Kaydet (Commit) cd112f55 authored tarafından Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Added tests for rich comparison operator functions.

Converted tests to PyUnit.
üst f5d3505e
testing: abs
testing: add
testing: and_
testing: concat
testing: countOf
testing: delitem
testing: delslice
testing: div
testing: floordiv
testing: truediv
testing: getitem
testing: getslice
testing: indexOf
testing: inv
testing: isCallable
testing: isCallable
testing: isMappingType
testing: isMappingType
testing: isNumberType
testing: isNumberType
testing: isSequenceType
testing: isSequenceType
testing: isSequenceType
testing: lshift
testing: mod
testing: mul
testing: neg
testing: or_
testing: pos
testing: repeat
testing: rshift
testing: sequenceIncludes
testing: sequenceIncludes
testing: setitem
testing: setslice
testing: sub
testing: truth
testing: truth
testing: xor
testing: indexOf
import operator
import sys
def test(name, input, output, *args):
print 'testing:', name
f = getattr(operator, name)
params = (input,) + args
val = apply(f, params)
val = sys.exc_type
if val != output:
print '%s%s = %s: %s expected' % (f.__name__, params, `val`, `output`)
test('abs', -1, 1)
test('add', 3, 7, 4)
test('and_', 0xf, 0xa, 0xa)
test('concat', 'py', 'python', 'thon')
test('countOf', [1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4], 1, 3)
a = [4, 3, 2, 1]
test('delitem', a, None, 1)
if a != [4, 2, 1]:
print 'delitem() failed'
a = range(10)
test('delslice', a, None, 2, 8)
if a != [0, 1, 8, 9]:
print 'delslice() failed'
a = range(10)
test('div', 5, 2, 2)
test('floordiv', 5, 2, 2)
test('truediv', 5, 2.5, 2)
test('getitem', a, 2, 2)
test('getslice', a, [4, 5], 4, 6)
test('indexOf', [4, 3, 2, 1], 1, 3)
test('inv', 4, -5)
test('isCallable', 4, 0)
test('isCallable', operator.isCallable, 1)
test('isMappingType', operator.isMappingType, 0)
test('isMappingType', operator.__dict__, 1)
test('isNumberType', 8.3, 1)
test('isNumberType', dir(), 0)
test('isSequenceType', dir(), 1)
test('isSequenceType', 'yeahbuddy', 1)
test('isSequenceType', 3, 0)
test('lshift', 5, 10, 1)
test('mod', 5, 1, 2)
test('mul', 5, 10, 2)
test('neg', 5, -5)
test('or_', 0xa, 0xf, 0x5)
test('pos', -5, -5)
a = range(3)
test('repeat', a, a+a, 2)
test('rshift', 5, 2, 1)
test('sequenceIncludes', range(4), 1, 2)
test('sequenceIncludes', range(4), 0, 5)
test('setitem', a, None, 0, 2)
if a != [2, 1, 2]:
print 'setitem() failed'
a = range(4)
test('setslice', a, None, 1, 3, [2, 1])
if a != [0, 2, 1, 3]:
print 'setslice() failed:', a
test('sub', 5, 2, 3)
test('truth', 5, 1)
test('truth', [], 0)
test('xor', 0xb, 0x7, 0xc)
# some negative tests
test('indexOf', [4, 3, 2, 1], ValueError, 9)
import unittest
import test_support
class OperatorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_lt(self):
self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 0))
self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 0.0))
self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 1))
self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 1.0))
self.failUnless(operator.lt(1, 2))
self.failUnless(operator.lt(1, 2.0))
def test_le(self):
self.failIf(operator.le(1, 0))
self.failIf(operator.le(1, 0.0))
self.failUnless(operator.le(1, 1))
self.failUnless(operator.le(1, 1.0))
self.failUnless(operator.le(1, 2))
self.failUnless(operator.le(1, 2.0))
def test_eq(self):
self.failIf(operator.eq(1, 0))
self.failIf(operator.eq(1, 0.0))
self.failUnless(operator.eq(1, 1))
self.failUnless(operator.eq(1, 1.0))
self.failIf(operator.eq(1, 2))
self.failIf(operator.eq(1, 2.0))
def test_ne(self):
self.failUnless(operator.ne(1, 0))
self.failUnless(operator.ne(1, 0.0))
self.failIf(operator.ne(1, 1))
self.failIf(operator.ne(1, 1.0))
self.failUnless(operator.ne(1, 2))
self.failUnless(operator.ne(1, 2.0))
def test_ge(self):
self.failUnless(operator.ge(1, 0))
self.failUnless(operator.ge(1, 0.0))
self.failUnless(operator.ge(1, 1))
self.failUnless(operator.ge(1, 1.0))
self.failIf(operator.ge(1, 2))
self.failIf(operator.ge(1, 2.0))
def test_gt(self):
self.failUnless(operator.gt(1, 0))
