Kaydet (Commit) a486a471 authored tarafından Steve Dower's avatar Steve Dower Kaydeden (comit) Miss Islington (bot)

Fixes issues in Windows release upload script (GH-9845)

üst d4d60134
......@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ param(
if (-not $build) { throw "-build option is required" }
if (-not $user) { throw "-user option is required" }
$tools = $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Split-Path -parent;
if (-not ((Test-Path "$build\win32\python-*.exe") -or (Test-Path "$build\amd64\python-*.exe"))) {
throw "-build argument does not look like a 'build' directory"
......@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ if (-not $skipupload) {
if (-not $skippurge) {
# Run a CDN purge
py purge.py "$($p[0])$($p[1])"
py $tools\purge.py "$($p[0])$($p[1])"
if (-not $skiptest) {
......@@ -126,8 +128,11 @@ if (-not $skiptest) {
if (-not $skiphash) {
# Display MD5 hash and size of each downloadable file
pushd $build
gci python*.chm, *\*.exe, *\*.zip | `
$hashes = gci python*.chm, *\*.exe, *\*.zip | `
Sort-Object Name | `
Format-Table Name, @{Label="MD5"; Expression={(Get-FileHash $_ -Algorithm MD5).Hash}}, Length
Format-Table Name, @{Label="MD5"; Expression={(Get-FileHash $_ -Algorithm MD5).Hash}}, Length -AutoSize | `
Out-String -Width 4096
$hashes | clip
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