Kaydet (Commit) a840fca1 authored tarafından Just van Rossum's avatar Just van Rossum

Initial checkin of IDE scripts. (jvr)

üst b7ad821f
A separator ends with '---'
\ No newline at end of file
"""Turn the debugger off."""
import PyDebugger
"""This script turns the Python debugger on globally, meaning that
it will then stop at any breakpoint you might have defined."""
import PyDebugger
import sys
import os
import macfs
def walk(top):
names = os.listdir(top)
for name in names:
path = os.path.join(top, name)
if os.path.isdir(path):
if path[-4:] in ['.pyc', '.pyo'] and os.path.exists(path[:-1]):
print "deleting:", path
elif path[-4:] == '.pyc':
print "!!! ------ .pyc file without .py file:", path
elif path[-4:] == '.pyo':
print "!!! ------ .pyo file without .py file:", path
fss, ok = macfs.GetDirectory('Select the starting folder:')
if ok:
import aetools
import Standard_Suite
import Required_Suite
import MacOS
import W
class Toolbox(aetools.TalkTo, Standard_Suite.Standard_Suite):
def LookupTopic(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
_code = 'DanR'
_subcode = 'REF '
_arguments['----'] = _object
_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
_arguments, _attributes)
if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
raise MacOS.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
class ToolboxAssi:
def __init__(self):
self.talker = None
self.w = W.Window((200, 100), "Toolbox Assistant")
self.w.button = W.Button((-94, -32, 80, 16), "Lookup", self.lookup)
self.w.prompt = W.TextBox((10, 8, -10, 15), "Enter topic:")
self.w.edit = W.EditText((10, 24, -10, 20))
def lookup(self):
if self.talker is None:
self.talker = Toolbox('ALTV', start = 1)
raise W.AlertError, "Cant find Toolbox Assistant"
lookup = self.w.edit.get()
except MacOS.Error, detail:
W.Message("Requested topic not found.\r(%d)" % detail[0])
t = ToolboxAssi()
"Hold the option key to open a script instead of running it."
import W
import macfs
fss, ok = macfs.StandardGetFile()
if ok:
import W
W.FrontWindowInsert('"%s"' % fss.as_pathname())
import macfs
fss, ok = macfs.GetDirectory()
if ok:
import W
W.FrontWindowInsert('"%s"' % fss.as_pathname())
import PyDocSearch
# set the creator of the browser. 'MSIE' = Exploser, 'MOSS' = Netscape
pds = PyDocSearch.PyDocSearch()
import W
# this demoscript illustrates how to tie a callback to activating or clicking away of the window.
# evb 22 4 99
class ActivateDemo:
def __init__(self):
self.w = W.Window((200, 200), 'Activate demo')
self.w.bind("<activate>", self.my_activate_callback)
def my_activate_callback(self, onoff):
'''the callback gets 1 parameter which indicates whether the window
has been activated (1) or clicked to the back (0)'''
if onoff == 1:
print "I'm in the front now!"
print "I've been clicked away, Oh No!"
ad = ActivateDemo()
"""Simple W demo -- shows how to make a window, and bind a function to a "key" event."""
import W
# key callback function
def tester(char, event):
text = `char` + "\r" + `ord(char)` + "\r" + hex(ord(char)) + "\r" + oct(ord(char))
# close callback
def close():
# new window
window = W.Dialog((180, 100), "Type a character")
# make a frame (a simple rectangle)
window.frame = W.Frame((5, 5, -5, -33))
# some labels, static text
window.captions = W.TextBox((10, 9, 43, -36), "char:\rdecimal:\rhex:\roctal:")
# another static text box
window.keys = W.TextBox((60, 9, 40, -36))
# a button
window.button = W.Button((-69, -24, 60, 16), "Done", close)
# bind the callbacks
window.bind("<key>", tester)
window.bind("cmdw", window.button.push)
# open the window
import W
def listhit(isdbl):
if isdbl:
print "double-click in list!"
print "click in list."
window = W.Window((200, 400), "Window with List", minsize = (150, 200))
window.list = W.List((-1, 20, 1, -14), [], listhit)
# or (equivalent):
# window.list = W.List((-1, 20, 1, -14), callback = listhit)
window.list.set(range(13213, 13350))
import W
import Windows
w = W.ModalDialog((100, 100))
w.ed = W.EditText((10, 10, 80, 50))
w.ok = W.Button((10, 70, 80, 16), "Ok", w.close)
import W
w = W.Window((600, 400), "Ha!", minsize = (240, 200))
w.panes = W.HorizontalPanes((8, 8, -30, -8), (0.3, 0.3, 0.4))
w.panes.blah1 = W.EditText(None, "eehhh...")
