Kaydet (Commit) a8763e54 authored tarafından Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Another batch of updates...

üst 52a42fe9
"""Object-oriented interface to the parser module.
This module exports three classes which together provide an interface
This module exports four classes which together provide an interface
to the parser module. Together, the three classes represent two ways
to create parsed representations of Python source and the two starting
data types (source text and tuple representations). Each class
provides interfaces which are identical other than the constructors.
The constructors are described in detail in the documentation for each
class and the remaining, shared portion of the interface is documented
below. Briefly, the three classes provided are:
below. Briefly, the classes provided are:
Defines the primary interface to the AST objects and supports creation
......@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ FileSuiteAST
Convenience subclass of the `SuiteAST' class; loads source text of the
suite from an external file.
Common Methods
Aside from the constructors, several methods are provided to allow
access to the various interpretations of the parse tree and to check
conditions of the construct represented by the parse tree.
......@@ -68,8 +71,8 @@ class AST:
This base class provides all of the query methods for subclass
objects defined in this module.
_p = __import__('parser') # import internally to avoid
# namespace pollution at the
import parser # import internally to avoid
_p = parser # namespace pollution at the
# top level
_text = None
_code = None
......@@ -84,7 +87,8 @@ class AST:
The tuple tree to convert.
The tuple-tree may represent either an expression or a suite; the
type will be determined automatically.
type will be determined automatically. Line number information may
optionally be present for any subset of the terminal tokens.
if type(tuple) is not type(()):
raise TypeError, 'Base AST class requires tuple parameter.'
......@@ -93,11 +97,24 @@ class AST:
self._ast = self._p.tuple2ast(tuple)
self._type = (self._p.isexpr(self._ast) and 'expression') or 'suite'
def tuple(self):
def list(self, line_info = 0):
"""Returns a fresh list representing the parse tree.
If true, includes line number information for terminal tokens in
the output data structure,
return self._p.ast2list(self._ast, line_info)
def tuple(self, line_info = 0):
"""Returns the tuple representing the parse tree.
If true, includes line number information for terminal tokens in
the output data structure,
if self._tupl is None:
self._tupl = self._p.ast2tuple(self._ast)
self._tupl = self._p.ast2tuple(self._ast, line_info)
return self._tupl
def code(self):
......@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ def _test():
return self.sum
o = Original()
b = Bastion(o)
testcode = """if 1:
print "b.total() =", b.total()
......@@ -156,6 +157,20 @@ def _test():
print "inaccessible"
print "accessible"
print "b._get_.func_defaults =", b._get_.func_defaults,
print "inaccessible"
print "accessible"
exec testcode
print '='*20, "Using rexec:", '='*20
import rexec
r = rexec.RExec()
m = r.add_module('__main__')
m.b = b
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def compile_dir(dir, maxlevels = 10):
def compile_path(skip_curdir = 1):
for dir in sys.path:
if dir == os.curdir and skip_curdir:
if (not dir or dir == os.curdir) and skip_curdir:
print 'Skipping current directory'
compile_dir(dir, 0)
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ AS_IS = None
class NullFormatter:
def __init__(self): pass
def __init__(self, writer): pass
def end_paragraph(self, blankline): pass
def add_line_break(self): pass
def add_hor_rule(self, abswidth=None, percentwidth=1.0,
......@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ class NullFormatter:
class AbstractFormatter:
# Space handling policy: blank spaces at the boundary between elements
# are handled by the outermost context. "Literal" data is not checked
# to determine context, so spaces in literal data are handled directly
# in all circumstances.
def __init__(self, writer):
self.writer = writer # Output device
self.align = None # Current alignment
......@@ -162,7 +167,8 @@ class AbstractFormatter:
def add_literal_data(self, data):
