Kaydet (Commit) a6902e66 authored tarafından Xiang Zhang's avatar Xiang Zhang Kaydeden (comit) GitHub

bpo-26985: Add missing info of code object in inspect documentation (GH-1090)

üst 4c0d9ea9
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......@@ -253,18 +253,24 @@ def iscode(object):
"""Return true if the object is a code object.
Code objects provide these attributes:
co_argcount number of arguments (not including * or ** args)
co_code string of raw compiled bytecode
co_consts tuple of constants used in the bytecode
co_filename name of file in which this code object was created
co_firstlineno number of first line in Python source code
co_flags bitmap: 1=optimized | 2=newlocals | 4=*arg | 8=**arg
co_lnotab encoded mapping of line numbers to bytecode indices
co_name name with which this code object was defined
co_names tuple of names of local variables
co_nlocals number of local variables
co_stacksize virtual machine stack space required
co_varnames tuple of names of arguments and local variables"""
co_argcount number of arguments (not including *, ** args
or keyword only arguments)
co_code string of raw compiled bytecode
co_cellvars tuple of names of cell variables
co_consts tuple of constants used in the bytecode
co_filename name of file in which this code object was created
co_firstlineno number of first line in Python source code
co_flags bitmap: 1=optimized | 2=newlocals | 4=*arg | 8=**arg
| 16=nested | 32=generator | 64=nofree | 128=coroutine
| 256=iterable_coroutine | 512=async_generator
co_freevars tuple of names of free variables
co_kwonlyargcount number of keyword only arguments (not including ** arg)
co_lnotab encoded mapping of line numbers to bytecode indices
co_name name with which this code object was defined
co_names tuple of names of local variables
co_nlocals number of local variables
co_stacksize virtual machine stack space required
co_varnames tuple of names of arguments and local variables"""
return isinstance(object, types.CodeType)
def isbuiltin(object):
......@@ -945,6 +945,8 @@ C API
- bpo-26985: Add missing info of code object in inspect documentation.
- bpo-19824, bpo-20314, bpo-12518: Improve the documentation for, and links
to, template strings by emphasizing their utility for internationalization,
and by clarifying some usage constraints.
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