Kaydet (Commit) d7bfa80c authored tarafından Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Lots of new features:

- got rid of the separate search page
- added an index (lists the questions with links to the answers)
- add a mechanism to add new entries
- add a way to list most recently edited entries first
üst 3c3354c0
#! /depot/sundry/plat/bin/python1.4
"""Interactive FAQ project."""
"""Interactive FAQ project.
- use cookies to keep Name/email the same
- explanation of editing somewhere
- various embellishments, GIFs, crosslinks, hints, etc.
- create new sections
- rearrange entries
- delete entries
- log changes
- send email on changes
- optional staging of entries until reviewed?
- review revision log and older versions
- freeze entries
- username/password for editors
- Change references to other Q's and whole sections
- Browse should display menu of 7 sections & let you pick
(or frontpage should have the option to browse a section or all)
- support adding annotations, too
import cgi, string, os
NAMEPAT = "faq??.???.htp"
NAMEREG = "^faq\([0-9][0-9]\)\.\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)\.htp$"
class FAQServer:
......@@ -22,7 +44,7 @@ class FAQServer:
KEYS = ['req', 'query', 'name', 'text', 'commit', 'title',
'author', 'email', 'log']
'author', 'email', 'log', 'section', 'number', 'add']
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key not in self.KEYS:
......@@ -38,12 +60,15 @@ class FAQServer:
<TITLE>Python FAQ (alpha 1)</TITLE>
<H1>Python FAQ Front Page</H1>
<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=search">Search the FAQ</A>
<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=browse">Browse the FAQ</A>
<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=submit">Submit a new FAQ entry</A> (not yet)
<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=index">FAQ index</A>
<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=all">The whole FAQ</A>
<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=roulette">FAQ roulette</A>
<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=recent">Recently changed FAQ entries</A>
<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=add">Add a new FAQ entry</A>
<H2>Search the FAQ</H2>
<FORM ACTION="faq.py?req=query">
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=query>
<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Search">
......@@ -54,7 +79,52 @@ class FAQServer:
Please exercise discretion when editing, don't be rude, etc.
def do_browse(self):
def do_index(self):
print """
<TITLE>Python FAQ Index</TITLE>
<H1>Python FAQ Index</H1>
names = os.listdir(os.curdir)
section = None
for name in names:
headers, text = self.read(name)
if headers:
title = headers['title']
i = string.find(title, '.')
nsec = title[:i]
if nsec != section:
if section:
print """
<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=add&amp;section=%s"
>Add new entry</A> (at this point)
""" % section
section = nsec
print "<H2>Section %s</H2>" % section
print "<UL>"
print '<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=show&name=%s">%s</A>' % (
name, cgi.escape(title))
if section:
print """
<LI><A HREF="faq.py?req=add&amp;section=%s">Add new entry</A>
(at this point)
""" % section
print "No FAQ entries?!?!"
def do_show(self):
name = self.name
headers, text = self.read(name)
if not headers:
print "Invalid file name", name
self.show(name, headers['title'], text, 1)
def do_all(self):
print """
<H1>Python FAQ</H1>
......@@ -62,13 +132,20 @@ class FAQServer:
names = os.listdir(os.curdir)
n = 0
section = None
for name in names:
headers, text = self.read(name)
if headers:
self.show(name, headers['title'], text, 1)
title = headers['title']
i = string.find(title, '.')
nsec = title[:i]
if nsec != section:
section = nsec
print "<H1>Section %s</H1>" % section
print "<HR>"
self.show(name, title, text, 1)
n = n+1
if not n:
if not section:
print "No FAQ entries?!?!"
def do_roulette(self):
......@@ -94,17 +171,35 @@ class FAQServer:
print "No FAQ entries?!?!"
def do_search(self):
def do_recent(self):
import fnmatch, stat
names = os.listdir(os.curdir)
now = time.time()
list = []
for name in names:
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(name, NAMEPAT):
st = os.stat(name)
except os.error:
tuple = (st[stat.ST_MTIME], name)
print """
<TITLE>Search the Python FAQ</TITLE>
<H1>Search the Python FAQ</H1>
<FORM ACTION="faq.py?req=query">
<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=query>
<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Search">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=req VALUE=query>
<TITLE>Python FAQ, Most Recently Modified First</TITLE>
<H1>Python FAQ, Most Recently Modified First</H1>
n = 0
for (mtime, name) in list:
headers, text = self.read(name)
if headers:
self.show(name, headers['title'], text, 1)
n = n+1
if not n:
print "No FAQ entries?!?!"