if not data: return
# Caller is expected to cause flush_softspace() if needed.
if self.softspace:
self.writer.send_flowing_data(" ")
self.hard_break = data[-1:] == '\n'
self.nospace = self.para_end = self.softspace = \
self.parskip = self.have_label = 0
......@@ -170,8 +176,9 @@ class AbstractFormatter:
def flush_softspace(self):
if self.softspace:
self.hard_break = self.nospace = self.para_end = self.parskip = \
self.hard_break = self.para_end = self.parskip = \
self.have_label = self.softspace = 0
self.nospace = 1
self.writer.send_flowing_data(' ')
def push_alignment(self, align):
......@@ -194,7 +201,8 @@ class AbstractFormatter:
def push_font(self, (size, i, b, tt)):
if self.softspace:
self.hard_break = self.nospace = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.hard_break = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.nospace = 1
self.writer.send_flowing_data(' ')
if self.font_stack:
csize, ci, cb, ctt = self.font_stack[-1]
......@@ -207,9 +215,6 @@ class AbstractFormatter:
def pop_font(self):
if self.softspace:
self.hard_break = self.nospace = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.writer.send_flowing_data(' ')
if self.font_stack:
del self.font_stack[-1]
if self.font_stack:
......@@ -241,22 +246,20 @@ class AbstractFormatter:
def push_style(self, *styles):
if self.softspace:
self.hard_break = self.nospace = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.hard_break = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.nospace = 1
self.writer.send_flowing_data(' ')
for style in styles:
def pop_style(self, n=1):
if self.softspace:
self.hard_break = self.nospace = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.writer.send_flowing_data(' ')
del self.style_stack[-n:]
def assert_line_data(self, flag=1):
self.nospace = self.hard_break = not flag
self.para_end = self.have_label = 0
self.para_end = self.parskip = self.have_label = 0
class NullWriter:
......@@ -106,8 +106,14 @@ def choose_boundary():
import socket
import os
hostid = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
uid = `os.getuid()`
pid = `os.getpid()`
uid = `os.getuid()`
uid = '1'
pid = `os.getpid()`
pid = '1'
seed = `rand.rand()`
_prefix = hostid + '.' + uid + '.' + pid
timestamp = `int(time.time())`
"""Generic MIME writer.
MimeWriter - the only thing here.
__version__ = '$Revision$'
# $Source$
import string
import mimetools
class MimeWriter:
"""Generic MIME writer.
A MIME writer is much more primitive than a MIME parser. It
doesn't seek around on the output file, and it doesn't use large
amounts of buffer space, so you have to write the parts in the
order they should occur on the output file. It does buffer the
headers you add, allowing you to rearrange their order.
General usage is:
f = <open the output file>
w = MimeWriter(f)
...call w.addheader(key, value) 0 or more times...
followed by either:
f = w.startbody(content_type)
...call f.write(data) for body data...
for each part:
subwriter = w.nextpart()
...use the subwriter's methods to create the subpart...
The subwriter is another MimeWriter instance, and should be
treated in the same way as the toplevel MimeWriter. This way,
writing recursive body parts is easy.
Warning: don't forget to call lastpart()!
XXX There should be more state so calls made in the wrong order
are detected.
Some special cases:
- startbody() just returns the file passed to the constructor;
but don't use this knowledge, as it may be changed.
- startmultipartbody() actually returns a file as well;
this can be used to write the initial 'if you can read this your
mailer is not MIME-aware' message.
- If you call flushheaders(), the headers accumulated so far are
written out (and forgotten); this is useful if you don't need a
body part at all, e.g. for a subpart of type message/rfc822
that's (mis)used to store some header-like information.
- Passing a keyword argument 'prefix=<flag>' to addheader(),
start*body() affects where the header is inserted; 0 means
append at the end, 1 means insert at the start; default is
append for addheader(), but insert for start*body(), which use
it to determine where the Content-Type header goes.
def __init__(self, fp):
self._fp = fp
self._headers = []
def addheader(self, key, value, prefix=0):
lines = string.splitfields(value, "\n")
while lines and not lines[-1]: del lines[-1]
while lines and not lines[0]: del lines[0]
for i in range(1, len(lines)):
lines[i] = " " + string.strip(lines[i])
value = string.joinfields(lines, "\n") + "\n"
line = key + ": " + value
if prefix:
self._headers.insert(0, line)
def flushheaders(self):
self._headers = []
def startbody(self, ctype, plist=[], prefix=1):
for name, value in plist:
ctype = ctype + ';\n %s=\"%s\"' % (name, value)
self.addheader("Content-Type", ctype, prefix=prefix)
return self._fp
def startmultipartbody(self, subtype, boundary=None, plist=[], prefix=1):
self._boundary = boundary or mimetools.choose_boundary()
return self.startbody("multipart/" + subtype,
[("boundary", self._boundary)] + plist,
def nextpart(self):
self._fp.write("\n--" + self._boundary + "\n")
return self.__class__(self._fp)
def lastpart(self):
self._fp.write("\n--" + self._boundary + "--\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "To test the MimeWriter module, run TestMimeWriter.py."
......@@ -174,11 +174,15 @@ class _posixfile_:
elif len(args) > 3:
raise TypeError, 'too many arguments'
# Hack by davem@magnet.com to get locking to go on freebsd
# Hack by davem@magnet.com to get locking to go on freebsd;
# additions for AIX by Vladimir.Marangozov@imag.fr
import sys, os
if sys.platform == 'freebsd2':
flock = struct.pack('lxxxxlxxxxlhh', \
l_start, l_len, os.getpid(), l_type, l_whence)
elif sys.platform in ['aix3', 'aix4']:
flock = struct.pack('hhlllii', \
l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, 0, 0, 0)
flock = struct.pack('hhllhh', \
l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, 0, 0)
......@@ -189,6 +193,9 @@ class _posixfile_:
if sys.platform == 'freebsd2':
l_start, l_len, l_pid, l_type, l_whence = \
struct.unpack('lxxxxlxxxxlhh', flock)
elif sys.platform in ['aix3', 'aix4']:
l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, l_sysid, l_pid, l_vfs = \
struct.unpack('hhlllii', flock)
l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, l_sysid, l_pid = \
struct.unpack('hhllhh', flock)
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def split(p):
