Kaydet (Commit) de651626 authored tarafından Cheryl Sabella's avatar Cheryl Sabella Kaydeden (comit) Terry Jan Reedy

bpo-33679: IDLE: Re-enable color configuration for code context (GH-7199)

The difference from before is that the settings are now on the
Highlights tab instead of the Extensions tab and only change one theme
at a time instead of all themes. The default for light themes is black
on light gray, as before. The default for the IDLE Dark theme is white
on dark gray, which better fits the dark theme.

When one starts IDLE from a console and loads a custom theme without
definitions for 'context', one will see a warning message on the console.
To stop the warning, go to Options => Configure IDLE => Highlights,
select the custom theme if not selected already, select 'Code Context',
and select foreground and background colors.
üst 63799136
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from idlelib.config import idleConf
BLOCKOPENERS = {"class", "def", "elif", "else", "except", "finally", "for",
"if", "try", "while", "with", "async"}
UPDATEINTERVAL = 100 # millisec
FONTUPDATEINTERVAL = 1000 # millisec
def get_spaces_firstword(codeline, c=re.compile(r"^(\s*)(\w*)")):
......@@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ def get_line_info(codeline):
class CodeContext:
"Display block context above the edit window."
bgcolor = "LightGray"
fgcolor = "Black"
def __init__(self, editwin):
"""Initialize settings for context block.
......@@ -69,22 +66,20 @@ class CodeContext:
self.editwin = editwin
self.text = editwin.text
self.textfont = self.text["font"]
self.contextcolors = CodeContext.colors
self.label = None
self.topvisible = 1
self.info = [(0, -1, "", False)]
# Start two update cycles, one for context lines, one for font changes.
self.t1 = self.text.after(UPDATEINTERVAL, self.timer_event)
self.t2 = self.text.after(FONTUPDATEINTERVAL, self.font_timer_event)
self.t2 = self.text.after(CONFIGUPDATEINTERVAL, self.config_timer_event)
def reload(cls):
"Load class variables from config."
cls.context_depth = idleConf.GetOption("extensions", "CodeContext",
"maxlines", type="int", default=15)
## cls.bgcolor = idleConf.GetOption("extensions", "CodeContext",
## "bgcolor", type="str", default="LightGray")
## cls.fgcolor = idleConf.GetOption("extensions", "CodeContext",
## "fgcolor", type="str", default="Black")
cls.colors = idleConf.GetHighlight(idleConf.CurrentTheme(), 'context')
def __del__(self):
"Cancel scheduled events."
......@@ -118,7 +113,8 @@ class CodeContext:
self.label = tkinter.Label(
self.editwin.top, text="",
anchor=W, justify=LEFT, font=self.textfont,
bg=self.bgcolor, fg=self.fgcolor,
width=1, # Don't request more than we get.
padx=padx, border=border, relief=SUNKEN)
# Pack the label widget before and above the text_frame widget,
......@@ -202,13 +198,17 @@ class CodeContext:
self.t1 = self.text.after(UPDATEINTERVAL, self.timer_event)
def font_timer_event(self):
"Event on editor text widget triggered every FONTUPDATEINTERVAL ms."
def config_timer_event(self):
"Event on editor text widget triggered every CONFIGUPDATEINTERVAL ms."
newtextfont = self.text["font"]
if self.label and newtextfont != self.textfont:
if (self.label and (newtextfont != self.textfont or
CodeContext.colors != self.contextcolors)):
self.textfont = newtextfont
self.contextcolors = CodeContext.colors
self.label["font"] = self.textfont
self.t2 = self.text.after(FONTUPDATEINTERVAL, self.font_timer_event)
self.label['background'] = self.contextcolors['background']
self.label['foreground'] = self.contextcolors['foreground']
self.t2 = self.text.after(CONFIGUPDATEINTERVAL, self.config_timer_event)
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ stderr-foreground= red
stderr-background= #ffffff
console-foreground= #770000
console-background= #ffffff
context-foreground= #000000
context-background= lightgray
[IDLE New]
normal-foreground= #000000
......@@ -62,6 +64,8 @@ stderr-foreground= red
stderr-background= #ffffff
console-foreground= #770000
console-background= #ffffff
context-foreground= #000000
context-background= lightgray
[IDLE Dark]
comment-foreground = #dd0000
......@@ -91,3 +95,5 @@ stdout-background = #002240
hit-foreground = #002240
comment-background = #002240
break-foreground = #FFFFFF
context-foreground= #ffffff
context-background= #454545
......@@ -360,6 +360,8 @@ class IdleConf:
for element in theme:
if not cfgParser.has_option(themeName, element):
......@@ -799,19 +799,20 @@ class HighPage(Frame):
self.theme_elements = {
'Normal Text': ('normal', '00'),