w.panes.blah2 = W.EditText((8, 8, -8, -8), "xxx nou...")
w.panes.panes = W.VerticalPanes(None, (0.3, 0.4, 0.3))
w.panes.panes.blah1 = W.EditText(None, "eehhh...")
w.panes.panes.blah2 = W.Frame(None)
w.panes.panes.blah2.t = W.EditText((0, 0, 0, 0), "nou...")
w.panes.panes.blah3 = W.List(None, ["eehhh...", 'abc', 'def'])
import W
w = W.Window((600, 400), "Ha!", minsize = (240, 200))
w.panes = W.HorizontalPanes((8, 8, -8, -20), (0.6, 0.4))
w.panes.panes = W.VerticalPanes(None, (0.3, 0.4, 0.3))
w.panes.panes.blah1 = W.EditText(None, "eehhh...")
w.panes.panes.blah2 = W.EditText(None, "nou...")
w.panes.panes.blah3 = W.List(None, ["eehhh...", 'abc', 'def'])
w.panes.group = W.Group(None)
w.panes.group.mytext = W.EditText((0, 24, 0, 0), "eehhh...")
w.panes.group.button1 = W.Button((0, 0, 80, 16), "A Button")
import W
# make a non-sizable window
#window = W.Window((200, 200), "Fixed Size")
# make a sizable window
window = W.Window((200, 300), "Variable Size!", minsize = (200, 200))
# make some edit text widgets
# a scrollbar
window.hbar = W.Scrollbar((-1, -15, -14, 16), max = 100)
window.vbar = W.Scrollbar((-15, -1, 16, -14), max = 100)
#window.vbar = W.Scrollbar((-15, -1, 1, -14), max = 100)
# open the window
import W
def twothird(width, height):
return (8, 8, width - 8, 2*height/3 - 4)
def onethird(width, height):
return (8, 2*height/3 + 4, width - 8, height - 22)
def halfbounds1(width, height):
return (0, 0, width/2 - 4, height)
def halfbounds2(width, height):
return (width/2 + 4, 0, width, height)
window = W.Window((400, 400), "Sizable window with two lists", minsize = (200, 200))
window.listgroup = W.Group(twothird)
window.listgroup.list1 = W.List(halfbounds1, range(13213, 13310))
window.listgroup.list2 = W.List(halfbounds2, range(800, 830))
window.et = W.EditText(onethird, "Wat nu weer?")
import W
# define some callbacks
def callback():
def checkcallback(value):
print "hit the checkbox", value
def radiocallback(value):
print "hit radiobutton #3", value
def scrollcallback(value):
widget = window.hbar
if value == "+":
widget.set(widget.get() - 1)
elif value == "-":
widget.set(widget.get() + 1)
elif value == "++":
widget.set(widget.get() - 10)
elif value == "--":
widget.set(widget.get() + 10)
else: # in thumb
print "scroll...", widget.get()
def textcallback():
def cancel():
import EasyDialogs
# make a non-sizable window
#window = W.Window((200, 300), "Fixed Size")
# make a sizable window
window = W.Window((200, 300), "Variable Size!", minsize = (200, 300))
# make some edit text widgets
window.et1 = W.EditText((10, 10, 110, 110), "Hallo!", textcallback)
window.et2 = W.EditText((130, 40, 60, 30), "one!")
window.et3 = W.EditText((130, 80, -10, 40), "two?")
# a button
window.button = W.Button((-70, 10, 60, 16), "Close", callback)
# a checkbox
window.ch = W.CheckBox((10, 130, 160, 16), "Check (command )", checkcallback)
# set of radio buttons (should become easier/nicer)
thebuttons = []
window.r1 = W.RadioButton((10, 150, 180, 16), "Radio 1 (cmd 1)", thebuttons)
window.r2 = W.RadioButton((10, 170, 180, 16), "Radio 2 (cmd 2)", thebuttons)
window.r3 = W.RadioButton((10, 190, 180, 16), "Radio 3 (cmd 3)", thebuttons, radiocallback)
# a normal button
window.cancelbutton = W.Button((10, 220, 60, 16), "Cancel", cancel)
# a scrollbar
window.hbar = W.Scrollbar((-1, -15, -14, 16), scrollcallback, max = 100)
# some static text
window.static = W.TextBox((10, 260, 110, 16), "Schtatic")
# bind some keystrokes to functions
window.bind('cmd', window.ch.push)
window.bind('cmd1', window.r1.push)
window.bind('cmd2', window.r2.push)
window.bind('cmd3', window.r3.push)
window.bind('cmdw', window.button.push)
window.bind('cmd.', window.cancelbutton.push)
# open the window
if 0:
import time
for i in range(20):
A separator ends with '---'
\ No newline at end of file
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