# Split a path in root and extension.
# The extension is everything starting at the first dot in the last
# The extension is everything starting at the last dot in the last
# pathname component; the root is everything before that.
# It is always true that root + ext == p.
# Python test set -- math module
# XXXX Should not do tests around zero only
from test_support import *
print 'math module, testing with eps', eps
import math
def testit(name, value, expected):
if abs(value-expected) > eps:
raise TestFailed, '%s returned %f, expected %f'%\
(name, value, expected)
print 'constants'
testit('pi', math.pi, 3.1415926)
testit('e', math.e, 2.7182818)
print 'acos'
testit('acos(-1)', math.acos(-1), math.pi)
testit('acos(0)', math.acos(0), math.pi/2)
testit('acos(1)', math.acos(1), 0)
print 'asin'
testit('asin(-1)', math.asin(-1), -math.pi/2)
testit('asin(0)', math.asin(0), 0)
testit('asin(1)', math.asin(1), math.pi/2)
print 'atan'
testit('atan(-1)', math.atan(-1), -math.pi/4)
testit('atan(0)', math.atan(0), 0)
testit('atan(1)', math.atan(1), math.pi/4)
print 'atan2'
testit('atan2(-1, 0)', math.atan2(-1, 0), -math.pi/2)
testit('atan2(-1, 1)', math.atan2(-1, 1), -math.pi/4)
testit('atan2(0, 1)', math.atan2(0, 1), 0)
testit('atan2(1, 1)', math.atan2(1, 1), math.pi/4)
testit('atan2(1, 0)', math.atan2(1, 0), math.pi/2)
print 'ceil'
testit('ceil(0.5)', math.ceil(0.5), 1)
testit('ceil(1.0)', math.ceil(1.0), 1)
testit('ceil(1.5)', math.ceil(1.5), 2)
testit('ceil(-0.5)', math.ceil(-0.5), 0)
testit('ceil(-1.0)', math.ceil(-1.0), -1)
testit('ceil(-1.5)', math.ceil(-1.5), -1)
print 'cos'
testit('cos(-pi/2)', math.cos(-math.pi/2), 0)
testit('cos(0)', math.cos(0), 1)
testit('cos(pi/2)', math.cos(math.pi/2), 0)
testit('cos(pi)', math.cos(math.pi), -1)
print 'cosh'
testit('cosh(0)', math.cosh(0), 1)
testit('cosh(2)-2*cosh(1)**2', math.cosh(2)-2*math.cosh(1)**2, -1) # Thanks to Lambert
print 'exp'
testit('exp(-1)', math.exp(-1), 1/math.e)
testit('exp(0)', math.exp(0), 1)
testit('exp(1)', math.exp(1), math.e)
print 'fabs'
testit('fabs(-1)', math.fabs(-1), 1)
testit('fabs(0)', math.fabs(0), 0)
testit('fabs(1)', math.fabs(1), 1)
print 'floor'
testit('floor(0.5)', math.floor(0.5), 0)
testit('floor(1.0)', math.floor(1.0), 1)
testit('floor(1.5)', math.floor(1.5), 1)
testit('floor(-0.5)', math.floor(-0.5), -1)
testit('floor(-1.0)', math.floor(-1.0), -1)
testit('floor(-1.5)', math.floor(-1.5), -2)
print 'fmod'
testit('fmod(10,1)', math.fmod(10,1), 0)
testit('fmod(10,0.5)', math.fmod(10,0.5), 0)
testit('fmod(10,1.5)', math.fmod(10,1.5), 1)
testit('fmod(-10,1)', math.fmod(-10,1), 0)
testit('fmod(-10,0.5)', math.fmod(-10,0.5), 0)
testit('fmod(-10,1.5)', math.fmod(-10,1.5), -1)
print 'frexp'
def testfrexp(name, (mant, exp), (emant, eexp)):
if abs(mant-emant) > eps or exp <> eexp:
raise TestFailed, '%s returned %s, expected %s'%\
(name, `mant, exp`, `emant,eexp`)
testfrexp('frexp(-1)', math.frexp(-1), (-0.5, 1))
testfrexp('frexp(0)', math.frexp(0), (0, 0))
testfrexp('frexp(1)', math.frexp(1), (0.5, 1))
testfrexp('frexp(2)', math.frexp(2), (0.5, 2))
print 'hypot'
testit('hypot(0,0)', math.hypot(0,0), 0)
testit('hypot(3,4)', math.hypot(3,4), 5)
print 'ldexp'
testit('ldexp(0,1)', math.ldexp(0,1), 0)
testit('ldexp(1,1)', math.ldexp(1,1), 2)
testit('ldexp(1,-1)', math.ldexp(1,-1), 0.5)
testit('ldexp(-1,1)', math.ldexp(-1,1), -2)
print 'log'
testit('log(1/e)', math.log(1/math.e), -1)
testit('log(1)', math.log(1), 0)