self.failUnless(operator.gt(1, 0.0))
self.failIf(operator.gt(1, 1))
self.failIf(operator.gt(1, 1.0))
self.failIf(operator.gt(1, 2))
self.failIf(operator.gt(1, 2.0))
def test_abs(self):
self.failUnless(operator.abs(-1) == 1)
self.failUnless(operator.abs(1) == 1)
def test_add(self):
self.failUnless(operator.add(3, 4) == 7)
def test_bitwise_and(self):
self.failUnless(operator.and_(0xf, 0xa) == 0xa)
def test_concat(self):
self.failUnless(operator.concat('py', 'thon') == 'python')
self.failUnless(operator.concat([1, 2], [3, 4]) == [1, 2, 3, 4])
def test_countOf(self):
self.failUnless(operator.countOf([1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4], 3) == 1)
self.failUnless(operator.countOf([1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4], 5) == 0)
def test_delitem(self):
a = [4, 3, 2, 1]
self.failUnless(operator.delitem(a, 1) is None)
self.assert_(a == [4, 2, 1])
def test_delslice(self):
a = range(10)
self.failUnless(operator.delslice(a, 2, 8) is None)
self.assert_(a == [0, 1, 8, 9])
def test_div(self):
self.failUnless(operator.div(5, 2) == 2)
def test_floordiv(self):
self.failUnless(operator.floordiv(5, 2) == 2)
def test_truediv(self):
self.failUnless(operator.truediv(5, 2) == 2.5)
def test_getitem(self):
a = range(10)
self.failUnless(operator.getitem(a, 2) == 2)
def test_getslice(self):
a = range(10)
self.failUnless(operator.getslice(a, 4, 6) == [4, 5])
def test_indexOf(self):
self.failUnless(operator.indexOf([4, 3, 2, 1], 3) == 1)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, operator.indexOf, [4, 3, 2, 1], 0)
def test_invert(self):
self.failUnless(operator.inv(4) == -5)
def test_isCallable(self):
class C:
def check(self, o, v):
self.assert_(operator.isCallable(o) == callable(o) == v)
check(self, 4, 0)
check(self, operator.isCallable, 1)
check(self, C, 1)
check(self, C(), 0)
def test_isMappingType(self):
def test_isNumberType(self):
def test_isSequenceType(self):
def test_lshift(self):
self.failUnless(operator.lshift(5, 1) == 10)
self.failUnless(operator.lshift(5, 0) == 5)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, operator.lshift, 2, -1)
def test_mod(self):
self.failUnless(operator.mod(5, 2) == 1)
def test_mul(self):
self.failUnless(operator.mul(5, 2) == 10)
def test_neg(self):
self.failUnless(operator.neg(5) == -5)
self.failUnless(operator.neg(-5) == 5)
self.failUnless(operator.neg(0) == 0)
self.failUnless(operator.neg(-0) == 0)
def test_bitwise_or(self):
self.failUnless(operator.or_(0xa, 0x5) == 0xf)
def test_pos(self):
self.failUnless(operator.pos(5) == 5)
self.failUnless(operator.pos(-5) == -5)
self.failUnless(operator.pos(0) == 0)
self.failUnless(operator.pos(-0) == 0)
def test_repeat(self):
a = range(3)
self.failUnless(operator.repeat(a, 2) == a+a)
self.failUnless(operator.repeat(a, 1) == a)
self.failUnless(operator.repeat(a, 0) == [])
a = (1, 2, 3)
self.failUnless(operator.repeat(a, 2) == a+a)
self.failUnless(operator.repeat(a, 1) == a)
self.failUnless(operator.repeat(a, 0) == ())
a = '123'
self.failUnless(operator.repeat(a, 2) == a+a)
self.failUnless(operator.repeat(a, 1) == a)
self.failUnless(operator.repeat(a, 0) == '')
def test_rshift(self):
self.failUnless(operator.rshift(5, 1) == 2)
self.failUnless(operator.rshift(5, 0) == 5)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, operator.rshift, 2, -1)
def test_contains(self):
self.failUnless(operator.contains(range(4), 2))
self.failIf(operator.contains(range(4), 5))
self.failUnless(operator.sequenceIncludes(range(4), 2))
self.failIf(operator.sequenceIncludes(range(4), 5))
def test_setitem(self):
a = range(3)
self.failUnless(operator.setitem(a, 0, 2) is None)
self.assert_(a == [2, 1, 2])
self.assertRaises(IndexError, operator.setitem, a, 4, 2)
def test_setslice(self):
a = range(4)
self.failUnless(operator.setslice(a, 1, 3, [2, 1]) is None)
self.assert_(a == [0, 2, 1, 3])
def test_sub(self):
self.failUnless(operator.sub(5, 2) == 3)
def test_truth(self):
def test_bitwise_xor(self):
self.failUnless(operator.xor(0xb, 0xc) == 0x7)
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