Kaydet (Commit) a36cde4c authored tarafından Lars Gustäbel's avatar Lars Gustäbel

Quick fix for tests that fail on systems with an encoding other

than 'iso8859-1'.
üst a47337fb
# encoding: iso8859-15
# encoding: iso8859-1
import sys
import os
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class ReadTest(unittest.TestCase):
mode = "r:"
def setUp(self):
self.tar = tarfile.open(self.tarname, mode=self.mode)
self.tar = tarfile.open(self.tarname, mode=self.mode, encoding="iso8859-1")
def tearDown(self):
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class MiscReadTest(ReadTest):
def test_extract_hardlink(self):
# Test hardlink extraction (e.g. bug #857297).
tar = tarfile.open(tarname, errorlevel=1)
tar = tarfile.open(tarname, errorlevel=1, encoding="iso8859-1")
tar.extract("ustar/regtype", TEMPDIR)
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class StreamReadTest(ReadTest):
self.assertRaises(tarfile.StreamError, f.read)
def test_compare_members(self):
tar1 = tarfile.open(tarname)
tar1 = tarfile.open(tarname, encoding="iso8859-1")
tar2 = self.tar
while True:
......@@ -363,6 +363,7 @@ class MemberReadTest(ReadTest):
self._test_member(tarinfo, size=7011, chksum=md5_regtype)
def test_find_pax_umlauts(self):
self.tar = tarfile.open(self.tarname, mode=self.mode, encoding="iso8859-1")
tarinfo = self.tar.getmember("pax/umlauts-")
self._test_member(tarinfo, size=7011, chksum=md5_regtype)
......@@ -414,7 +415,7 @@ class PaxReadTest(ReadTest):
subdir = "pax"
def test_pax_globheaders(self):
tar = tarfile.open(tarname)
tar = tarfile.open(tarname, encoding="iso8859-1")
tarinfo = tar.getmember("pax/regtype1")
self.assertEqual(tarinfo.uname, "foo")
self.assertEqual(tarinfo.gname, "bar")
......@@ -777,7 +778,7 @@ class AppendTest(unittest.TestCase):
def _create_testtar(self, mode="w:"):
src = tarfile.open(tarname)
src = tarfile.open(tarname, encoding="iso8859-1")
t = src.getmember("ustar/regtype")
t.name = "foo"
f = src.extractfile(t)
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