testit('log(e)', math.log(math.e), 1)
print 'log10'
testit('log10(0.1)', math.log10(0.1), -1)
testit('log10(1)', math.log10(1), 0)
testit('log10(10)', math.log10(10), 1)
print 'modf'
def testmodf(name, (v1, v2), (e1, e2)):
if abs(v1-e1) > eps or abs(v2-e2):
raise TestFailed, '%s returned %s, expected %s'%\
(name, `v1,v2`, `e1,e2`)
testmodf('modf(1.5)', math.modf(1.5), (0.5, 1.0))
testmodf('modf(-1.5)', math.modf(-1.5), (-0.5, -1.0))
print 'pow'
testit('pow(0,1)', math.pow(0,1), 0)
testit('pow(1,0)', math.pow(1,0), 1)
testit('pow(2,1)', math.pow(2,1), 2)
testit('pow(2,-1)', math.pow(2,-1), 0.5)
print 'sin'
testit('sin(0)', math.sin(0), 0)
testit('sin(pi/2)', math.sin(math.pi/2), 1)
testit('sin(-pi/2)', math.sin(-math.pi/2), -1)
print 'sinh'
testit('sinh(0)', math.sinh(0), 0)
testit('sinh(1)**2-cosh(1)**2', math.sinh(1)**2-math.cosh(1)**2, -1)
testit('sinh(1)+sinh(-1)', math.sinh(1)+math.sinh(-1), 0)
print 'sqrt'
testit('sqrt(0)', math.sqrt(0), 0)
testit('sqrt(1)', math.sqrt(1), 1)
testit('sqrt(4)', math.sqrt(4), 2)
print 'tan'
testit('tan(0)', math.tan(0), 0)
testit('tan(pi/4)', math.tan(math.pi/4), 1)
testit('tan(-pi/4)', math.tan(-math.pi/4), -1)
print 'tanh'
testit('tanh(0)', math.tanh(0), 0)
testit('tanh(1)+tanh(-1)', math.tanh(1)+math.tanh(-1), 0)
......@@ -7,6 +7,25 @@ import types
def _print(file, str='', terminator='\n'):
def print_list(extracted_list, file=None):
if not file:
file = sys.stderr
for filename, lineno, name, line in extracted_list:
' File "%s", line %d, in %s' % (filename,lineno,name))
if line:
_print(file, ' %s' % string.strip(line))
def format_list(extracted_list):
list = []
for filename, lineno, name, line in extracted_list:
item = ' File "%s", line %d, in %s\n' % (filename,lineno,name)
if line:
item = item + ' %s\n' % string.strip(line)
return list
def print_tb(tb, limit=None, file=None):
......@@ -30,13 +49,7 @@ def print_tb(tb, limit=None, file=None):
n = n+1
def format_tb(tb, limit = None):
list = []
for filename, lineno, name, line in extract_tb(tb, limit):
item = ' File "%s", line %d, in %s\n' % (filename,lineno,name)
if line:
item = item + ' %s\n' % string.strip(line)
return list
return format_list(extract_tb(tb, limit))
def extract_tb(tb, limit = None):
if limit is None:
......@@ -123,3 +136,48 @@ def print_last(limit=None, file=None):
file = sys.stderr
print_exception(sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback,
limit, file)
def print_stack(f=None, limit=None, file=None):
if f is None:
raise ZeroDivisionError
except ZeroDivisionError:
tb = sys.exc_traceback
f = tb.tb_frame.f_back
print_list(extract_stack(f, limit), file)
def format_stack(f=None, limit=None):
if f is None:
raise ZeroDivisionError
except ZeroDivisionError:
tb = sys.exc_traceback
f = tb.tb_frame.f_back
return format_list(extract_stack(t, limit))
def extract_stack(f=None, limit = None):
if f is None:
raise ZeroDivisionError
except ZeroDivisionError:
tb = sys.exc_traceback
f = tb.tb_frame.f_back
if limit is None:
if hasattr(sys, 'tracebacklimit'):
limit = sys.tracebacklimit
list = []
n = 0
while f is not None and (limit is None or n < limit):
lineno = f.f_lineno
co = f.f_code
filename = co.co_filename
name = co.co_name
line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
if line: line = string.strip(line)
else: line = None
list.append(filename, lineno, name, line)
f = f.f_back
n = n+1
return list
"""Object-oriented interface to the parser module.
