Kaydet (Commit) c3b2a4af authored tarafından Christian Heimes's avatar Christian Heimes

Added more comments to the new structseq repr code and implemented several of Neal's suggestions.

üst c94e2b5c
......@@ -230,23 +230,37 @@ make_tuple(PyStructSequence *obj)
static PyObject *
structseq_repr(PyStructSequence *obj)
PyObject *tup, *val, *repr;
/* buffer and type size were chosen well considered. */
#define REPR_BUFFER_SIZE 512
#define TYPE_MAXSIZE 100
PyObject *tup;
PyTypeObject *typ = Py_TYPE(obj);
int i, len;
char buf[250+5]; /* "...)\0" */
char *cname, *crepr;
char *pbuf = buf;
char *endbuf = &buf[250];
strncpy(pbuf, typ->tp_name, 50);
pbuf += strlen(typ->tp_name) > 50 ? 50 : strlen(typ->tp_name);
*pbuf++ = '(';
int i, removelast = 0;
Py_ssize_t len;
char *endofbuf, *pbuf = buf;
/* pointer to end of writeable buffer; safes space for "...)\0" */
endofbuf= &buf[REPR_BUFFER_SIZE-5];
if ((tup = make_tuple(obj)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
/* "typename(", limited to TYPE_MAXSIZE */
len = strlen(typ->tp_name) > TYPE_MAXSIZE ? TYPE_MAXSIZE :
strncpy(pbuf, typ->tp_name, len);
pbuf += len;
*pbuf++ = '(';
for (i=0; i < VISIBLE_SIZE(obj); i++) {
PyObject *val, *repr;
char *cname, *crepr;
cname = typ->tp_members[i].name;
val = PyTuple_GetItem(tup, i);
if (cname == NULL || val == NULL) {
return NULL;
......@@ -262,8 +276,10 @@ structseq_repr(PyStructSequence *obj)
return NULL;
len = strlen(cname) + strlen(crepr) + 3;
if ((pbuf+len) < endbuf) {
/* + 3: keep space for "=" and ", " */
len = strlen(cname) + strlen(crepr) + 3;
if ((pbuf+len) <= endofbuf) {
strcpy(pbuf, cname);
pbuf += strlen(cname);
*pbuf++ = '=';
......@@ -271,23 +287,26 @@ structseq_repr(PyStructSequence *obj)
pbuf += strlen(crepr);
*pbuf++ = ',';
*pbuf++ = ' ';
removelast = 1;
else {
strcpy(pbuf, "...");
pbuf += 5;
pbuf += 3;
removelast = 0;
if (removelast) {
/* overwrite last ", " */
*pbuf++ = ')';
*pbuf = '\0';
repr = PyString_FromString(buf);
return repr;
return PyString_FromString(buf);
static PyObject *
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