesWarning triggerred by test suite.

Patch by Berker Peksag.
......@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ def a85decode(b, *, foldspaces=False, adobe=False, ignorechars=b' \t\n\r\v'):
if adobe:
if not (b.startswith(_A85START) and b.endswith(_A85END)):
raise ValueError("Ascii85 encoded byte sequences must be bracketed "
"by {} and {}".format(_A85START, _A85END))
"by {!r} and {!r}".format(_A85START, _A85END))
b = b[2:-2] # Strip off start/end markers
# We have to go through this stepwise, so as to ignore spaces and handle
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ class ParsingError(Error):
raise ValueError("Required argument `source' not given.")
elif filename:
source = filename
Error.__init__(self, 'Source contains parsing errors: %s' % source)
Error.__init__(self, 'Source contains parsing errors: %r' % source)
self.source = source
self.errors = []
self.args = (source, )
......@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class MissingSectionHeaderError(ParsingError):
def __init__(self, filename, lineno, line):
'File contains no section headers.\nfile: %s, line: %d\n%r' %
'File contains no section headers.\nfile: %r, line: %d\n%r' %
(filename, lineno, line))
self.source = filename
self.lineno = lineno
......@@ -300,5 +300,5 @@ Your selection [default 1]: ''', log.INFO)
result = 200, 'OK'
if self.show_response:
dashes = '-' * 75
self.announce('%s%s%s' % (dashes, data, dashes))
self.announce('%s%r%s' % (dashes, data, dashes))
return result
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class HashRandomizationTests:
# an object to be tested
def get_hash_command(self, repr_):
return 'print(hash(eval(%r.decode("utf-8"))))' % repr_.encode("utf-8")
return 'print(hash(eval(%a)))' % repr_
def get_hash(self, repr_, seed=None):
env = os.environ.copy()
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