This module exports three classes which together provide an interface
This module exports four classes which together provide an interface
to the parser module. Together, the three classes represent two ways
to create parsed representations of Python source and the two starting
data types (source text and tuple representations). Each class
provides interfaces which are identical other than the constructors.
The constructors are described in detail in the documentation for each
class and the remaining, shared portion of the interface is documented
below. Briefly, the three classes provided are:
below. Briefly, the classes provided are:
Defines the primary interface to the AST objects and supports creation
......@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ FileSuiteAST
Convenience subclass of the `SuiteAST' class; loads source text of the
suite from an external file.
Common Methods
Aside from the constructors, several methods are provided to allow
access to the various interpretations of the parse tree and to check
conditions of the construct represented by the parse tree.
......@@ -68,8 +71,8 @@ class AST:
This base class provides all of the query methods for subclass
objects defined in this module.
_p = __import__('parser') # import internally to avoid
# namespace pollution at the
import parser # import internally to avoid
_p = parser # namespace pollution at the
# top level
_text = None
_code = None
......@@ -84,7 +87,8 @@ class AST:
The tuple tree to convert.
The tuple-tree may represent either an expression or a suite; the
type will be determined automatically.
type will be determined automatically. Line number information may
optionally be present for any subset of the terminal tokens.
if type(tuple) is not type(()):
raise TypeError, 'Base AST class requires tuple parameter.'
......@@ -93,11 +97,24 @@ class AST:
self._ast = self._p.tuple2ast(tuple)
self._type = (self._p.isexpr(self._ast) and 'expression') or 'suite'
def tuple(self):
def list(self, line_info = 0):
"""Returns a fresh list representing the parse tree.
If true, includes line number information for terminal tokens in
the output data structure,
return self._p.ast2list(self._ast, line_info)
def tuple(self, line_info = 0):
"""Returns the tuple representing the parse tree.
If true, includes line number information for terminal tokens in
the output data structure,
if self._tupl is None:
self._tupl = self._p.ast2tuple(self._ast)
self._tupl = self._p.ast2tuple(self._ast, line_info)
return self._tupl
def code(self):
......@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ def _test():
return self.sum
o = Original()
b = Bastion(o)
testcode = """if 1:
print "b.total() =", b.total()
......@@ -156,6 +157,20 @@ def _test():
print "inaccessible"
print "accessible"
print "b._get_.func_defaults =", b._get_.func_defaults,
print "inaccessible"
print "accessible"
exec testcode
print '='*20, "Using rexec:", '='*20
import rexec
r = rexec.RExec()
m = r.add_module('__main__')
m.b = b
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def compile_dir(dir, maxlevels = 10):
def compile_path(skip_curdir = 1):
for dir in sys.path:
if dir == os.curdir and skip_curdir:
if (not dir or dir == os.curdir) and skip_curdir:
print 'Skipping current directory'
compile_dir(dir, 0)
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ AS_IS = None
class NullFormatter:
def __init__(self): pass
def __init__(self, writer): pass
def end_paragraph(self, blankline): pass
def add_line_break(self): pass
def add_hor_rule(self, abswidth=None, percentwidth=1.0,
......@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ class NullFormatter:
class AbstractFormatter:
# Space handling policy: blank spaces at the boundary between elements
# are handled by the outermost context. "Literal" data is not checked
# to determine context, so spaces in literal data are handled directly
# in all circumstances.
def __init__(self, writer):
self.writer = writer # Output device
self.align = None # Current alignment
......@@ -162,7 +167,8 @@ class AbstractFormatter:
def add_literal_data(self, data):