'Python Keywords': ('keyword', '01'),
'Python Definitions': ('definition', '02'),
'Python Builtins': ('builtin', '03'),
'Python Comments': ('comment', '04'),
'Python Strings': ('string', '05'),
'Selected Text': ('hilite', '06'),
'Found Text': ('hit', '07'),
'Cursor': ('cursor', '08'),
'Editor Breakpoint': ('break', '09'),
'Shell Normal Text': ('console', '10'),
'Shell Error Text': ('error', '11'),
'Shell Stdout Text': ('stdout', '12'),
'Shell Stderr Text': ('stderr', '13'),
'Code Context': ('context', '01'),
'Python Keywords': ('keyword', '02'),
'Python Definitions': ('definition', '03'),
'Python Builtins': ('builtin', '04'),
'Python Comments': ('comment', '05'),
'Python Strings': ('string', '06'),
'Selected Text': ('hilite', '07'),
'Found Text': ('hit', '08'),
'Cursor': ('cursor', '09'),
'Editor Breakpoint': ('break', '10'),
'Shell Normal Text': ('console', '11'),
'Shell Error Text': ('error', '12'),
'Shell Stdout Text': ('stdout', '13'),
'Shell Stderr Text': ('stderr', '14'),
self.builtin_name = tracers.add(
StringVar(self), self.var_changed_builtin_name)
......@@ -842,6 +843,7 @@ class HighPage(Frame):
('\n', 'normal'),
('#you can click here', 'comment'), ('\n', 'normal'),
('#to choose items', 'comment'), ('\n', 'normal'),
('code context section', 'context'), ('\n\n', 'normal'),
('def', 'keyword'), (' ', 'normal'),
('func', 'definition'), ('(param):\n ', 'normal'),
('"""string"""', 'string'), ('\n var0 = ', 'normal'),
......@@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ class CodeContextTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_reload(self):
self.assertEqual(self.cc.colors, {'background': 'lightgray',
'foreground': '#000000'})
self.assertEqual(self.cc.context_depth, 15)
def test_toggle_code_context_event(self):
......@@ -125,8 +127,8 @@ class CodeContextTest(unittest.TestCase):
eq(toggle(), 'break')
eq(cc.label['font'], cc.textfont)
eq(cc.label['fg'], cc.fgcolor)
eq(cc.label['bg'], cc.bgcolor)
eq(cc.label['fg'], cc.colors['foreground'])
eq(cc.label['bg'], cc.colors['background'])
eq(cc.label['text'], '')
# Toggle off.
......@@ -275,11 +277,13 @@ class CodeContextTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_font_timer_event(self):
def test_config_timer_event(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
cc = self.cc
save_font = cc.text['font']
save_colors = codecontext.CodeContext.colors
test_font = 'FakeFont'
test_colors = {'background': '#222222', 'foreground': '#ffff00'}
# Ensure code context is not active.
if cc.label:
......@@ -287,24 +291,42 @@ class CodeContextTest(unittest.TestCase):
# Nothing updates on inactive code context.
cc.text['font'] = test_font
codecontext.CodeContext.colors = test_colors
eq(cc.textfont, save_font)
eq(cc.contextcolors, save_colors)
# Activate code context, but no change to font.
# Activate code context, but no change to font or color.
cc.text['font'] = save_font
codecontext.CodeContext.colors = save_colors
eq(cc.textfont, save_font)
eq(cc.contextcolors, save_colors)
eq(cc.label['font'], save_font)
eq(cc.label['background'], save_colors['background'])
eq(cc.label['foreground'], save_colors['foreground'])
# Active code context, change font.
cc.text['font'] = test_font
eq(cc.textfont, test_font)
eq(cc.contextcolors, save_colors)
eq(cc.label['font'], test_font)
eq(cc.label['background'], save_colors['background'])
eq(cc.label['foreground'], save_colors['foreground'])
# Active code context, change color.
cc.text['font'] = save_font
codecontext.CodeContext.colors = test_colors
eq(cc.textfont, save_font)
eq(cc.contextcolors, test_colors)
eq(cc.label['font'], save_font)
eq(cc.label['background'], test_colors['background'])
eq(cc.label['foreground'], test_colors['foreground'])
codecontext.CodeContext.colors = save_colors
class HelperFunctionText(unittest.TestCase):
IDLE: Re-enable color configuration for Code Context.
The difference from before is that the settings are now on the
Highlights tab instead of the Extensions tab and only change one theme
at a time instead of all themes. The default for light themes is black
on light gray, as before. The default for the IDLE Dark theme is white
on dark gray, which better fits the dark theme.
When one starts IDLE from a console and loads a custom theme without
definitions for 'context', one will see a warning message on the console.
To stop the warning, go to Options => Configure IDLE => Highlights,
select the custom theme if not selected already, select 'Code Context',
and select foreground and background colors.
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