Kaydet (Commit) bd7cf3ad authored tarafından Terry Jan Reedy's avatar Terry Jan Reedy

Issue #9974: When untokenizing, use row info to insert backslash+newline.

Original patches by A. Kuchling and G. Rees (#12691).
üst e0a03d6e
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Tests for the tokenize module.
>>> import glob, random, sys
The tests can be really simple. Given a small fragment of source
code, print out a table with tokens. The ENDMARK is omitted for
code, print out a table with tokens. The ENDMARKER is omitted for
>>> dump_tokens("1 + 1")
......@@ -618,6 +618,7 @@ def decistmt(s):
class UntokenizeTest(TestCase):
def test_bad_input_order(self):
# raise if previous row
u = Untokenizer()
u.prev_row = 2
u.prev_col = 2
......@@ -625,8 +626,21 @@ class UntokenizeTest(TestCase):
'start (1,3) precedes previous end (2,2)')
# raise if previous column in row
self.assertRaises(ValueError, u.add_whitespace, (2,1))
def test_backslash_continuation(self):
# The problem is that <whitespace>\<newline> leaves no token
u = Untokenizer()
u.prev_row = 1
u.prev_col = 1
u.tokens = []
u.add_whitespace((2, 0))
self.assertEqual(u.tokens, ['\\\n'])
u.prev_row = 2
u.add_whitespace((4, 4))
self.assertEqual(u.tokens, ['\\\n', '\\\n\\\n', ' '])
def test_iter_compat(self):
u = Untokenizer()
token = (NAME, 'Hello')
......@@ -188,6 +188,10 @@ class Untokenizer:
if row < self.prev_row or row == self.prev_row and col < self.prev_col:
raise ValueError("start ({},{}) precedes previous end ({},{})"
.format(row, col, self.prev_row, self.prev_col))
row_offset = row - self.prev_row
if row_offset:
self.tokens.append("\\\n" * row_offset)
self.prev_col = 0
col_offset = col - self.prev_col
if col_offset:
self.tokens.append(" " * col_offset)
......@@ -199,6 +203,8 @@ class Untokenizer:
self.compat(t, it)
tok_type, token, start, end, line = t
if tok_type == ENDMARKER:
self.prev_row, self.prev_col = end
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