if not data: return
# Caller is expected to cause flush_softspace() if needed.
if self.softspace:
self.writer.send_flowing_data(" ")
self.hard_break = data[-1:] == '\n'
self.nospace = self.para_end = self.softspace = \
self.parskip = self.have_label = 0
......@@ -170,8 +176,9 @@ class AbstractFormatter:
def flush_softspace(self):
if self.softspace:
self.hard_break = self.nospace = self.para_end = self.parskip = \
self.hard_break = self.para_end = self.parskip = \
self.have_label = self.softspace = 0
self.nospace = 1
self.writer.send_flowing_data(' ')
def push_alignment(self, align):
......@@ -194,7 +201,8 @@ class AbstractFormatter:
def push_font(self, (size, i, b, tt)):
if self.softspace:
self.hard_break = self.nospace = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.hard_break = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.nospace = 1
self.writer.send_flowing_data(' ')
if self.font_stack:
csize, ci, cb, ctt = self.font_stack[-1]
......@@ -207,9 +215,6 @@ class AbstractFormatter:
def pop_font(self):
if self.softspace:
self.hard_break = self.nospace = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.writer.send_flowing_data(' ')
if self.font_stack:
del self.font_stack[-1]
if self.font_stack:
......@@ -241,22 +246,20 @@ class AbstractFormatter:
def push_style(self, *styles):
if self.softspace:
self.hard_break = self.nospace = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.hard_break = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.nospace = 1
self.writer.send_flowing_data(' ')
for style in styles:
def pop_style(self, n=1):
if self.softspace:
self.hard_break = self.nospace = self.para_end = self.softspace = 0
self.writer.send_flowing_data(' ')
del self.style_stack[-n:]
def assert_line_data(self, flag=1):
self.nospace = self.hard_break = not flag
self.para_end = self.have_label = 0
self.para_end = self.parskip = self.have_label = 0
class NullWriter:
......@@ -106,8 +106,14 @@ def choose_boundary():
import socket
import os
hostid = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
uid = `os.getuid()`
pid = `os.getpid()`
uid = `os.getuid()`
uid = '1'
pid = `os.getpid()`
pid = '1'
seed = `rand.rand()`
_prefix = hostid + '.' + uid + '.' + pid
timestamp = `int(time.time())`
"""Generic MIME writer.
MimeWriter - the only thing here.
__version__ = '$Revision$'
# $Source$
import string
import mimetools
class MimeWriter:
"""Generic MIME writer.
A MIME writer is much more primitive than a MIME parser. It
doesn't seek around on the output file, and it doesn't use large
amounts of buffer space, so you have to write the parts in the
order they should occur on the output file. It does buffer the
headers you add, allowing you to rearrange their order.
General usage is:
f = <open the output file>
w = MimeWriter(f)
...call w.addheader(key, value) 0 or more times...
followed by either:
f = w.startbody(content_type)
...call f.write(data) for body data...
for each part:
subwriter = w.nextpart()
...use the subwriter's methods to create the subpart...
The subwriter is another MimeWriter instance, and should be
treated in the same way as the toplevel MimeWriter. This way,
writing recursive body parts is easy.
Warning: don't forget to call lastpart()!
XXX There should be more state so calls made in the wrong order
are detected.
Some special cases:
- startbody() just returns the file passed to the constructor;
but don't use this knowledge, as it may be changed.
- startmultipartbody() actually returns a file as well;
this can be used to write the initial 'if you can read this your
mailer is not MIME-aware' message.
- If you call flushheaders(), the headers accumulated so far are
written out (and forgotten); this is useful if you don't need a
body part at all, e.g. for a subpart of type message/rfc822
that's (mis)used to store some header-like information.
- Passing a keyword argument 'prefix=<flag>' to addheader(),
start*body() affects where the header is inserted; 0 means
append at the end, 1 means insert at the start; default is
append for addheader(), but insert for start*body(), which use
it to determine where the Content-Type header goes.
def __init__(self, fp):
self._fp = fp
self._headers = []
def addheader(self, key, value, prefix=0):
lines = string.splitfields(value, "\n")
while lines and not lines[-1]: del lines[-1]
while lines and not lines[0]: del lines[0]
for i in range(1, len(lines)):
lines[i] = " " + string.strip(lines[i])
value = string.joinfields(lines, "\n") + "\n"
line = key + ": " + value
if prefix:
self._headers.insert(0, line)
def flushheaders(self):
self._headers = []
def startbody(self, ctype, plist=[], prefix=1):
for name, value in plist:
ctype = ctype + ';\n %s=\"%s\"' % (name, value)
self.addheader("Content-Type", ctype, prefix=prefix)
return self._fp
def startmultipartbody(self, subtype, boundary=None, plist=[], prefix=1):
self._boundary = boundary or mimetools.choose_boundary()
return self.startbody("multipart/" + subtype,
[("boundary", self._boundary)] + plist,
def nextpart(self):
self._fp.write("\n--" + self._boundary + "\n")
return self.__class__(self._fp)
def lastpart(self):
self._fp.write("\n--" + self._boundary + "--\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "To test the MimeWriter module, run TestMimeWriter.py."
......@@ -174,11 +174,15 @@ class _posixfile_:
elif len(args) > 3:
raise TypeError, 'too many arguments'
# Hack by davem@magnet.com to get locking to go on freebsd
# Hack by davem@magnet.com to get locking to go on freebsd;
# additions for AIX by Vladimir.Marangozov@imag.fr
import sys, os
if sys.platform == 'freebsd2':
flock = struct.pack('lxxxxlxxxxlhh', \
l_start, l_len, os.getpid(), l_type, l_whence)
elif sys.platform in ['aix3', 'aix4']:
flock = struct.pack('hhlllii', \
l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, 0, 0, 0)
flock = struct.pack('hhllhh', \
l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, 0, 0)
......@@ -189,6 +193,9 @@ class _posixfile_:
if sys.platform == 'freebsd2':
l_start, l_len, l_pid, l_type, l_whence = \
struct.unpack('lxxxxlxxxxlhh', flock)
elif sys.platform in ['aix3', 'aix4']:
l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, l_sysid, l_pid, l_vfs = \
struct.unpack('hhlllii', flock)
l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, l_sysid, l_pid = \
struct.unpack('hhllhh', flock)
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def split(p):
