Kaydet (Commit) a78a3c30 authored tarafından Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Implemented a simple Password scheme.

Added a Help link to the FAQ Edit Wizard.
üst f8f0fb70
......@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ XXX Code organization TO DO
# NB for timing purposes, the imports are at the end of this file
NAMEPAT = "faq??.???.htp"
NAMEREG = "^faq\([0-9][0-9]\)\.\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)\.htp$"
......@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ class FAQServer:
KEYS = ['req', 'query', 'name', 'text', 'commit', 'title',
'author', 'email', 'log', 'section', 'number', 'add',
'version', 'edit']
'version', 'edit', 'password']
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key not in self.KEYS:
......@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ class FAQServer:
return value
def do_frontpage(self):
self.prologue("Python FAQ (alpha) Front Page")
self.prologue("Python FAQ (beta test) Front Page")
print """
<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=index">FAQ index</A>
......@@ -330,7 +332,8 @@ class FAQServer:
if not headers:
self.error("Invalid file name", name)
self.prologue("Python FAQ Edit Form")
self.prologue("Python FAQ Edit Wizard - Edit Form")
print '<A HREF="/python/faqhelp.html">Click for Help</A>'
title = headers['title']
version = self.getversion(name)
print "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=faq.py>"
......@@ -362,13 +365,15 @@ class FAQServer:
if not headers:
self.error("Invalid file name", name)
if self.author and '@' in self.email:
self.set_cookie(self.author, self.email)
self.prologue("Python FAQ Review Form")
if self.author or '@' in self.email or self.password:
self.set_cookie(self.author, self.email, self.password)
self.prologue("Python FAQ Edit Wizard - Review Form")
print '<A HREF="/python/faqhelp.html">Click for Help</A>'
print "<HR>"
self.show(name, title, text, edit=0)
print "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=faq.py>"
if self.log and self.author and '@' in self.email:
if self.password == PASSWORD \
and self.log and self.author and '@' in self.email:
print """
<INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=commit VALUE="Commit">
Click this button to commit the change.
......@@ -378,8 +383,9 @@ class FAQServer:
print """
To commit this change, please enter your name,
email and a log message in the form below.
To commit this change, please enter a log message,
your name, your email address,
and the correct password in the form below.
......@@ -434,7 +440,13 @@ class FAQServer:
def checkin(self):
import regsub, time, tempfile
name = self.name
password = self.password
if password != PASSWORD:
self.error("Invalid password.")
if not (self.log and self.author and '@' in self.email):
self.error("No log message, no author, or invalid email.")
headers, oldtext = self.read(name)
if not headers:
self.error("Invalid file name", name)
......@@ -549,7 +561,7 @@ class FAQServer:
output = p.read()
sts = p.close()
if not sts:
self.set_cookie(author, email)
self.set_cookie(author, email, password)
self.prologue("Python FAQ Entry Edited")
print "<HR>"
self.show(name, title, text)
......@@ -561,9 +573,9 @@ class FAQServer:
if output:
print "<PRE>%s</PRE>" % cgi.escape(output)
def set_cookie(self, author, email):
def set_cookie(self, author, email, password):
name = "Python-FAQ-ID"
value = "%s;%s" % (author, email)
value = "%s/%s/%s" % (author, email, password)
import urllib
value = urllib.quote(value)
print "Set-Cookie: %s=%s; path=/cgi-bin/;" % (name, value),
......@@ -585,36 +597,48 @@ class FAQServer:
key, value = word[:i], word[i+1:]
cookies[key] = value
if not cookies.has_key('Python-FAQ-ID'):
return "", ""
return "", "", ""
value = cookies['Python-FAQ-ID']
import urllib
value = urllib.unquote(value)
i = string.rfind(value, ';')
author, email = value[:i], value[i+1:]
return author, email
words = string.split(value, '/')
while len(words) < 3:
author = string.join(words[:-2], '/')
email = words[-2]
password = words[-1]
return author, email, password
def showedit(self, name, title, text):
author = self.author
email = self.email
password = self.password
if not author or not email:
a, e = self.get_cookie()
a, e, p = self.get_cookie()
author = author or a
email = email or e
password = password or p
print """
Title: <INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=70 NAME=title VALUE="%s"><BR>
""" % (self.escape(title), cgi.escape(string.strip(text)))
print """
<TEXTAREA COLS=80 ROWS=20 NAME=text>%s\n</TEXTAREA>""" % (
self.escape(title), cgi.escape(string.strip(text)))
print """<BR>
Log message (reason for the change):<BR>
Please provide the following information for logging purposes:
<CODE>Name : </CODE><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=40 NAME=author VALUE="%s">
<CODE>Email: </CODE><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=40 NAME=email VALUE="%s">
""" % (self.escape(self.log), self.escape(author), self.escape(email))
<TD><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=40 NAME=author VALUE="%s">
<TD><INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=40 NAME=email VALUE="%s">
<TD><INPUT TYPE=password SIZE=40 NAME=password VALUE="%s">
""" % (self.escape(self.log), self.escape(author),
self.escape(email), self.escape(password))
def escape(self, s):
import regsub
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