Kaydet (Commit) d9fb4a97 authored tarafından Mariatta Wijaya's avatar Mariatta Wijaya

Issue #29371: Clarify bitwise OR operation in doctest option flags.

üst ed45f739
......@@ -530,8 +530,8 @@ Option Flags
A number of option flags control various aspects of doctest's behavior.
Symbolic names for the flags are supplied as module constants, which can be
or'ed together and passed to various functions. The names can also be used in
:ref:`doctest directives <doctest-directives>`.
:ref:`bitwise ORed <bitwise>` together and passed to various functions.
The names can also be used in :ref:`doctest directives <doctest-directives>`.
The first group of options define test semantics, controlling aspects of how
doctest decides whether actual output matches an example's expected output:
......@@ -1161,10 +1161,11 @@ reporting flags specific to :mod:`unittest` support, via this function:
the option flags specified for the test case when the :class:`DocTestCase`
instance was constructed. If no reporting flags were specified (which is the
typical and expected case), :mod:`doctest`'s :mod:`unittest` reporting flags are
or'ed into the option flags, and the option flags so augmented are passed to the
:class:`DocTestRunner` instance created to run the doctest. If any reporting
flags were specified when the :class:`DocTestCase` instance was constructed,
:mod:`doctest`'s :mod:`unittest` reporting flags are ignored.
:ref:`bitwise ORed <bitwise>` into the option flags, and the option flags
so augmented are passed to the :class:`DocTestRunner` instance created to
run the doctest. If any reporting flags were specified when the
:class:`DocTestCase` instance was constructed, :mod:`doctest`'s
:mod:`unittest` reporting flags are ignored.
The value of the :mod:`unittest` reporting flags in effect before the function
was called is returned by the function.
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