# Split a path in root and extension.
# The extension is everything starting at the first dot in the last
# The extension is everything starting at the last dot in the last
# pathname component; the root is everything before that.
# It is always true that root + ext == p.
# Python test set -- math module
# XXXX Should not do tests around zero only
from test_support import *
print 'math module, testing with eps', eps
import math
def testit(name, value, expected):
if abs(value-expected) > eps:
raise TestFailed, '%s returned %f, expected %f'%\
(name, value, expected)
print 'constants'
testit('pi', math.pi, 3.1415926)
testit('e', math.e, 2.7182818)
print 'acos'
testit('acos(-1)', math.acos(-1), math.pi)
testit('acos(0)', math.acos(0), math.pi/2)
testit('acos(1)', math.acos(1), 0)
print 'asin'
testit('asin(-1)', math.asin(-1), -math.pi/2)
testit('asin(0)', math.asin(0), 0)
testit('asin(1)', math.asin(1), math.pi/2)
print 'atan'
testit('atan(-1)', math.atan(-1), -math.pi/4)
testit('atan(0)', math.atan(0), 0)
testit('atan(1)', math.atan(1), math.pi/4)
print 'atan2'
testit('atan2(-1, 0)', math.atan2(-1, 0), -math.pi/2)
testit('atan2(-1, 1)', math.atan2(-1, 1), -math.pi/4)
testit('atan2(0, 1)', math.atan2(0, 1), 0)
testit('atan2(1, 1)', math.atan2(1, 1), math.pi/4)
testit('atan2(1, 0)', math.atan2(1, 0), math.pi/2)
print 'ceil'
testit('ceil(0.5)', math.ceil(0.5), 1)
testit('ceil(1.0)', math.ceil(1.0), 1)
testit('ceil(1.5)', math.ceil(1.5), 2)
testit('ceil(-0.5)', math.ceil(-0.5), 0)
testit('ceil(-1.0)', math.ceil(-1.0), -1)
testit('ceil(-1.5)', math.ceil(-1.5), -1)
print 'cos'
testit('cos(-pi/2)', math.cos(-math.pi/2), 0)
testit('cos(0)', math.cos(0), 1)
testit('cos(pi/2)', math.cos(math.pi/2), 0)
testit('cos(pi)', math.cos(math.pi), -1)
print 'cosh'
testit('cosh(0)', math.cosh(0), 1)
testit('cosh(2)-2*cosh(1)**2', math.cosh(2)-2*math.cosh(1)**2, -1) # Thanks to Lambert
print 'exp'
testit('exp(-1)', math.exp(-1), 1/math.e)
testit('exp(0)', math.exp(0), 1)
testit('exp(1)', math.exp(1), math.e)
print 'fabs'
testit('fabs(-1)', math.fabs(-1), 1)
testit('fabs(0)', math.fabs(0), 0)
testit('fabs(1)', math.fabs(1), 1)
print 'floor'
testit('floor(0.5)', math.floor(0.5), 0)
testit('floor(1.0)', math.floor(1.0), 1)
testit('floor(1.5)', math.floor(1.5), 1)
testit('floor(-0.5)', math.floor(-0.5), -1)
testit('floor(-1.0)', math.floor(-1.0), -1)
testit('floor(-1.5)', math.floor(-1.5), -2)
print 'fmod'
testit('fmod(10,1)', math.fmod(10,1), 0)
testit('fmod(10,0.5)', math.fmod(10,0.5), 0)
testit('fmod(10,1.5)', math.fmod(10,1.5), 1)
testit('fmod(-10,1)', math.fmod(-10,1), 0)
testit('fmod(-10,0.5)', math.fmod(-10,0.5), 0)
testit('fmod(-10,1.5)', math.fmod(-10,1.5), -1)
print 'frexp'
def testfrexp(name, (mant, exp), (emant, eexp)):
if abs(mant-emant) > eps or exp <> eexp:
raise TestFailed, '%s returned %s, expected %s'%\
(name, `mant, exp`, `emant,eexp`)
testfrexp('frexp(-1)', math.frexp(-1), (-0.5, 1))
testfrexp('frexp(0)', math.frexp(0), (0, 0))
testfrexp('frexp(1)', math.frexp(1), (0.5, 1))
testfrexp('frexp(2)', math.frexp(2), (0.5, 2))
print 'hypot'
testit('hypot(0,0)', math.hypot(0,0), 0)
testit('hypot(3,4)', math.hypot(3,4), 5)
print 'ldexp'
testit('ldexp(0,1)', math.ldexp(0,1), 0)
testit('ldexp(1,1)', math.ldexp(1,1), 2)
testit('ldexp(1,-1)', math.ldexp(1,-1), 0.5)
testit('ldexp(-1,1)', math.ldexp(-1,1), -2)
print 'log'
testit('log(1/e)', math.log(1/math.e), -1)
testit('log(1)', math.log(1), 0)
