Kaydet (Commit) c127a86e authored tarafından Aaron Ang's avatar Aaron Ang Kaydeden (comit) Łukasz Langa

bpo-11594: Ensure line-endings are respected when using 2to3 (GH-6483)

üst 36d56ea8
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ class RefactoringTool(object):
encoding = tokenize.detect_encoding(f.readline)[0]
with io.open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as f:
with io.open(filename, "r", encoding=encoding, newline='') as f:
return f.read(), encoding
def refactor_file(self, filename, write=False, doctests_only=False):
print "hi"
print "Like bad Windows newlines?"
print "hi"
print "Like bad Windows newlines?"
......@@ -180,32 +180,42 @@ from __future__ import print_function"""
def check_file_refactoring(self, test_file, fixers=_2TO3_FIXERS,
options=None, mock_log_debug=None,
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="2to3-test_refactor")
self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, tmpdir)
# make a copy of the tested file that we can write to
shutil.copy(test_file, tmpdir)
test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(test_file))
os.chmod(test_file, 0o644)
def read_file():
with open(test_file, "rb") as fp:
return fp.read()
old_contents = read_file()
test_file = self.init_test_file(test_file)
old_contents = self.read_file(test_file)
rt = self.rt(fixers=fixers, options=options)
if mock_log_debug:
rt.log_debug = mock_log_debug
self.assertEqual(old_contents, read_file())
self.assertEqual(old_contents, self.read_file(test_file))
if not actually_write:
rt.refactor_file(test_file, True)
new_contents = read_file()
new_contents = self.read_file(test_file)
self.assertNotEqual(old_contents, new_contents)
return new_contents
def init_test_file(self, test_file):
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="2to3-test_refactor")
self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, tmpdir)
shutil.copy(test_file, tmpdir)
test_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(test_file))
os.chmod(test_file, 0o644)
return test_file
def read_file(self, test_file):
with open(test_file, "rb") as fp:
return fp.read()
def refactor_file(self, test_file, fixers=_2TO3_FIXERS):
test_file = self.init_test_file(test_file)
old_contents = self.read_file(test_file)
rt = self.rt(fixers=fixers)
rt.refactor_file(test_file, True)
new_contents = self.read_file(test_file)
return old_contents, new_contents
def test_refactor_file(self):
test_file = os.path.join(FIXER_DIR, "parrot_example.py")
self.check_file_refactoring(test_file, _DEFAULT_FIXERS)
......@@ -285,6 +295,12 @@ from __future__ import print_function"""
os.linesep = old_sep
def test_crlf_unchanged(self):
fn = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "crlf.py")
old, new = self.refactor_file(fn)
self.assertIn(b"\r\n", old)
self.assertIn(b"\r\n", new)
def test_refactor_docstring(self):
rt = self.rt()
Ensure line-endings are respected when using lib2to3.
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