Kaydet (Commit) b8d75035 authored tarafından Ezio Melotti's avatar Ezio Melotti

#26246: merge with 3.5.

......@@ -38,20 +38,24 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
// define the behavior of the button when it's clicked
function() {
var button = $(this);
var button = $(this);
if (button.data('hidden') === 'false') {
// hide the code output
button.parent().find('.go, .gp, .gt').hide();
button.next('pre').find('.gt').nextUntil('.gp, .go').css('visibility', 'hidden');
button.css('text-decoration', 'line-through');
button.attr('title', show_text);
function() {
var button = $(this);
button.data('hidden', 'true');
} else {
// show the code output
button.parent().find('.go, .gp, .gt').show();
button.next('pre').find('.gt').nextUntil('.gp, .go').css('visibility', 'visible');
button.css('text-decoration', 'none');
button.attr('title', hide_text);
button.data('hidden', 'false');
......@@ -1540,6 +1540,7 @@ Kevin Walzer
Rodrigo Steinmuller Wanderley
Dingyuan Wang
Ke Wang
Liang-Bo Wang
Greg Ward
Tom Wardill
Zachary Ware
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