testit('log(e)', math.log(math.e), 1)
print 'log10'
testit('log10(0.1)', math.log10(0.1), -1)
testit('log10(1)', math.log10(1), 0)
testit('log10(10)', math.log10(10), 1)
print 'modf'
def testmodf(name, (v1, v2), (e1, e2)):
if abs(v1-e1) > eps or abs(v2-e2):
raise TestFailed, '%s returned %s, expected %s'%\
(name, `v1,v2`, `e1,e2`)
testmodf('modf(1.5)', math.modf(1.5), (0.5, 1.0))
testmodf('modf(-1.5)', math.modf(-1.5), (-0.5, -1.0))
print 'pow'
testit('pow(0,1)', math.pow(0,1), 0)
testit('pow(1,0)', math.pow(1,0), 1)
testit('pow(2,1)', math.pow(2,1), 2)
testit('pow(2,-1)', math.pow(2,-1), 0.5)
print 'sin'
testit('sin(0)', math.sin(0), 0)
testit('sin(pi/2)', math.sin(math.pi/2), 1)
testit('sin(-pi/2)', math.sin(-math.pi/2), -1)
print 'sinh'
testit('sinh(0)', math.sinh(0), 0)
testit('sinh(1)**2-cosh(1)**2', math.sinh(1)**2-math.cosh(1)**2, -1)
testit('sinh(1)+sinh(-1)', math.sinh(1)+math.sinh(-1), 0)
print 'sqrt'
testit('sqrt(0)', math.sqrt(0), 0)
testit('sqrt(1)', math.sqrt(1), 1)
testit('sqrt(4)', math.sqrt(4), 2)
print 'tan'
testit('tan(0)', math.tan(0), 0)
testit('tan(pi/4)', math.tan(math.pi/4), 1)
testit('tan(-pi/4)', math.tan(-math.pi/4), -1)
print 'tanh'
testit('tanh(0)', math.tanh(0), 0)
testit('tanh(1)+tanh(-1)', math.tanh(1)+math.tanh(-1), 0)
......@@ -7,6 +7,25 @@ import types
def _print(file, str='', terminator='\n'):
def print_list(extracted_list, file=None):
if not file:
file = sys.stderr
for filename, lineno, name, line in extracted_list:
' File "%s", line %d, in %s' % (filename,lineno,name))
if line:
_print(file, ' %s' % string.strip(line))
def format_list(extracted_list):
list = []
for filename, lineno, name, line in extracted_list:
item = ' File "%s", line %d, in %s\n' % (filename,lineno,name)
if line:
item = item + ' %s\n' % string.strip(line)
return list
def print_tb(tb, limit=None, file=None):
......@@ -30,13 +49,7 @@ def print_tb(tb, limit=None, file=None):
n = n+1
def format_tb(tb, limit = None):
list = []
for filename, lineno, name, line in extract_tb(tb, limit):
item = ' File "%s", line %d, in %s\n' % (filename,lineno,name)
if line:
item = item + ' %s\n' % string.strip(line)
return list
return format_list(extract_tb(tb, limit))
def extract_tb(tb, limit = None):
if limit is None:
......@@ -123,3 +136,48 @@ def print_last(limit=None, file=None):
file = sys.stderr
print_exception(sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback,
limit, file)
def print_stack(f=None, limit=None, file=None):
if f is None:
raise ZeroDivisionError
except ZeroDivisionError:
tb = sys.exc_traceback
f = tb.tb_frame.f_back
print_list(extract_stack(f, limit), file)
def format_stack(f=None, limit=None):
if f is None:
raise ZeroDivisionError
except ZeroDivisionError:
tb = sys.exc_traceback
f = tb.tb_frame.f_back
return format_list(extract_stack(t, limit))
def extract_stack(f=None, limit = None):
if f is None:
raise ZeroDivisionError
except ZeroDivisionError:
tb = sys.exc_traceback
f = tb.tb_frame.f_back
if limit is None:
if hasattr(sys, 'tracebacklimit'):
limit = sys.tracebacklimit
list = []
n = 0
while f is not None and (limit is None or n < limit):
lineno = f.f_lineno
co = f.f_code
filename = co.co_filename
name = co.co_name
line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
if line: line = string.strip(line)
else: line = None
list.append(filename, lineno, name, line)
f = f.f_back
n = n+1
return list
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