Kaydet (Commit) d673ed9b authored tarafından Roger Serwy's avatar Roger Serwy

#17613: merge with 3.3.

......@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ class ColorDelegator(Delegator):
self.bind("<<toggle-auto-coloring>>", self.toggle_colorize_event)
self.notify_range("1.0", "end")
# No delegate - stop any colorizing
self.stop_colorizing = True
self.allow_colorizing = False
def config_colors(self):
for tag, cnf in self.tagdefs.items():
......@@ -1015,6 +1015,8 @@ _ Issue #17385: Fix quadratic behavior in threading.Condition. The FIFO
- Issue #17613: Prevent traceback when removing syntax colorizer in IDLE.
- Issue #1207589: Backwards-compatibility patch for right-click menu in IDLE.
- Issue #16887: IDLE now accepts Cancel in tabify/untabify dialog box.
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