def do_query(self):
import regex
......@@ -129,6 +224,43 @@ class FAQServer:
if not n:
print "No hits."
def do_add(self):
section = self.section
if not section:
print """
<TITLE>How to add a new FAQ entry</TITLE>
<H1>How to add a new FAQ entry</H1>
Go to the <A HREF="faq.py?req=index">FAQ index</A>
and click on the "Add new entry" link at the end
of the section to which you want to add the entry.
nsec = string.atoi(section)
except ValueError:
print "Bad section number", nsec
names = os.listdir(os.curdir)
max = 0
import regex
prog = regex.compile(NAMEREG)
for name in names:
if prog.match(name) >= 0:
s1, s2 = prog.group(1, 2)
n1, n2 = string.atoi(s1), string.atoi(s2)
if n1 == nsec:
if n2 > max:
max = n2
if not max:
print "Can't add new sections yet."
num = max+1
name = "faq%02d.%03d.htp" % (nsec, num)
self.name = name
self.add = "yes"
self.number = str(num)
def do_edit(self):
name = self.name
headers, text = self.read(name)
......@@ -141,7 +273,13 @@ class FAQServer:
title = headers['title']
print "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=faq.py>"
self.showedit(name, headers, text)
self.showedit(name, title, text)
if self.add:
print """
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=add VALUE=%s>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=section VALUE=%s>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=number VALUE=%s>
""" % (self.add, self.section, self.number)
print """
<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Review Edit">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=req VALUE=review>
......@@ -165,6 +303,7 @@ class FAQServer:
print """
<TITLE>Python FAQ Review Form</TITLE>
<H1>Python FAQ Review Form</H1>
self.show(name, title, text)
print "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=faq.py>"
......@@ -184,7 +323,13 @@ class FAQServer:
self.showedit(name, headers, text)
self.showedit(name, title, text)
if self.add:
print """
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=add VALUE=%s>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=section VALUE=%s>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=number VALUE=%s>
""" % (self.add, self.section, self.number)
print """
<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Review Edit">
......@@ -220,9 +365,9 @@ class FAQServer:
print "No changes."
# XXX Should exit more ceremoniously
# Check that the question number didn't change
# Check that the FAQ entry number didn't change
if string.split(title)[:1] != string.split(oldtitle)[:1]:
print "Don't change the question number please."
print "Don't change the FAQ entry number please."
# XXX Should exit more ceremoniously
remhost = os.environ["REMOTE_HOST"]
......@@ -285,6 +430,7 @@ class FAQServer:
sts = p.close()
if not sts:
print """
<TITLE>Python FAQ Entry Edited</TITLE>
<H1>Python FAQ Entry Edited</H1>
......@@ -299,8 +445,7 @@ class FAQServer:
if output:
print "<PRE>%s</PRE>" % cgi.escape(output)
def showedit(self, name, headers, text):
title = headers['title']
def showedit(self, name, title, text):
print """
Title: <INPUT TYPE=text SIZE=70 NAME=title VALUE="%s"<BR>
<TEXTAREA COLS=80 ROWS=20 NAME=text>""" % title
......@@ -328,6 +473,17 @@ class FAQServer:
import fnmatch, rfc822
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(name, NAMEPAT):
return None, None
if self.add:
fname = "faq%02d.%03d.htp" % (string.atoi(self.section),
except ValueError:
return None, None
if fname != name:
return None, None
headers = {'title': "%s.%s. " % (self.section, self.number)}
text = ""
return headers, text
f = open(name)
headers = rfc822.Message(f)
text = f.read()
......@@ -337,7 +493,7 @@ class FAQServer:
def show(self, name, title, text, edit=0):
# XXX Should put <A> tags around recognizable URLs
# XXX Should also turn "see section N" into hyperlinks
print "<H2>%s</H2>" % title
print "<H2>%s</H2>" % cgi.escape(title)
pre = 0
for line in string.split(text, '\n'):
if not string.strip(line):
......@@ -355,7 +511,7 @@ class FAQServer:
if not pre:
print '<PRE>'
pre = 1
print line
print cgi.escape(line)
if pre:
print '</PRE>'
pre = 0
......@@ -378,4 +534,4 @@ try:
print "<HR>Sorry, an error occurred"
print "<!-- dt = %s -->" % str(round(dt, 3))
print "<P>(time = %s seconds)" % str(round(dt, 3))
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